Monday, October 21, 2013

Couldn't be any harder

Sleeping problems... I made a try to take a rest before class for making it a bit easier. It wasn't enough and I've been disturbed. Getting ready for class.... Too tired to move. I want to come on time, but everything goes so slow. I came at the last moment. I changed when the other class finished. When I finished I ran down to the studio itself. The dragon tattoo girl came to say hello. Not much time after - our class has started.

Few drills for warming the legs. It took me some time... The girl who usually next to me pretty pushed me aside by the way she took a place. I found myself between lines again, just for I won't be too much at the front and that no one will push me to the wall. I guess that I get the point with those steps. I still don't remember the order well, but it less catch me by surprise. It was hard mostly cause I was really tired. The happy one took her place after we started, but accept that she was really quiet this time. Very unlike her...

A bit more than warming - the three drills of siguiryia (one of technique and two of real dancing). Only once each one of them. Still not really awake. We started to work on some new steps for the warming. It was pretty hard.

And few new steps for the liviana. When we almost finished to practice the the new steps of today - I noticed Ilan came and stood there, looked at us from the side. He usually go to change and start to practice for the next class. Not this time. Some of the steps freaked me out. I noticed it's something that I can do, but I couldn't understand. It took me a long practice to get it. Later on we've been asked to practice parts of the liviana, the newest. It get to the point that Mijal asked us to do the new llamada. One of the girls which. I thought it's funny - I still see myself as new at this studio, I'm sleepy like hell and still know what does she mean. The girl who usually next to me took the place that I had. I stood at the place I stood at the start. She noticed after a short moment and asked me to change places with her. I wondered if she do it because she thinks I'm better than her or just rather be at this place. We made a bit of practice on the new llamada. It goes also for the siguiryia that I learn at the other day. Ilan wasn't there last week, but I showed him the video. He joined us at this part for trying to do so too. I don't know if it worked out cause he was at the other edge of studio, many girls between us, I can only guess it did. After a short while Mijal asked a new girl to come to her. This kid came to her. Mijal hugged her. She said that this part isn't easy and this kid already do it great although she's only two weeks at the studio. The grandfather of the kid was there and looked from the balcony. He smiled and looked pleased. We all clapped our hands for her. 

We've been asked to do circles all around. I've been with the happy one and her friend again. This time not because Mijal asked for it - this time it was much more a free choice. Till the second round - Ilan took off his daily shoes and prepared to join our trio. He still dare to do it at the start, but they called him. I finished it bad, but Mijal didn't fix me. I made a face and she just smiled, I guess she understood that I know that I made a mistake. 

We danced all the liviana from the start. At least most of us from the start, three or four girls looked at the start and joined later. Mijal didn't like it. I still felt like I miss at the hardest parts for me, but again - it didn't take me by surprise. Ilan took this time to change and he came back to look. 

A bit more working on the last steps and learning some new ones. Ilan joined us again to practice with us the new steps. By this time the dragon tattoo girl came to my area to take a video. Mijal forgot how to go on. She was looking for Ayelet to remind her, but Ayelet wasn't around. We made something. Ayelet got back. The back up step Mijal gave us wasn't correct to the end, but very close. 

Just once again to dance all the liviana from the start. Ilan and few more from the men's class which comes after us looked from the side.

After class I could talk pretty a lot with Ilan with peaceful. The dragon tattoo girl iffered him a fruit and told him about a girl who learn at the men's class that she got married. Ilan left to talk with her. 

Fine, time to go for now

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