Wednesday, October 5, 2011


What a class! It was really difficult. We were so few last night - means more time to each to work alone...

We started in sitting in a circle. One of the fellows of the class before tried to laught at it, somehow I found myself helps him in the joke. We talked a bit, sang a bit and...

We practiced a bit the steps of last week. Then the scray part: each needed to improvise on it in a circle. It didn't finish at once. Each needed to improvise few times. In the first time I was the second to try it, right after Ilan. He didn't try to make it easy. I was so stressed that I made quite a fool from myself (or as it looked like to me).  The good part - all made mistakes and from the second time it became  easier for me. One of the women almost didn't try at all and needed to di it over and over again each trail. Every time she had some mistakes she didn't know what to do with. Neta didn't gave up for her. Every time it was include with faces of "what am I doing". Once it did go well to her, but she thghout it was bad, stopped and has been asked to try again.

In the end we learned some new stpes for the next week.

When class was over and we stayed fewer: me, Neta, Ilan and the guitart player. I offered Neta as a half joke that she she'll take care for a pschological therapy in this class. Ilan said he's on the line for it. Apeares that even that he's a tallented proffecional dancer  he is affraid like me from those classes. Oh my.... And if he's affraid - how low do I have to get down with my fears? Neta said that the people who takes this class are brave. Maybe she's right, but I don't feel very brave

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