Friday, December 2, 2011

Guajira from the movie

So, as far as I'm into guajiras this year (and this palo this time - in a try to do alone) - it looks like that it will show up here many times. For now - a part from the movie Flamenco (yeah, the first one) of Carlos Saura. It's a bit of showing one more point of view for this palo. A bit with fans like I wanna do, and a bit with shawls, like the other one from this class wanna do. She found it, and looks like we started sending some stuff by mails. I recived it from her....

It's a beautiful guajira (and how couldn't it be?), but I guess that I won't do it this way. It won't feel right for me to do this style and I'm it will easy to see it if I'll try

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