バツイチ同士で一緒になって17年になるが、ライヴプロ デュースで関わるのはこれが初めて。これが最初で最後と なるのか、そうではないのかは当夜のスリリングなお楽し み。尚、座席指定(全63席)はいま現在3席空きで、以 降は立ち見席。
2015年6月11日(木)20時開演(開場19時半/ 21時10分終了予定)
予約:☎3383-0246(セルバ)/☎3316-9 493(エスペランサ)
「宝探しみたいに最初から宝が埋めてあるものと自分探し は本質的に違う。いっぱいチャレンジして自分の中に宝を 埋めておかないと自分探しは出来ない」
「考えてるだけではわからなかったことが現実にわかるの が本番。そこが終わりじゃなくて、そこが始まりなの」
「集中した分だけ無意識が鍛えられ、それが自分の地金に なる。その地金がフラメンコにストレートに出てくる」
これらは以前パセオに載った鈴木敬子インタビューから の抜粋だが、中でもラストの心理学的ツッコミはかなり実 用性の高い技術論にも想える。
信頼厚いミュージシャンのライヴな高揚感と一体化しな がら、真っ赤な火の玉のようにうねりながら躍り弾けるバ イレフラメンコの衝撃。凄まじいエネルギーがこの世の華 を炸裂させる目映い瞬間そのものに、フラメンコ舞踊手鈴 木敬子の本質本領が視えてくる。
他方、主旋律を思う存分に歌い尽くすダンスラインの美 しさはもうひとつの彼女の特徴だ。ずいぶん前のライヴで セヴィージャの名歌手の唄うスローテンポなセビジャーナ スに現れた彼女の、アンダルシアの郷愁を優美に舞う古典 的たたずまいは今も忘れ難い。
相反するこうした二極を自在に往き来する旅を謳歌する ように、バイラオーラ鈴木敬子はフラメンコと共に歩む。 フラメンコは自分の意志を踊る唄。そう表明する彼女は六 月のソロライヴをこう云う。
「これまでさまざまな場所でたくさんのアルティスタと共 演しながら、自分の中にどんな自分が潜んでいるのか? それを探しながら踊ってきました。そして、常にどのよう な状態でも観てくださる方々の心を動かすようなフラメン コをやりたい!という気持ちはずっと変わりません。
年令的にも節目を迎えた今回のこのライヴは、自分を見 つめ直す良いチャンスだと思っています。気心の知れたギ ター(エミリオ)・カンテ(プラテアオ)の二人と、シン プルに自分らしく、そして、お客様みなさまと私たちの中 に、終わったあとに心地良い充実感が残るライヴをしたい です」
文/小山雄二(株式会社パセオ代表取締役) 撮影/大 森有起
文/小山雄二(株式会社パセオ代表取締役) 撮影/大
This is the first divorced each other together 17 years involved in live produce. At first it thrilling fun at night would last or it is not. The seat (63 seats) is now 3 seats available now, after standing.
Paseoflamencolive Vol.005
Keiko Suzuki I
6/11/2015 (Thursday): 20 pm (doors open at 19: 30 / 21: 10 minutes finish)
Venue: high Yen Temple Esperanza
Price: 3,900 yen (tax included / drink)
Sponsored by: monthly Paseo Flamenco & Esperanza
Keiko Suzuki (Baile)
El Platero (singing)
Emilio Magyar (guitar)
Reservations: Tel: 3383-0246 (Selva) / Tel: 3316-9493 (Esperanza)
"Treasure hunt is buried treasure from the beginning looks like I and my looking different in essence. And filled with challenges, no buried treasure during his own cannot find "
"That just thinking I didn't know reality is the production. There is not an end, there is the beginning of "
"Unconscious forged only concentrated, it comes to own bullion. The bullion coming out straight to Flamenco "
These is an excerpt from the Suzuki Keiko interviews previously appeared in the Paseo especially psychological point of quite highly practical in the theory and technology of love can be.
The impact of sonanta popping dance thick trust musicians alive, elation and integrated while undulating like a red fireball. Dazzling moment itself terrific energy explodes the brilliance of this world to the flamenco dancers Suzuki Keiko essence comes Visual deficit.
Beauty of a line dance, on the other hand, Melody primary do sing to your heart's content, features another one of her. Dancing grace she showed up in a slow tempo Sevillanas servie ja name Singer sing live for quite some time ago, Andalusia nostalgia classic atmosphere is still hard to forget.
Enjoying the journey these two polar opposite to it freely, like the bailaora Suzuki Keiko walk with flamenco. Flamenco is the song dancing with myself. She expresses it thus minded I in June.
"With plenty of Artista in far different places, while during his hidden no matter what their? Dancing has been searching for it. And I want to touch the hearts of people who watch what still always flamenco! Feeling that does not change much.
I believe this live and age milestone this year are reexamining their opportunity. Congenial guitar (Emilio), two people singing (plateau), simply be yourself, and guests and want to remain cozy in our midst, after fulfilling live "
(Reprinted from the monthly Paseo flamenco by 2015, June issue)
Text / Yuichi Oyama 2 (Paseo Representative Director) shooting / Omori-induced
Paseoflamencolive Vol.005
Keiko Suzuki I
6/11/2015 (Thursday): 20 pm (doors open at 19: 30 / 21: 10 minutes finish)
Venue: high Yen Temple Esperanza
Price: 3,900 yen (tax included / drink)
Sponsored by: monthly Paseo Flamenco & Esperanza
Keiko Suzuki (Baile)
El Platero (singing)
Emilio Magyar (guitar)
Reservations: Tel: 3383-0246 (Selva) / Tel: 3316-9493 (Esperanza)
"Treasure hunt is buried treasure from the beginning looks like I and my looking different in essence. And filled with challenges, no buried treasure during his own cannot find "
"That just thinking I didn't know reality is the production. There is not an end, there is the beginning of "
"Unconscious forged only concentrated, it comes to own bullion. The bullion coming out straight to Flamenco "
These is an excerpt from the Suzuki Keiko interviews previously appeared in the Paseo especially psychological point of quite highly practical in the theory and technology of love can be.
The impact of sonanta popping dance thick trust musicians alive, elation and integrated while undulating like a red fireball. Dazzling moment itself terrific energy explodes the brilliance of this world to the flamenco dancers Suzuki Keiko essence comes Visual deficit.
Beauty of a line dance, on the other hand, Melody primary do sing to your heart's content, features another one of her. Dancing grace she showed up in a slow tempo Sevillanas servie ja name Singer sing live for quite some time ago, Andalusia nostalgia classic atmosphere is still hard to forget.
Enjoying the journey these two polar opposite to it freely, like the bailaora Suzuki Keiko walk with flamenco. Flamenco is the song dancing with myself. She expresses it thus minded I in June.
"With plenty of Artista in far different places, while during his hidden no matter what their? Dancing has been searching for it. And I want to touch the hearts of people who watch what still always flamenco! Feeling that does not change much.
I believe this live and age milestone this year are reexamining their opportunity. Congenial guitar (Emilio), two people singing (plateau), simply be yourself, and guests and want to remain cozy in our midst, after fulfilling live "
(Reprinted from the monthly Paseo flamenco by 2015, June issue)
Text / Yuichi Oyama 2 (Paseo Representative Director) shooting / Omori-induced
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