Monday, May 20, 2013

Is it pretty?

When I came (last moment again) - it was still the other class. No one from my class came. Andreu was playing to them. Many clothes of the Neta's collection were there. I went to change. The assistant was in her way out. I was talking with her about some tickets to the end of year show. When I came back - the girl from Haifa was looking at the end. Neta was dancing, Andreu was playing and most of girls made some videos. I looked at the skirts although I didn't mean to buy anything (I try to save some money without much success). I wasn't sure about what I saw - some were with colours which doesn't fit me, others were in models which are not for me. Then I saw near the music system 3 more skirt - two in the same model which isn't for me, the third one is black with some white dots in the edge. I looked at this model. I didn't see it before and I liked it. And yeah, the black was a part of the beauty in my eyes. The other girls came, but the class was a bit late. Our class has started a bit late cause all were around the skirts. I told Neta that I want to try the black skirt in the end of class. Neta said that she brought it because of the "ballerina". 

Our class has started. In the first moment Neta asked us what do we want for a start. After that she decided that well dance all from the start. Take the mantons, we'll get warm while dancing. My friend who came last wasn't ready yet. Neta rushed her, but my friend said that she can't ask for attention (clothes) and rush after it. Neta said she's right and we were waiting. 

First try - bad as usual for me. And a little practice of one of the parts which includes to throw down our mantons on the floor/stage. Once I made something foolish and my manton got down over the guitar bag of Andreu. And then - standing places for the end of year show. Neta said that she doesn't really know how to put us. Do we have ideas? No one had. Then she asked us two or three times who do we think should be in the first line. I said that the kido should. All accepted and the kido stood in her new place. Still she asked the daughter to join her. The daughter didn't want, but she will be next to her after all. We'll be 6-7 girls in the alegria (my friend isn't sure yet if she can perform). I'm in the second row. At least I won't be next or behind the "ballerina". I will be between the girl from Haifa and the non clean one, in the "hole" between the kido and the daughter. 

Second time... Got better but still few mistakes. Once was because the manton of the non clean one got stuck in mine. And we have some changes - instead of we're all do the same in the whole legs' part - we will do some in parts. And we move. Once I will have to through the "ballerina". When we worked on it in the first time and found out about the new places for a short part - I was the last to be there. I didn't see where do I get in, so I stayed in my place. Neta said that I didn't go. I asked to where. A little narrow place has been opened to me between the "ballerina" and the non clean one who looked at me weird. One more try of moving between - another point in the same part. The "ballerina" got stuck in the middle and I hardly could through. Neta said that what I made in the start was good. Fine, tell it to the "ballerina" who doesn't get a thing. It didn't disturb the "ballerina" to tell me a moment after what to do.  

Third time. Because we had so many new things and it was close to the end - I had few mistakes which I knew how to prevent, but it didn't work out. And the manton of the non clean one got stuck in mine again few times, and another time in my face. It didn't help me much to concentrate. 

Almost end of class. Neta asked the kido to dance without the manton for recording her with the guitar. First try - my friend started to talk a moment after the recording has started. Second try. Instead of looking - I took the black skirt with the dots and my daily clothes outside. I was wearing a shirt with the skirt and got back. The recording was still on. I'm not sure that it's good on me like the dress, but it's beautiful and still looks good on me. Some girls (includes my friend) said it looks good on me. Neta asked me to try also the bolero. It's hot in it! I couldn't say much cause the recording, but I made some movements of "AIR!". THe was also a way to see my palms. Then I notices that for getting the bolero - I was disturbing a bit to the "ballerina". She made a video and didn't like that I was there for a moment. I don't give a damn. I still remember for her last year in the show we made. So, I still didn't decide if I take the bolero, but the skirt is mine. Neta said that she doesn't have more from this fabric, so if I decide to take it - the seamstress can fix it

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