Saturday, September 13, 2014

The juerga - estudio Pasito

I came too early. It was before time. Only Michal was there. Oh... I didn't mean to be the first to come after the studio owner.... Kisses. We've been talking. Drinking some water. I offered to help to organize if I'm already there. She said that no need. I better go to sit by the time. I told her that I won't be able to stay for long. Fine, as much as I can. After a while she opened a computer for letting some music to be heard. Buleria of course. And she remind me that this juerga is also for celebrating the new web site of the studio. She opened the site and let me watch. By my searching at the site came Shuky, his girlfriend/wife and their baby son. A bit after also came Niva. 

After a while came few more people. Hagai was one of them. Accept those I said - looked like I knew no one. Weird... First time it happen to me for a long time that the only people that I know are the studio owner and some more people who teach at her studio. Most went out for smoking and talking. Niva went out after talking and me and making herself a cigarette. One of the fellows is a weirdo. Felt like home to close the curtain of the door, he was busy with the lights (I needed to help him), the air conditioner....  From time to time the fellows got in to the studio for staying. I let myself to drink some arak which has been offered there. Two cups. Maayan came as well. Stopped next to me for saying hello.

The juerga itself - all live music has started in an hour late. Aya came a bit before it really started. Hagai and Michal were paying on cajons. I know that Hagai do it all the time, but I don't remember that I knew that Michal do it as well. Both did it fun. Shuky and Maayan on palmas. I took off my camera. Not all photos went out well (the closed curtain didn't let the light got in and I didn't want to fight the weirdo). I made also a short video, Easier with my camera - even at this light. After a while I made a try to join the palmas. A little longer - Shuky took off his guitar. It took him a little time to get warm. Another guy who I'm not sure from where do I know him replaced Michal on the cajon. Shuky started playing and sinning. Aya has been asked to take some photos as well. She opened the curtain. The weirdo didn't say a thing, but it gave a better light for the camera (mine as well). It was enough for her to take some for sitting again. 

The fellows took a smaller place for sitting more together in a circle. Aya was dancing a bit. I didn't have much time to take photos, but I think that most went out well. I'm not sure if she's getting better or was it the arak I was drinking earlier. I really liked the way she was dancing at the juerga. I was standing a bit and got back sitting were I has a place. Nica was worried if the place I was sitting is good for me. Two more came in.  At the start I didn't notice who. 

I started talking at the phone. I had a ride back home and I needed to be in touch.And then I noticed who joined. Two girls that I know through workshops and the fact they came for the studio of Neta - one of them for a short time and the other one for a bit more than a year. Both of them mostly at another studio - not Neta's and not Pasito. My ride came. I went out. On the way out they noticed me. I made a try to have some attention from those who I know for saying goodbye. 

I had a little time at home for getting some more battery for the camera, taking my dog for a walk and run to another party. Not flamenco - a birthday party of my niece at another part of the city. I had to be there for being there and help.

This photo I took at the studio while most were out:

And the web site of the studio:

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