Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Back to routine again (as possible)

So... No workshops. Ordinary classes. One of the girls from Neta's company came. Looks like none of us saw her for a long time. I thought it's only me in the start, but... It was enough to see how Neta respond to her. Last minutes of beginners. 

When our class' time started - I asked Neta if the kido was on Sunday. She did. I asked her if the kido remind her where did I go. Neta said that the kido didn't remind her, but she did remember. I told her that Miguel made two level of classes and we went to different classes. 

I thought it's over by that, but... As we started the hands' warming - Neta let us hear the flamenco version of Killing Me Softly, the same version I heard on Saturday in the workshop of Miguel. I already told Ilan about it before, and as far as he was near me - I was in a "high" to tell him NOW that this is what I heard in the workshop. Ok, so when Miguel was here I was like a 15 years old. Now what? Only 5?

When we moved to the legs' warming - it still took me a little while till I got it. Till I did - I heard a stronf call: "Faster Orna!!". I'm not sure I could do it faster in this point. And legs' practice we will do in the end of year... Andreu came early for the next class. He looked at us and made a try to do some himself. In the start I made many mistakes and needed to look at others. Accept the part we end it now.  Things changed in the end - I made it like I have nothing else while others forgot it. And without looking at the mirror and I don't have really anyone to look at. I almost made it. And once again when our backs to the mirror (for it won't be boring). Some from the back came to the mirror side.

And the circles around the studio. We have been asked to do it in couples. Somehow - before even we knew which we will do (with steps or not) - Ilan and me became the first couple. And it was turning one legs and make a round after that. I started to feel a bit crowded. Two more wanted to join us and got too close. We started again alone. I wasn't on my best again. To the other side - I made it better. Those who it's harder to them made it together with Neta. Neta made it good (of course), but.... Come on! The nice one asked me by that time where have I've been on Sunday. I told her about the workshop. She asked me if my friend was there with me. I said she didn't. The nice one told me that my friend didn't come and she thought maybe she came with me. After that - with the steps. In the middle to one side I've been asked again to change the place I look at when I do it (for the focus). Others have been asked to do the palmas. Ilan complained to me as well that others don't do it. I didn't notice - I was too busy of doing the steps right. And to the other side. Once again - Ilan and me in the start. Half class was this time with Neta. All those it's hard for them and few more. Once again Neta made it on the best side, but... I guess it's cruel to say it, but... It looked like the circus came to town. 

Time to work on the siguiryia. Few mistakes has been made and we had to do it over and over to improve it. And a little more practice on one legs' part. And we have few new easy steps. The class has moved a little longer for making it perfect and for the new steps. 

Second class. Andreu started to play for us. We all made a practice on buleria steps. The man from the medium level class who takes the first in Tuesdays made a try with us. It isn't the first time. Last week did it almost half class. This time Neta stopped him quickly. I don't think he liked it. Usually he takes his time to go and shouts goodbye when he goes. This time - he made it fast and went out without to say a word. 

When we worked on a part called llamada - Neta didn't like the way we did it. In the start - we don't do it enough in our ways. After that - we do it too small. We made it over and over again an it didn't work out. In the end - she started to freak out and started to yell in a meaning to show how crazy it mean to be. We all laughed. In the next try - we all made it good. She said she needs to get crazy for we'll be able to make it well. 

And who made a personal buleria? Only the new nice one. It wan't easy for her, but she made it. And the bimbo has been asked. She has been stopped fast cause one thing she did wrong. And once again. She started and she has been stopped after few steps. Neta said she do too much "no" and it couldn't be. Ilan made a joke it's a part of  choreography. The bimbo didn't dare to try again and the weirdo.... She said that the teacher is bad cause it's not a way to talk. So the girl from Neta's company made a try. She still don't know well our practice, but made a try and it wasn't too bad. It was mostly good because of the try itself. She sis earn her respect by that. Ilan was next to try. Not bad. And as far the bimbo still didn't want to try again - I've been asked to be next. I made a face (I was too worry). Neta laughed because of it. Although I wasn't ready - I made my try. I didn't feel it goes well and Neta had something to say. Before I understood that the fixing wasn't to me but for the others (no one made palmas) - I got panic and got to my place.  Neta said it was good and asked me to try again. It still didn't feel too good. Neta said it was good, but in a part which called remates - I have to do few more steps accept the remates I made as more options. I said that this I remember the most when I have nothing else. She asked me to look again on the videos for I could remember better the other options as well. The snobbish made a try as well. Wasn't too bad. The weirdo was the last. After last week she made something really nice - this time it didn't really worked out to her. The bimbo has been asked again to try. She still didn't want and made a promise to try next week. Beta made something as well, much more complicated than we worked on. 

In the way out I let Ilan look at the video from the workshop. He asked me earlier how does it always happen to me that mantons and batas got stuck in me. I didn't know what to say, but... The bitch who got into me was in the video. I told him to look at her cause she's the problem. He got shocked. I don't know her, but he does. He told Neta who's in the video. Neta knows her as well and asked Ilan NOT to remind her. Ilan told me she is a problem and told in which studio does she learn. He asked me if I know with whom did I mess with. I don't; but I pretty figured out. She said she's a giant. Fine, so this is the way her manton got stuck on my head. I told him something she said and he laughed on her a bit more. 

I went half way with him and the other girl from Neta's company. A bit before they went to another direction was something that warmed my heart and came from a place which I didn't think of. I'm not in a contact with this girl and it took me time to get used to her when I saw her a lot (in the studio). It was a little thing, but... Suddenly she asked me if isn't me who right that blog. She didn't say the name, but she didn't know that I write it in English. She said "well done!". As far as it's one more person who notice it and cheer me up, and even more - someone who I didn't know who could care about it... It made my day.  In the moment they went to another direction - a religious woman who I don't know (but I know through her clothes that she's religious) if it isn't cold to me this way. No, it doesn't. She asked me how come. I told her I danced. She made a talk with me a bit more of my way home. I wasn't sure how much does she open to flamenco, but she was thrilled and blessed me to dance all my life. 

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