Thursday, October 4, 2012

My ticket to Tomatito

The next show that I'm gonna see will take a part in Tel Aviv in the end of this month. at the 29th October Tomotito and Michel Camilo will perform at Hangar 11, in the port of Tel Aviv. Funny, I've been in this place many times before, it's usually other kind of shows there. It's mostly rock concerts there and the Israeli version to Pecha Kucha. And yet - last year - a week and a half before my birthday I went there for a kind of a birthday party. POaco De Lucia and Farru came and performed there. I received my ticket as a birthday gift from my parents. Now, a year after (on date) I will go there again to celebrate my birthday a week and a half before time. Tomatito and Michel Camilo... The same place, the same date only a year after, and this time - my middle sister bought me a ticket as a birthday gift. I have to say that my family take care for amazing birthday gifts for me (never mind it's something that I asked for - but it mean that they do listen to me once a year). This morning I picked up my ticket from the tickets' office. It become real. There is something that looks to me a bit weird - I do love jazz (a thing that Michel Camilo do), but flamenco is my obsession between them both. For me - the important thing in this show is Tomtito and I will go for him. I found out about Michel Camilo through Tomatito. I guess that the people who inform about this show here and in the tickets' office think different from me about who's more important in this show. They say it's Michel with Tomatito when I say it's Tomatito with Michel. In the office one secretary told another secretary to look for the tickets of Michel a moment after I asked for my ticket to Tomatito. Was I suppose to start an argue? Well, few days ago someone asked in an Israeli group in facebook of flamencos if anyone knows if there are still tickets and how much does it costs. As someone who look for those things (and love a bit too much to show how much that I know) - I wrote fast that should check in the web site of the tickets office (Hadran Tickets). A bit before I saw that although I didn't get the best place - it could be worst, but there were some tickets to get. After a public talk we both had about it and about the show of Paco from last year on the wall of this group - a crazy guy that I know through the show of Paco wrote that Paco is the king. The other girl didn't take it too hard and wrote him something like "whatever". Personally - I think they both great - Paco and Tomatito. I think that last year the show of Paco and Farru was an amazing birthday gift, and I'm sure that this show Of Tomatito with Michel Camilo will be wonderful as well. And till I will see it - one more show that Tomatito will give after that:

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