Saturday, October 11, 2014

Red bata

OK, I want to give here a piece of stage Neta as less as possible after all we had. Still one more thing that I hope to close some doors, at least for now. 

I heard recently two others say how horrible the clothes that she designed. They had their reasons. One was wearing a skirt of Neta and said it was throwing money. She and my friend who didn't buy said what's wrong. I was glad that Ilan heard it as well. I still see him as my friend, I still see him as a great dancer, but he behave like Neta is a saint. OK, so she has a big talent and knowledge and I did learn a lot from her over the years, this is the reason that I stayed in her studio for so long. OK, a lot because of Ilan as well. I stopped adore her. because I needed something new to myself and as far as I had some dramas with her - I started looking another studio. Not too difficult to find it in Tel Aviv. After the dramas I had with her at last summer and things I found out in the last few days - I lost the little respect I still had for her after all those years. 

I decided to show this photo for showing that I took a part in her studio. A bit before the last end of year show she got a new red bata de cola dress. All who said something were amazed from the beauty. I was amazed too, but I didn't feel like saying something. I noticed that she looked at me a bit like waiting for my words. She's been asked if it's her design. She didn't answer. The first public showing of the bata was in the end of year show. She was dancing an alegria. She said more than once that at the past she didn't like alegria, but since I started at her studio it looks like she doesn't have enough of this palo. 

We paid a lot of money for photos by Eyal Hirsch (who took also this photo) and a video, It was for our memory. Neta said that if we want to publish any of it - we must ask her. Really? It didn't disturb her to upload Facebook some photos before all the paying people got their copies. That was one of the photos she was uploading to Facebook. A photo by Eyal Hirsch from last end of year show, the alegria with the new bata de cola. I'm there in the back. Very easy to see me. Black dress in the middle - probably the only person in the photo who looks unhappy (I wished to end it already and was sure that she had her part, time for our fin la fiesta). 

Not much after she started using photos from this show and the last one (which we also paid for the pleasure) for her own publicity. Here comes the dramas. I didn't accept to publish her this way. I paid for having the photos myself and not for having it in websites of publicity. I told her and her new marketing assistant (the Russian girl) that I won't mind if she will keep the photo and recommendation I gave for her artist website because that photo was free and I knew the cause I gave it. I don't want to give the photos I'm in from end of year shows that I paid for because it's for my own memory and no one told me it will be taken for the publicity of Neta. They couldn't see the difference. By the way Neta told me that she will use the video and won't ask me. She gave me so much those years, so I don't have the right to tell her if I want to pay and be there. Sure... Never mind I paid for those classes over the years just like others, I gave her free publicity at her site, Facebook and here, never mine I went once for Suzanne Dellal just to bring them posters and flyers of one of her shows... She hardly said "thank you". Most of times she didn't, and even if she did... It sounded like it doesn't come easy for her. Unlike others who said "thank you" more than once for the free publicity I gave them and I could believe that they meant it.

So, for the the Jewish holiday that happens now - she uploaded to Facebook a photo of all the studio of last year, one moment before the show has started. Photoshop took a part - she wrote happy holiday. The place I was standing stayed black like no one was there. So I was checking out one more thing at Facebook. I thrown out from the group of her studio, the same group I gave a lot of my time to update for the rest of the studio. Gee... Thanks! What was that? After I've been told that I'm out because I burned myself (surprise - NOT by her) - I checked also her website. She have a new member who recommend on her, but the list got much shorter. Me and few others who I remember who've been there (maybe also few more) and probably all of us don't fit her any longer... Yeah, some of us have been removed. And after all the warm words I wrote there about her she doesn't need me any longer. And others... Probably finished that bad as well (I know that one was disappointed last year, but from her words it came from weird reasons). Others probably didn't stay long enough to praise her

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