Monday, April 2, 2012


I thought once again that I'll be the only one. The medium level class was full (accept the two old ladies), but from my class - I was the only one. I took my time. When I got back from the clothes' changing - there was the quiet kido with the unique name. She looked pretty happy and at least she have manners. She knows to say "hello" with a smile till I almost thought that she's happy to see me... It's weird - second time in a row that I hardly look how does the other class dance. In the end of their class - Neta reminded them that next week there will be no classes but she will perform. She gave dates. Someone asked her which days it goes. Neta is confuse like me - she said it starts at Tuesday, but it starts at Monday. The good thing for me - I will get to see her in a show, will go in the next 3 days to dance in a course of Maria Juncal and won't miss a thing. While this time - almost everyone came. I gave the guitar player his money (my part). I know that he went to take a part in a marathon in Tel Aviv last Friday. I asked him while this time how was it. He just said it was great and looked like he meant it, but no more details. He came this time in a t-shirt of the marathon. My friend came right on time to the warming and stood right near me. The only one missing was the messy kido. In one part Neta wanted to work on a new hard step we worked on two weeks ago. The only problem - no one really remembered and it wasn't sure that anyone took a video. The kido remembered. She showed the steps. Neta asked her to come to the middle. When she did - she's been asked to show all of us. She took a sigh and in a dramatic way took the "leaves" of her pants up. It was in a try to do it like Neta. We all laughed. It was cute-funny. We worked on and on. Neta didn't give her to go back to "her place" for she will show all of us. Someone called her as a joke "Neta 2". And dancing. Accept one part which is still hard for me - I don't think I wasn't too bad for first time in the same evening. Neta had few things to correct all of us and make it sharper. And one of the girls stood between me and the mirror. Yeah, in the class of Tuesday I'm afraid to look at myself in the mirror, but this isn't the same. I tried to move, but she came all the time with me. In the end - I was close to the wall. Too close. Then she gave me "space". We were practicing more and more on little parts till the end. In the end - Neta reminded again about next week. I told her the the 9th is on Monday. She said she knows, I tried to tell her about the little mistake earlier. I went to my friend and the other nice one. I asked if they come to the show. My friend said "but we have the course". Hey, the show is also in Monday and the course starts a day after... She said that she will go for a travel with her husband and kids on Sunday and Monday. I went out to change. When I got back - only two of them left there (my friend and the other nice one). Some more practice. Came a person who works there and started to close. The nice one asked if that's it. He said it's over and my friend said that he wanna go home. They started to change too. I asked my friend where will she go. She said that I don't need to be jealous cause it isn't Sevilla or anything like this. In the Dead Sea...

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