Friday, November 16, 2012

Just in case... I hope for better news

My deep apology if I won't update in the next few days as usual. I really want to update the blog as possible, but... As you know - I'm from Tel Aviv, Israel. I never made a choice to be an Israeli, but this me and who I always was. Although there are many beautiful places in the world - here is my natural home. I'm in Tel Aviv cause this city used to the place the I was born in, and place that I got back to after a long brake. This city fit my nature the most from all places in this state. All of this story because I'm sure you're connected to things that goes around the world. Well, I hope that my readers are connected to reality. For 8 years there were rockets over the south, made traumas to citizens in the "good" situation. After 8 years that I can't understand how did the citizens in the south made it. The rockets came from terrorists, that's for sure. After all those years - Israel had a react. Some in facebook who called themselves "friends" told me that they know what's going on in Israel better than I do. Me, that I was born and raced here, still live here and see this place as my home - I know nothing. They, who never spent an hour in their lives knows better than I do cause they see CNN. They told me that the 8 years of rockets are react for the reaction of last few days. Like it wasn't enough - I got some names. I've been told how terrible I am because I'm Jewish, not only - a Jewish from Israel! I cause all the bad in the world. Me personally. The worst name I got that time (twice at least) that I'm a children killer. ME! I never killed anyone. I never served any army for NOT having any connections to wars or death. I don't even eat meat or fish for 20 years, much more before it was popular, mostly because of I hate the idea of eating something which had life, blood, breath, emotions... The only thing I ever killed in my life were cockroach, even then - from far. That was two years ago or so. In the last week or two - the rockets of the terrorists got back to sent rockets over the south of Israel. From yesterday evening - in the centre of Israel as well. Tel Aviv is in the centre. Yesterday there was one rocket in another city near Tel Aviv in the evening, after that in the morning 3 people died and 12 more has been heated in the south right on the morning. Today at noon I heard an alarm and a heat. One rocket got to Tel Aviv this noon. No one got hurt. A great luck. Still it was really scary. My dog was much more calm than I did. I know, it has nothing to do with flamenco, but it's scary enough to make my head go to other places. I hope it will get to a normal situation in the next few days. It have to

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