Monday, May 6, 2013

Going on

May-June will be full booked for me. 

Lets' start with the workshops of Adva-Shuky-Idit. I'm about to go unless something will happen in the last moment. There are three new dates, the first will be next week, the second one in June. 

About Jose Moro... As I wrote - I know he's coming back to Israel. Although I will probably won't see him on stage this time (he's coming back with a show which I already saw, I can't watch all shows twice - even if it's a great one like this show). Still - in the end of June I will go to a workshop which he will give. I still never took any workshop of him before. I hope he's giving classes as he dance.......

About Adi Akiva - she's still here. She stay in Israel till end of May for sure. New workshops with new some new stuff but in the same style about to go on. There was a little drama if I will be able to come or not. In the only evenings which I can come - one evening is not an issue. For Mondays as there was till now for me - in the start there weren't enough people. Yesterday she called me and said that Mondays will go one this month. This time - not only the dance will be different. It will change to four classes of an hour and a half as it meant to be in April. Accept that - the Monday' classes will be in a different place. This time - no walking by foot to classes or back. 

And of course, still ordinary classes and getting ready for the end of year show. And next year - with all my respect to Neta (I learned a lot from her and I'm sure she still have a lot to teach me, and I still think she's a great dancer) I'm not sure if I will go on my way with her. Even if I would - it will be half than I'm doing now in her studio. At June (hopefully that early) or July I will check up classes in another studio. I already checked out about levels, hours, days and cost in another studio. I still have the chance to check few classes for seeing which one or two are the best for me. 

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