Monday, February 4, 2013

Two things are closed, another one is on the way

February/March are full in flamenco. It looks like that a thing or two I will have to miss because of the money. Some of the things - I can pay with no problem. Other things will be too much for size of my pocket. And one thing which I think I want - I still didn't say if I'll go or not and probably I will miss (and I'm not sure that I want to miss). 

One thing done as a continue and a looks like continue. I published here about the once a month workshop of Shuky Shveiky, Adva Yermiyahu and Idit Suslik. I already went to the first time it was, and I will go for sure for the next time (two more weeks). I still didn't say that I will come for sure for the third time, although I think I want to. I guess it will be too much with the other things.

As a like a continue - I will go to a show in a hall made for it which taken by the same school for music. I went once to a show there, I will go now to one more. It's a continue cause of the place and because Adva and Shuky will share a stage together in this show (with few more). I already made the call for taking care for a place in the audience. The ticket.... they ask to pay it in entrance to the show.

And another thing - I will go again to a workshop of Maria Juncal this end of March. This time - accept the "regular" levels - she will give a workshop of bata de cola. I wish to go to one "regular" level and bata de cola. But... That getting too deep to the pocket and I won't have enough money, mostly after spending on other workshops and some shows. So - only one level. I already made a call for keeping a place for me at the medium level. For new readers and old who forgot, those who ask "how does it come that I learn at the advanced in the studio of Neta, but rather go to the medium level of Maria Juncal?". The answer is simple: here advanced is a high level for those who don't dance professional, and almost enough for pros. Of course - in case you go to the right studio. When it's a short workshop  from a dancer from Spain - the medium level is still high. The advanced made for professional dancers, which I'm not. So, one thing done and few more days I will go to pay for it (to make it a sure place for me). 

And one thing which is on the way....... Soon, as every March - will be Dias de Flamenco in Tel Aviv. I want to go to the workshop that Juan de Juan will give this year. I still need to send a pay check. There is a chance that in the next few days I could publish about Dias de Flamenco in the best way.

The two flyers up designed by Shiran Siboni

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