Sunday, March 14, 2021

Brain of a dancer

 A new thing. A show with a lecture. The new thing about it - the lecture is about brain and given by a brain researcher. This weekend was an official premiere. The dancers - Mijal Natan and Ayelet Shachar. The brain researcher is Amit Evron. The premiere was at the studio of Mijal, the place where she's teaching and most of the tablaos of her comany took a part. I wasn't sure if to bring my camera and I reminded to ask too late. After all - now it wasn't an ordinary tablao. It was including someone outside the flamenco who gave a lecture. I wasn't sure if he will accept photography during this thing. I came without my camera. I really enjoyed being there, see live flamenco dance (even though the music was recorded) and listen to the lecure. Still... So weird to have it without mediation of a camera after all the years that I mostly see it through my camera. If not - that's at Suzanne Dellal and I always have in mind all the photos that I could shoot.

So, still fits to this time. Only for people who made two parts of vaccine against Covid19. Limited number of people who get into the studio. Still must be some distance between the people. And all must stay with masks on the faces. There was someone who sat really close to me, he's been asked to move and has been at my over side. From time to time during the show he made a try to talk with me. I don't think we met before.... Mijal brought her dog Shosh. Shosh became a part of the show. 

The thing itself:
It has started with a dance performed by Mijal and Ayelet. After that Amit Evron was talking about the way that being a professional dancer changes the brain. The fact that a dance needs to be a part of space, comunicate with music and includes lots of balance and movements - it grows some parts in the brain. His lecture was with some photos and some other things to show on a screen. There is a new things of the last few years of a research about the influance of dancing to brain function. So, for professional dancers there are some parts in the brain which are bigger. Even if you're not a pro dancer - you should dance because it helps to the body and soul health (and now it's known by science). And it's better dance with synchronization to some other dancers. 

At some points it was a dialog between Amit Evron and Mijal Natan, talking and her dancing. Some parts only Amit Evron eas talking. At Some points Mijal Natan and Ayelet Shachar were dancing for showing what's the physical and emotional of flamenco. It including giving the audience take a part in palmas and jaleo. And a part of things on the screen - a match of couple of photos, one of Mijal Natan and one of her Lia Sheinfeld. it was to show that photos of the same movement made by mother dauther and has been taken by camera. Well... One moment of happiness. Mijal said that her own photo has been taken by a photographer who's seating here. She pointed on me and said it's me. I'm glad it came up this way (and yeah, I'm the photographer of this photo). Everybody looked at me for a moment. I wonder if they could see me smiling under the mask. There were few people at the audience that I know, one of them probably freaked out. 

Near the end - Shosh joined Mijal and Ayelet to the show. At this part I couldn't stay indifferent.I'm sorry for the quality, it has been taken with the phone:

Fun to see live dance again.
It was interesting to listen to lecture.
At some points I did learn some new thing, but
some didn't surprise me.
Too weird without my camera

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