Saturday, November 30, 2019
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
This December
ADELA CAMPALLO del 10 a 13 de DICIEMBRE 11.00 a 12.00 TECNICA todos los niveles / 12.00 a 13 00 Nivel Bajo-Medio VILLANCICOS POR BULERIAS en la academia de Flamenco Manuel Betanzos, acompañado a la guitarra de @Miguelperez
IG manuel_betanzos_oficial
00 34 954 340519
IG manuel_betanzos_oficial
00 34 954 340519
PATRICIA GUERRERO - del 2 al 5 de DICIEMBRE Nivel Bajo-Medio de11.00 a 12.30 en la academia de Flamenco Manuel Betanzos, acompañado a la guitarra de @Miguelperez
IG manuel_betanzos_oficial
00 34 954 340519
IG manuel_betanzos_oficial
00 34 954 340519
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Monday, November 25, 2019
Upcoming at Tokyo
19:00-20:15 A タンゴ
20:30-21:45 B マントン
11:30-12:45 B マントン
13:00-14:15 C タラント
14:30-15:45 D グアヒーラ (アバニコ)
19:00-20:15 A タンゴ
20:30-21:45 B マントン
11:30-12:45 B マントン
13:00-14:15 C タラント
14:30-15:45 D グアヒーラ (アバニコ)
11:30-12:45 B マントン
13:00-14:15 C タラント
14:30-15:45 D グアヒーラ (アバニコ)
11:30-12:45 B マントン
13:00-14:15 C タラント
14:30-15:45 D グアヒーラ (アバニコ)
19:00-20:15 A タンゴ
20:30-21:45 B マントン
11:30-12:45 B マントン
13:00-14:15 C タラント
14:30-15:45 D グアヒーラ (アバニコ)
19:00-20:15 A タンゴ
20:30-21:45 B マントン
11:30-12:45 B マントン
13:00-14:15 C タラント
14:30-15:45 D グアヒーラ (アバニコ)
11:30-12:45 B マントン
13:00-14:15 C タラント
14:30-15:45 D グアヒーラ (アバニコ)
11:30-12:45 B マントン
13:00-14:15 C タラント
14:30-15:45 D グアヒーラ (アバニコ)
お申込み: adriansantanaflamencojp@gm
[additional class]
I added the daytime class of manton.
Come and enjoy adrien's Manton class!
16 days
19:00-20:15 a Tango
20:30-21:45 B Manton
17 days
11:30-12:45 B Manton
13:00-14:15 c Taranto
14:30-15:45 D Ayo (Ava Nico)
19:00-20:15 a Tango
20:30-21:45 B Manton
18 days
11:30-12:45 B Manton
13:00-14:15 c Taranto
14:30-15:45 D Ayo (Ava Nico)
19 days
11:30-12:45 B Manton
13:00-14:15 c Taranto
14:30-15:45 D Ayo (Ava Nico)
20 days
11:30-12:45 B Manton
13:00-14:15 c Taranto
14:30-15:45 D Ayo (Ava Nico)
Apply: Adriansantanaflamencojp@Gmail.Com
I added the daytime class of manton.
Come and enjoy adrien's Manton class!
16 days
19:00-20:15 a Tango
20:30-21:45 B Manton
17 days
11:30-12:45 B Manton
13:00-14:15 c Taranto
14:30-15:45 D Ayo (Ava Nico)
19:00-20:15 a Tango
20:30-21:45 B Manton
18 days
11:30-12:45 B Manton
13:00-14:15 c Taranto
14:30-15:45 D Ayo (Ava Nico)
19 days
11:30-12:45 B Manton
13:00-14:15 c Taranto
14:30-15:45 D Ayo (Ava Nico)
20 days
11:30-12:45 B Manton
13:00-14:15 c Taranto
14:30-15:45 D Ayo (Ava Nico)
Apply: Adriansantanaflamencojp@Gmail.Com
Adrian Santana,
אדריאן סנטנה,
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Monday, November 18, 2019
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Upcoming with Angela Carbajo
Angela Carbajo
Flamenco and flamenco lessons:
Technique and compass
Friday 17.00-18.30
Saturday 10.30-12.00
Sunday 10.30-12.00
Body and variations
Friday 18.30-20.00
Saturday 12.00-13.30
Sunday 12.00-13.30
Friday 20.00-21.00
Saturday 13.30-14.30
Sunday 13.30-14.30
Flamenco and flamenco lessons:
Technique and compass
Friday 17.00-18.30
Saturday 10.30-12.00
Sunday 10.30-12.00
Body and variations
Friday 18.30-20.00
Saturday 12.00-13.30
Sunday 12.00-13.30
Friday 20.00-21.00
Saturday 13.30-14.30
Sunday 13.30-14.30
Cours de flamenco et castagnettes :
vendredi 17.00-18.30
samedi 10.30-12.00
dimanche 10.30-12.00
vendredi 18.30-20.00
samedi 12.00-13.30
dimanche 12.00-13.30
vendredi 20.00-21.00
samedi 13.30-14.30
dimanche 13.30-14.30
Cours de flamenco et castagnettes :
vendredi 17.00-18.30
samedi 10.30-12.00
dimanche 10.30-12.00
vendredi 18.30-20.00
samedi 12.00-13.30
dimanche 12.00-13.30
vendredi 20.00-21.00
samedi 13.30-14.30
dimanche 13.30-14.30
... very soon with us...
Angela Carbajo
Flamenco and flamenco lessons:
Technique and compass
Friday 17.00-18.30
Saturday 10.30-12.00
Sunday 10.30-12.00
Body and variations
Friday 18.30-20.00
Saturday 12.00-13.30
Sunday 12.00-13.30
Friday 20.00-21.00
Saturday 13.30-14.30
Sunday 13.30-14.30
Angela Carbajo
Flamenco and flamenco lessons:
Technique and compass
Friday 17.00-18.30
Saturday 10.30-12.00
Sunday 10.30-12.00
Body and variations
Friday 18.30-20.00
Saturday 12.00-13.30
Sunday 12.00-13.30
Friday 20.00-21.00
Saturday 13.30-14.30
Sunday 13.30-14.30
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Upcoming with Miguel Angel
In collaborazione con l'Ufficio Cultura del Comune di Rovereto e col Patrocinio della Comunità di Valle: MIsa Flamenca.
( la Messa non viene celebrata)
Le voci profonde di Momi de Cadiz e di Pedro Sanz cantano le preghiere della Misa con la religiosità e l'emozione più intensa, accompagnate dalla chitarra di Antonio Españadero
L'elegante e forte presenza di Miguel Angel Espino interpreta il cante andaluso. Al suo fianco Adriana Grasselli e Michela Fossà.
Grazie a MOON DESIGN che sostiene il nostro progetto.
( la Messa non viene celebrata)
Le voci profonde di Momi de Cadiz e di Pedro Sanz cantano le preghiere della Misa con la religiosità e l'emozione più intensa, accompagnate dalla chitarra di Antonio Españadero
L'elegante e forte presenza di Miguel Angel Espino interpreta il cante andaluso. Al suo fianco Adriana Grasselli e Michela Fossà.
Grazie a MOON DESIGN che sostiene il nostro progetto.
June with Rafael Amargo
Rafael Amargo es conocedor de las esencias más puras del flamenco, al tiempo que ha asimilado otro tipo de tendencias coreográficas, como las enseñanzas en la escuela de Martha Graham durante su estancia en Nueva York. Sus coreografías, a veces muy cercanas al baile contemporáneo, nunca pierden el punto de referencia de la esencia del flamenco.
Admirador de Antonio Gades y reivindicador de la compañía de baile, y del concepto teatral y escénico del flamenco, esto no le ha impedido bailar en los tablaos o investigar el entorno de la danza contemporánea.
Rafael Amargo y sus espectáculos han recibido reconocimientos entre los que destacan cuatro Premios Max de las Artes Escénicas: dos por Amargo, uno por Poeta en Nueva York y uno por El amor brujo; el Premio Positano Leonide Massine de la Danza como bailarín y coreógrafo o el Premio APDE (Asociación de profesores de Danza Española y Flamenco de España), junto a Antonio Gades y Matilde Coral. Además, el público le ha concedido el premio al Mejor espectáculo de Danza de El País de las Tentaciones por Amargo (2000) y Poeta en Nueva York (2002), que también fue elegido como Mejor espectáculo de la Década.
Rafael Amargo es conocedor de las esencias más puras del flamenco, al tiempo que ha asimilado otro tipo de tendencias coreográficas, como las enseñanzas en la escuela de Martha Graham durante su estancia en Nueva York. Sus coreografías, a veces muy cercanas al baile contemporáneo, nunca pierden el punto de referencia de la esencia del flamenco.
Admirador de Antonio Gades y reivindicador de la compañía de baile, y del concepto teatral y escénico del flamenco, esto no le ha impedido bailar en los tablaos o investigar el entorno de la danza contemporánea.
Rafael Amargo y sus espectáculos han recibido reconocimientos entre los que destacan cuatro Premios Max de las Artes Escénicas: dos por Amargo, uno por Poeta en Nueva York y uno por El amor brujo; el Premio Positano Leonide Massine de la Danza como bailarín y coreógrafo o el Premio APDE (Asociación de profesores de Danza Española y Flamenco de España), junto a Antonio Gades y Matilde Coral. Además, el público le ha concedido el premio al Mejor espectáculo de Danza de El País de las Tentaciones por Amargo (2000) y Poeta en Nueva York (2002), que también fue elegido como Mejor espectáculo de la Década.
Rafael Amargo,
רפאל אמרגו
After watching Luna y Media
Finally I went to see "Luna y Media" of Compas Company. It's a show that have started at 2003. For years it wasn't on stage, recently it came back in a new edition. Finally I went to see it, third evening with this edition. Took me few days till I started writing about it because of few reasons (let's NOT get into it).
So, this version including:
Dance: Mijal Natan (of course), Ayelet Shachar, Moran Ron, Orna Gratz, Ivelisse Gonzalez and Maya Palenbaum. Talia Kliger joined Compas Company, at least for this production. Gaia Liberman Contini was taken a part in non official shows of Compas Company before, now she's a part in an official production. There was a dancer who joined the company for this show, her name is Noa Ayal. Twice she got on stage with this, but she's in Seville now. It isn't sure when she will be back. Instead of her joined a dancer that her name is Emanuel Zdaka. Emanuel took a part from time to time at productions for kids of Compas Company. Now she replace Noa Ayal in a "regular" production.
Singer: Ofir Atar
Bass guitar: Eran Horwitz
Cello: Rali Margalit
Artist: Yehuda Goldin
The show itself:
Well, it isn't an ordinary show. Some of the parts are pure flamenco, but it including many parts with some other dancing styles that get mixed with the flamenco. It starts with taking on flamenco shoes by Moran Ron (a thing that a bit return on itself on shows of Compas Company, but I guess it's something that becomes their own). The lights on on Mijal Natan after that. And there is a thing with the hair of Talia Kliger and Gaia Liberman Contini. The hair thing returns on itself in few versions at the show, and not only by them. I'm not sure that I have the right words to tell about that thing. And there is Yehuda Goldin that his part at the show is mostly to change things that could be scenery and respond the dancers.
There is a dance which is much more modern style than flamenco. It's a very surrealistic part. Because it so close to look like a dream that I didn't even care it isn't real flamenco. The dancers where with masks on their faces all over this part. Even me who knows all of them - it was difficult for me to recognize them. It started with one dancer who comes with a "bath" of smoke. The "bath" has been placed in the middle of the stage, a bit by bit the dance of all dancers was around it. After a while - few dancers went to the audience and picked up few of the audience. The dancers made the audience to dance with them. Two dancers stayed on stage and made the same movements. It looked THAT good till it took me a little while to notice one more thing... Gaia and Emanuel who joined for this production were two of the "audience" who picked up to dance with them.
There was a dance of pure flamenco. A thing of a happy wedding with all the young dancers, in the front of it was Mijal as a widow. It was a very interesting. The meanning was so clear.
About the dancers: most of them I already know that they are great dancers. This time I noticed a lot to Gaia and Emanuel. I know Gaia from my former studio. Till now I saw her dancing only at both studios during classes and at end of year shows. The end of year shows - at the former studio. Now I know that she really have a stage personallity and she's getting better. Emanuel I saw even less till now - only during classes at this studio of Mijal. I knew that she's good and I wasn't surprised that she was taken for it. At this show, at least at her first time - there were few moments that she looked a bit immaturity, but most of time she did her job really beautiful. At few photos from the show I've seen a ballet dancer and couldn't recognize who she was. Well, the last dance including it. Ivelisse was dancing ballet while the others danced flamenco. It wasn't in a level of the big masterpieces, but it wasn't easy. I was amazed that she can do also ballet like it's a normal thing to do. I know that she's dancing few more styles accept flamenco, I didn't know that also ballet.
In the end there is also a thing with shoes. All dancers accept Ivelisse who was wearing the ballet clothes
So, this version including:
Dance: Mijal Natan (of course), Ayelet Shachar, Moran Ron, Orna Gratz, Ivelisse Gonzalez and Maya Palenbaum. Talia Kliger joined Compas Company, at least for this production. Gaia Liberman Contini was taken a part in non official shows of Compas Company before, now she's a part in an official production. There was a dancer who joined the company for this show, her name is Noa Ayal. Twice she got on stage with this, but she's in Seville now. It isn't sure when she will be back. Instead of her joined a dancer that her name is Emanuel Zdaka. Emanuel took a part from time to time at productions for kids of Compas Company. Now she replace Noa Ayal in a "regular" production.
Singer: Ofir Atar
Bass guitar: Eran Horwitz
Cello: Rali Margalit
Artist: Yehuda Goldin
The show itself:
Well, it isn't an ordinary show. Some of the parts are pure flamenco, but it including many parts with some other dancing styles that get mixed with the flamenco. It starts with taking on flamenco shoes by Moran Ron (a thing that a bit return on itself on shows of Compas Company, but I guess it's something that becomes their own). The lights on on Mijal Natan after that. And there is a thing with the hair of Talia Kliger and Gaia Liberman Contini. The hair thing returns on itself in few versions at the show, and not only by them. I'm not sure that I have the right words to tell about that thing. And there is Yehuda Goldin that his part at the show is mostly to change things that could be scenery and respond the dancers.
About the dancers: most of them I already know that they are great dancers. This time I noticed a lot to Gaia and Emanuel. I know Gaia from my former studio. Till now I saw her dancing only at both studios during classes and at end of year shows. The end of year shows - at the former studio. Now I know that she really have a stage personallity and she's getting better. Emanuel I saw even less till now - only during classes at this studio of Mijal. I knew that she's good and I wasn't surprised that she was taken for it. At this show, at least at her first time - there were few moments that she looked a bit immaturity, but most of time she did her job really beautiful. At few photos from the show I've seen a ballet dancer and couldn't recognize who she was. Well, the last dance including it. Ivelisse was dancing ballet while the others danced flamenco. It wasn't in a level of the big masterpieces, but it wasn't easy. I was amazed that she can do also ballet like it's a normal thing to do. I know that she's dancing few more styles accept flamenco, I didn't know that also ballet.
In the end there is also a thing with shoes. All dancers accept Ivelisse who was wearing the ballet clothes
Monday, November 11, 2019
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Upcoming at Teatro Pérez Galdós
Con todas las referencias que disponemos de Lorca y coincidiendo con el 120 aniversario de su nacimiento, realizaremos un recorrido por la vida y obra de este grandísimo poeta granadino, que supo reflejar como nadie la pena y el sentido trágico del andaluz, y lo haremos a través de su musa Margarita Xirgú, todo ello acompañado por la música del piano y la guitarra, tanto de su época como de los grandes homenajes musicales que se le han realizado posteriores a su fallecimiento, aunando cante y baile al compás de su prosa.
Plaza Stagno, 1, 35002 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
For tickets:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Monday, November 4, 2019
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Upcoming with Alba Heredia
En Español mas a bajo
Vous souhaitez vivre des moments forts et inoubliable une semaine entière en demie pension dans un lieu andalous de reve, avec Alba Heredia Heredia et Curro Sendra Cortès Chacon pendant le festival de Jerez ? Matin 3h de stage chaque jour, après midi visites, soirée tablaos et fiestas flamencas ?
TEL : 00 33 602 296 124 (whatsapp)
¿Quieres vivir momentos fuertes y inolvidables una semana entera en media pensión en un lugar andaluz de sueños con Alba Heredia Heredia y Curro Sendra Cortès Chacon durante el festival de Jerez? ¿Tres horas de prácticas cada dia, tarde visitas, noche de tablaos y fiestas flamencas?
TEL: 00 33 602 296 124 (Whatsapp) INFOS Y RESERVACIONES
Friday, November 1, 2019
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