Thursday, January 5, 2012

One of the craziest bata classes

I got the class on time, but almost in the last moment again because of work. Still I was the first to come. Two others came not much after me - the fat woman and the daughter of the snobish woman. Somehow in sitiouations like this Neta ask me where are everybody. It wasn't different this time. Then they came. One more came in a run one moment after. Meanwhile we wauted. Neta had a snack and she let me help her to finish the bit that was still there. My friend came after we started the warming. The "smart" girl came even later in a run. We were only six, but it was very corwded with our batas. The nice one who need some back up from time to time looked like she feels better, but she forgot to stay in her place. She got all the time near my friend (who is also a friend of her). When Neta asked her how did she get there from where she started - my friend said that the other girl needs to be near her cause she can't without her. It didn't take too long till she started again in one place and finnished in another place - near my friend. Neta said that it's really like a magnet. It was pretty funny in this moment. I had few moments I stopped dancing cause I didn't have any space to move my bata. We moved a bit in a circle for practicing to go and "open" the bata while we dance. near the end of class someone looked at us through the window. In the start I thought it's the husband of the fat woman, but it was probably someone else. And in the end - some jokes about what does this class is good for. Someone said it's like pilatis, I said it's for the body cravings (making it better). The bata needs a different kind of moves from "ordinary" flamenco dress/skirt and much more stress on the mussels.After this class and after work... I think I'm about to die, but at least I will die happy. After all - it's after a flamenco class.

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