Thursday, November 3, 2011

The last night bata class

This time it wasn't too weird. Just needs to find the right space to all the batas...

Neta brought her daughter. When the class of the begginers has finnished and all of us from the bata class got dressed up - Neta's daughter asked her about how come that we're like marmaids...

Last week when the begginers had their first class it didn't make any impration on them that we're in batas. They hardly looked and ran out fast. This time most of them stayed to look a bit at our class. One of them asked first if we mind.

In some of the moments we had some messes, but nothing that needs a special comment.

Near the end - the worker who thruw us on tuesday came again to bark that we need to close the windows. He don't mind that we need some air.

Neta's daughter came with two barby dolls. They were lying there all the time. When she told how she kept on them - one of the girls said that she saw that they were really quiet and didn't disturb all the time. When Neta said since which hour her daughter was there - the same girl said that the dolls learned from Neta's daughter. It was pretty funny to see this sitiuation. Sometimes it's really nice to come to classes even just for all the happening around

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