Thursday, December 13, 2012

this is out of

Well, I left this site for too long and I missed it. I'm really addicted to inform about anything I know. Still, no flyers or photos for now. I use a computer of someone else now (not much at home today). I still have something to laugh about. The "great dancer" from Be'er Sheva... After I wrote so much about classes of last year and her ex-guitar player (who's "great" as she is) probably told her about it. After all - he doesn't read this blog and for that - he knows anything I write here. Now after a new year has started she wrote in HER group in Facebook a question about the palo I learned last year to dance with a bata de cola. She asked if anyone knows it cause she wanna learn it. If she wanna know it from me - she has to work for it. After all - I dance for my own pleasure, she counts herself as a professional. She was in Granada to learn (not much and I heard that it's even half time from her stories) and I still dream on learning in Spain. The "great" guitar player thinks that for me it's a reason for me to shut up and I have no right to have a blog and write what I can. Did I ever said that I'm a pro? Did anyone but him said that I have to shut up because of my history? And I'm not sure that he will play for her anymore. There was a show that I didn't want to publish because of her. He didn't play there. And now she finally found out that he's a terrible type without a possibility to have a real conversation or being just human to others. That's because of one more thing in her group in Facebook. Someone asked there if anyone knows about teachers (first in Israel) for flamenco sinning. He started to attack her. Some started to answer him and made a try that he will stop to attack. One said that she doesn't know him, but all he wrote pissed her off and she couldn't shut up anymore. The "great dancer" got pissed as well. I can't see what she writes in Facebook, but I could understand some from the comments of others and some I was informed by someone who can see. And today... I wrote here about an upcoming show in Jaffa. After that - I uploaded a link of the Facebook event in my group. It took her less than an hour to upload the same link to her group and telling people that they have to go. She won't take a part in this show, but she will tell after she's the best, she promote the flamenco (mostly of herself, after all - she's the flamenco itself) and any nonsense like this

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