Monday, June 4, 2012

Couple of shows next month

There is a new flamenco singer in Israel that her name is Yael Horwitz. Her first album is going out to the stores these days. I heard a bit from it - things she uploaded. Personally - I think it sounds good and made me curious about the rest. Next month - in the start of July she will have two special shows for the upcoming album. First will be at 4th July. It will take a part at the Amphi Garden (a part of The Bell Garden), Jerusalem. Doors opening' at the hour 20:30. Phone for tickets: 00-972-2-564414. Possible to get also through the site The second show will happen a day after 5th July. This show will take a part at Tmuna Theater, Tel Aviv. Doors opening' at the hour 22:30. Phone for tickets: 00-972-3-5611211. Possible to get tickets also through the site By the way - the album called Latido

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