Monday, June 23, 2014

Classes of last week

OK, I know it starts to take me too long and it looks bad, but I have a crazy time - with and without flamenco. I do my best now to give the unusual things here. I still want to write about the regular classes, and because it's a usual thing and my sleeping get worse - unlike my activity - I don't have much energy now for it. I hate the fact the energy isn't as it used to be, but this is what I have now. Hopefully it will be back. Till it will happen - I will try to make it short (I guess it won't be this way). Four classes this time: 


Came on time to the studio of Mijal. I didn't see Ilan. At the moment I opened my phone he came up. I finally told him that I'm about to try something new and in case I would like it - he should wait to see the video. After a bit more conversation we both changed for our flamenco' clothes. He moved over to make some sport practice. I couldn't decide what is more interesting to look at - Ilan or end of class before ours. It seemed to stress him a bit. The class before was over and both of us ran down to the studio with our castanets.

We made many drills of castanets for a start, includes some new ones. Mijal said that we won't learn now anything new at the escuela bolera, just practice what we have now. We'll do it till last class of the month. A lot of practice on parts from the escuela bolera. And dancing all. This time - first time I remembered the kneeling and made it without bumping any part of my body. We got back to parts before we've been asked to remove our castanets.

Working on the buleria. A lot of practice on part, a lot of dancing all the buleria from start to end. My friend came near the end. After class both of us with Ilan. He's with his nonsense said something about beetles. Me? Oh, by the way - I finally showed Miguel my tattoos when he was here recently. The time before I didn't have The Beatles on me... Ilan didn't accept to hear that Miguel didn't see before the first tattoo I made although I made it years ago. Ilan asked me if I rolled up my skirt. Yes I did. Ilan almost yelled at me that I have three heads. Four!!! My friend remind him that it's right - The Beatles are four. Ilan went on with "You have four heads and you showed it at once!". So? He said that I shouldn't show it to anyone who comes from Spain. It isn't ANYONE, it's Miguel! It finished by that Ilan said that he doesn't want to talk with "those girls", didn't accept to talk me while my friend was smiling and I was confused. I went to change and went out after the men's class has started. 


A class at the studio of Neta. Ilan didn't come because he was learning to an examination. It didn't disturb I will talk at phone with him all the way to the studio. It took me a little while till I got in because of it. The snobbish woman and the assistant were missing too. 

The improvisation class has started with a practice on the parts we all dance together. We meant to do at the standing we;ll stand at the show. My friend came in a late. There was a an argue how do we suppose to stand. My friend said that both of us need to be more at the edge. No... At the end Neta said that this time it won't matter how would we stand. Not all came so it will be more important who wants to stand next to the working air conditioner. Went on with practice. 

Solos. I won't get in into all mistakes, only that for me it was one of my best times. It's great to see that it become easier to me and I don't have only one time that I can call "best". I received "ole" at the end from the other girls. This time Neta didn't fall with complements, but she said it was good and smiled. 

One more round. This time Neta asked all of us to make a stop and go on with dancing. The bata girl got confused because of it and couldn't stop. Other girls made almost a stop. Me? Accept I made one llamada a bit too fast I felt like the outstanding student of the evening. Not only that I let the others to give a time to breath after my first llamada - next to the end I made a stop, smiled like all is cool and looked at the others. And back dancing. 

And moving on to the siguiryia. We'll be 5 fellows on stage with it at end of year show. Ilan and the snobbish woman didn't come, so we were only 3 this time. At the part we finish it confused us a bit. Neta made Ilan's part at the end for making it easier for us. 

And now we start to work on ending the siguiryia. Neta asked if we want something easy. Yes we do, we don't have much time till end of year. I asked to take a video. Neta said it won't be necessary, it's only... Then she said that each one of us will go out for a short solo for the end. She started to work on my friend's solo who will have the first solo while all of us knock her on our castanets. Let me take a video... They started a moment before I started to take the video. The end of siguiryia once again before end of class. 


Mijal took off to Seville that day for a very long weekend. Ayelet replaced her in teaching. Others needed to ask at shouts if she took off Seville for the wedding of Miguel. Yes she did. You just needed to remind me, ha? 

We had a long body's warming, came to a long leg\s warming. One of legs' drills didn't come up perfect to me and Ayelet stood next to me for helping me understand. On of drills she looked at me amazement that I do it well. 

Working on the solea. A lot. A lot of practice on parts and from time to time dancing all. The man from Mijal's company was standing and did nothing a lot. Near the end he gave up and just was sitting and looking. One of the horrible girls from the class after looked amazed on all of us, but from time to time looked especially on one of us. At the start it was me. I took it as a complement although I dislike most of girls at that class.


A class at the studio of Neta instead of a missing one. This time Andrue came. We still suppose to celebrate his birthday at the studio.The snobbish woman came back. Ilan still didn't come. He was busy in rehearsal for the show at Saturday. 

There was a weirdo who came to see a class. She made a try with us. After few minutes she went away without saying a word. A practice on the part of improvisation were we all do what we've been told although... This time each at her place. And solos. I've been asked the first one to try. At the first moment I signed Neta if she really mean that I'm the first. She thought I'm asking if to get in NOW. She signed me to wait for Andreu will finish a part at the guitar. I made it well. So did most of girls. 

A second round. This time we've been asked to do it with our backs to the mirror. It confused most of girls. My friend was so happy that it worked out well for her, she took by surprise when Neta asked her where is the audience. Yeah, she still danced to the mirror although all of us were there to hide the mirror. She did't like it happened this way cause accept that she felt good with her dance. No second chance. Neta started talking about the rules and non rules at flamenco. The Russian girl thought it isn't enough rules for her and said that now she will join the Red Army Chorus to relax. My turn. The side of the mirror didn't confuse me, so they did something else to make it hard for me. Andreu played something which asked me to dance a bit aggressive. The letra which has been sang to me was fit to the aggressive thing. From time to time Neta signed me to go aggressive with dancing. I'm not sure that I can.... 

We moved on to the siguiryia. While taking the castanets I asked my friend if she saw that I sent her the video with her solo - at private and not only for the Facebook group of the studio. She said that she didn't get anything from me, but she got something weird from Ilan, something with a gipsy Turkish thing. He asked her if she's going, Well, what about me? Hey, I told him that I'm going, I didn't say that I'm taking prisoners with me!

This time it was easier while having the snobbish woman with us. Even few steps that I made upside down finally found the way how to do it right. Still few mistakes. we worked on it over and over again. And the solo of my friend. It was luck that I demanded to take a video cause no one remembered it. I showed Neta few times. The snobbish woman made a try to learn the steps. I told her it's a solo of my friend. Oh really? I said that each one of us will have a solo, I'm telling because she didn't come on Tuesday. So she told me that she din't come on Tuesday. Oh really....

End of class - Neta said that we'll celebrate to Andreu at Tuesday. Not only that he has his birthday recently - at Tuesday it will be 5 years that he's an Israeli citizen. And talking about ages. At the first moment the others thought that Andrue is the youngest person there, but hey, I'm younger than him at 5 years! They called me a kiddo. I went to change. They closed the lights and gone without me. 

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