Monday, September 23, 2013

For this week

The other class has finished when I still got ready with hair/clothes/shoes... At least I have no reason to rush because of the brake between classes. When I was ready and got down there was still a brake. Hadas from the company of Mijal helped one of the girls to practice a dance which I'm not sure that I know. Although there was a little moment that Hada forgot a step - it looks cool. The dance itself it a real beauty and looks like Hadas is a good teacher. I was almost sorry that she doesn't teach me this dance at this moment. They finished when Mijal got back inside the studio. There was someone who I wasn't sure at the start from where do I know her. She was there with her niece and few friends from Holland. After a while I knew it's the person I thought she is - she has a job at Días de Flamenco. I don't know if she does anything else in her life. Hadas took two photos with the mobile phone of someone - one of the girls from Holland with Mijal, one of all the girls with Mijal and that woman. Hadas went, but the guests stayed to watch.

We started legs' warming which fast went to be only on a beat of siguiryia. I still need to practice it cause I still don't remember it all well and few steps I still don't do perfect, but at least it become a smaller surprise. When I do it with others I remind quickly how does it suppose to be. After a short while of doing it on the beat - Mijal asked Ayelet who was sitting there at the studio near the door. Mijal asked for help for getting a solo compas of siguiryia for we could listen while we practice. It still took twice or three that we've been asked to stop and start again after few steps. After a practice with music - Mijal asked three girls to do it alone - each by her turn. 

Fine, now to dance all the liviana from the start. The woman form Días de Flamenco said we're wonderful and they go. Mijal asked her to stay and see the dance. The dragon tattoo girl looked a part of it and joined at the middle. I dance, but not so well. After once - the woman from Días de Flamenco said the she and the girls from Holland think that we're wonderful and we have a wonderful teacher.

We started to learn few new steps. I noticed that the start was simple but something doesn't work well. Mijal looked at me. I thought it gonna be horrible, but she just showed me slowly how to do the part which didn't go well and she was waiting till I did it again. Once like that and it worked out. Some wanted to go on. We made few steps. Mijal walked between us to see that we do it well. Although that for me the hands and all the part of up with the body is easier for me than that legs - Mijal said that it isn't bad the way I do the new steps. Cool, I guess that I'm getting better. 

Ilan came when we made the practice on the new steps. He hardly looked and went out to practice. We danced the liviana few times. I wish I could say that I remember all well now and do it great, but I still have some holes in my memory and I still have what to improve at the way I dance this liviana. The good thing is that it still feel to me easier every week. 

One of the fellows from Mijal's company got in, sat down and looked. He came for the men's class. Mijal started a speech. She said that it's wrong to say that someone can't dance and doesn't fit. It's something that everyone can learn. Each one has something they do good and the only thing to learn about it is to get it out. All others things can be learned and needs a practice. Even to have a stage personality is something which is hard to teach, but it's possible. Fine, now to dance all the liviana again and do it pretty. This time I was already tired and out of concentration. Still it didn't take too long till the man from the company made us "ole". I guess it wasn't for me. 

Before I went to change I went to the door. Ilan was out with another man from Mijal's company. they made a practice with someone else on their farruca. The only thing which took him out from the farruca was getting on with a joke we had today through Facebook. Mijal wanted out for a cigarette, so I went out too just to look. After a while of watching I told Ilan that I will talk with him later on cause it needed to take an appointment with him a year ahead. He said it need two years ahead, even now to the year 2020. I went to change. All were inside again accept Mijal. Ilan need that the man who made the practice with him to tell him that I wanna say something. I made only one thing to say fast...


  1. Una buena narración. La superación de las dificultades nos produce la satisfacción de haber triunfado. Entonces los sueños se convierten en hermosos instantes, que aunque no sean reales, nos pertenecen.
    Hay una frase que me inspira poesía dentro de la crónica: “un latido de siguiryia.” Tiene un sentido metafórico; en español los latidos siempre se relacionan con el corazón. Aquí en el relato el corazón puede corresponder al tacón de la bailaora, que impone su compás. El carácter es el calor de la sangre que lleva dentro. Su sonido, un estallido de luz que se concentra en un punto: la tabla donde pisáis, que es el centro del universo.
    ¿Puedo darte un consejo? Escribe siempre así “SIGUIRIYA”. Hay muchos flamencos que lo dicen de otra forma, pero los gitanos que conocí en Triana cuando era pequeño siempre decían siguiriya, aunque alguien te lo aconseje de otra forma, no le hagas caso. Gracias por esta página.

  2. Creo que es mejor tratar de superar las dificultades. Este es el único camino hacia arriba.
    Capacidad para ser mejor que el baile o cualquier otra cosa primero comienza de buena gana, entonces la práctica - incluso y sobre todo de lo que es difícil. El año pasado fue una de las danzas aprendidas en alegria con manton. La danza en sí era difícil para mí, sobre todo porque no me siento cómoda alegria baile. Fue una etapa en particular fue especialmente difícil para mí y cuando la maestra le preguntó acerca de lo que quieren practicar - Siempre me pregunté a esa parte. Al final me las arreglé para salir adelante. Cuando me presenté con un estudio y era capaz de bailar esta danza, así que no cuenta si estaba equivocado. Alguien se acercó para mí y no baile dice que esta alegria duro en particular, pero no vio a errores. Era muy bueno a escuchar este


    Esto es lo que se me ocurrió sobre esta página. Gracias.
