Monday, February 6, 2012

Quiet farruca

My dad gave me a ride to class this time (big girl, isn't?). On the way I said that next step will be that Neta will bring us posts for dancing on it. For the eyes of the fat woman's husband of ourse. It's a really disturbing thing... Although I didn't come from work (lately it's kinda weird for sundays) - I came in the last moment. Even the fat woman didn't run inside fast. We were two adults and one of the kids - the quiet one when our class was meant to start. The kido said that she doesn't know what happened to the other kid, but she saw outside someone from the class that she doesn't remember her name. Neta checked. It was the fat woman. Later on after warming has started - the other kido and my friend came. We started practicing our quite new steps which some were including going down like men. For me it was easy, but in some of the times it was difficult to get up again. I guess I'm getting old... Still I saw it as fun. The going up was hard, but the geting down looked like it's much easier for me than to the others. One of the kids (the noisy) didn't really try and so did the fat woman. Others just looked a bit shocked in those moments. Near the end when we started to dance it all - I forgot from time to time which leg needs to be in the front when we go down like men. In one of the times I ws on the edge and almost danced on a piano that lay there in the back. In few points Neta said that we still don't do it enough like men with our hands. For my big surprise - the husband of the fat woman didn't look all class. In the end of class I went to Neta. My friend set next to her for changing. I said that I'm getting old - it isn't a problem to go down, but it's a different story go go up again, They thought I'm joking and started to talk about how old are THEY (and they are older) - so I can't say a thing about my age. At least not to say that I'm old

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