Friday, October 17, 2014

The new tangos workshop - day three

I know, took too long. Too many things...

So, missed one day for a regular class. Last day was earlier for a class after us. I was stressed to come on time. Last moment. Found out that only Adi and the girl who I knew before through Neta's studio. I've been asked how I am. I was sure I will be late.... I went out for a moment. Another girl came. When I got back and changed - there was a conversation about the age that Adi started to dance at all (3 years old) and when did she got into flamenco (14 years old). She called the flamenco "a late start". What would I say? I started a bit before age 27... At all or flamenco? I call it "at all" cause one year of jazz at grade 4 doesn't count. Adi told that she learned almost any kind of dance, but jazz was the only kind that she left in the middle. 

For at least we'll start it - we started the stretching. Three more girls came. Not all girls who signed to the workshop came in, not all who came stayed to the end. The dancer who didn't understand a thing didn't come that day. Moved to legs' warming. A friend of mine (one of the Facebook girls) asked me how does go on the workshop. I told her that the floor is horrible and I got out with pains because of it at the first day. She told me that it happen to her - she only sign the zapateado. I made a try to do as well this time. It was better with pains this time, but too difficult to do it to the end at those workshops. Idit came after we started this part. She made a different warming till she was ready. Adi made a try to make her come closer to the mirror. She wasn't ready for it yet. 

Idit got closer at the end of warming. We made a practice on circles. I wasn't very focused. This time I remembered that it needed, but I was too tired to use it. My balance was horrible because of it. 

Move over to practice parts from the tangos. For a start - steps which were new to me but not to the others. Between all girls who girls that day - I was the one who missed the day before. Twice or three times I stopped to look what's going on. I made a try to make it when it wasn't too much information to my head. After a while I understood and made it. The only problem was that it was still a bit difficult to remember the order of all. Till I thought I know all - few more steps. And more steps. It wasn't a long dance, but so many details and a very difficult one because of the level. We made it few times all over. 

When the teacher from the class after us came - a girl from the workshop who I didn't know before asked if we'll have some time to take a video. We made one more time all the dance. Adi said that we would, just dance all once again. Few more girls came. We've been taken it in two groups. I was at the second. After I took a video of 4 girls who dance with Adi (and mostly Adi) - I danced with Adi and two more. I made some mistakes....

OK, Adi asked us to make a group photo. I thought for a moment it's mostly a question of "with a camera or phone it will be" - I found out that it wasn't it. One of the girls of class after us (tribal fusion) has been asked to take a photo. It has been taken at the phone of Adi. 

After that Adi offered to drink some coffee together. I couldn't stay for it.... 

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