Monday, June 30, 2014
Looking for...
So, I meant to write yesterday about the party. It was a crazy day and I was too tired. Not only that my siesta went wrong on Friday for it - I had the days after too crazy. I couldn't find the time to write all. This evening one more class at the studio of Mijal. I hope I will have the energy tonight to write all details about the way party went on. THis week again - all classes will be written at once with a big hope to remember all.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
July 2014 with María Juncal
Comparto el comunicado de Prensa que redacto IMAC sobre el Curso de Flamenco con Maria Juncal, describe a la perfección todos los detalles.
Ofrece IMAC curso de flamenco con María Juncal
Se llevará a cabo del 1 al 3 de julio en la Casa de Cultura Tijuana, por parte de la bailaora española de prestigio internacional
Tijuana, B.C., a 17 de junio de 2014.- Con el interés de IMAC de promover mejorar la calidad de las artes escénicas en la ciudad, del 1 al 3 de julio se realizará el curso de flamenco con María Juncal (premio nacional Antonio Gades) de técnica general y coreografía, en coordinación con el proyecto TJ Ama el Flamenco, a celebrarse en la Casa de la Cultura Tijuana.
La llegada de María Juncal a Tijuana obedece a un esfuerzo por elevar el nivel local del flamenco, y acercarlo a un estado real de calidad, comparable con el que existe en España; compartiendo un conocimiento que imparte también en la emblemática escuela de flamenco Amor de Dios, ubicada en Madrid.
En México y también en Tijuana, hay una gran cantidad de gente con interés en el baile flamenco, lo que se refleja en un crecimiento constante en el número de escuelas en el centro del país, pero cada vez más en la región noroeste.
Aunque el taller está abierto para todo público, para sacar provecho de esta experiencia se recomienda tener ya nociones de este tipo de baile, además contar con el calzado adecuado (no es requisito contar con la vestimenta tradicional), sin embargo no está pensado como un curso para bailarines profesionales en particular.
La bailaora y promotora cultural Olga Cecilia Sánchez (del proyecto TJ Ama el Flamenco), que en años previos ha trabajado como enlace con otras instituciones locales para que María Juncal imparta clases en la región, señaló que los alumnos que forman parte de estas clases han mostrado una evolución importante en su técnica, además de resultar una experiencia enriquecedora al estar en contacto con una bailaora de nivel internacional.
María Juncal es una artista reconocida en todo el mundo por su carrera como bailaora. Cuenta con uno de los premios más importantes de esta disciplina, el Premio Nacional de Danza Flamenca Antonio Gades; personaje considerado como el padre de la coreografía flamenca.
El curso, que tiene un costo de $3,000 pesos, se llevará a cabo los días 1, 2 y 3 de julio; de 5:00 pm a 7:30 pm. Para mayores informes llame al teléfono 664 251 2783.
Amor De Dios,
María Juncal,
מריה חונקל,
With few more details.........
הגיטריסטית והיוצרת נועה דרזנר, מארחת בארץ את זמרת הפלמנקו מריה גונזלס מספרד, למספר הופעות מיוחדות ואינטימיות בארץ הקודש.
המופעים ילוו בריקוד ובכלי הקשה, ועוד הפתעות!
חיפה, ירושלים מטולה ותל אביב!
11.7 תאטרון הסטודיו- חיפה
*בית הכט (רוטשילד) שדרות הנשיא 142
**כרטיסים: 04-8100-104
16.7 אברם בר- ירושלים
17.7 החקורה- מטולה
*פתיחת דלתות 20:30 תחילת מופע 22:00
**כרטיסים במקום
18.7 בית היוצר- נמל תל אביב
***21:30 פתיחת דלתות, 22:00 הופעה
המופעים ילוו בריקוד ובכלי הקשה, ועוד הפתעות!
חיפה, ירושלים מטולה ותל אביב!
11.7 תאטרון הסטודיו- חיפה
*בית הכט (רוטשילד) שדרות הנשיא 142
**כרטיסים: 04-8100-104
16.7 אברם בר- ירושלים
17.7 החקורה- מטולה
*פתיחת דלתות 20:30 תחילת מופע 22:00
**כרטיסים במקום
18.7 בית היוצר- נמל תל אביב
***21:30 פתיחת דלתות, 22:00 הופעה
Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival 2014 (Germany)
5. Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival 2014
vom 06.-12.09.14
Kartentelefon: 0711 402 07 20
Liebes Publikum,
wieder ist es soweit, das 5. Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival beginnt am 6. September 2014 unter der erstmaligen Schirmherrschaft des Spanischen Generalkonsulats mit „Amigos” im Theaterhaus Stuttgart. Hochrangige Flamencokünstler wie Javier Baron, Joaquin Ruiz und Miguel Angel, David Vazquez, Carmen Fernandez u.a. eröffnen ein tanzgewaltiges Festival in Stuttgart. Dieses Zusammentreffen in „Amigos“ ist eine Weltpremiere von drei herausragenden Tänzern, die den Flamenco nachhaltig geprägt und verändert haben. Ein Flamencoabend mit Seltenheitswert. Ein weiteres großes Ereignis ist am 10. September 2014 der Abend der „Flamenquitos“ im Theaterhaus. Die Flamencoszene aus dem Bundesgebiet, Italien, Österreich…zeigt sich in vielen Beiträgen. In der darauffolgenden Woche werden im Produktionszentrum Tanz und Performance Tanzkurse für wirkliche alle Niveaustufen angeboten. Vom Anfänger bis hin zu Profis gibt es die Möglichkeit, Klassen zu belegen. Die diesjährigen Dozenten der Klassen sind international gefragte Tänzer, die sich auf ihr Stuttgarter Publikum freuen und mit viel Geduld und Können ihren Unterricht gestalten. Jeder, der schon immer einmal mit Flamenco in Berührung kommen wollte, findet in dieser Woche Gesprächspartner, Tanz- oder Gitarrenunterricht, Fiestas und viel gute Stimmung. Im „PZ” können Sie die wunderschöne Atmosphäre des Flamenco genießen, Tanzkleidung bis hin zu Kostümen erwerben und mit vielen „Aficionados” zusammen beim Schorle oder Rioja die Kurse ausklingen lassen.
So kann ich Sie nur herzlich einladen und freue mich auf das Festival 2014
Herzlich Ihre Catarina Mora
Mit Javier Baron, Joaquin Ruiz, Miguel Angel, Carmen Fernandez, Momi de Cadiz, David Vazquez, Antonio Espanadero, Jorge Rodriguez
Produktion: Catarina Mora,
Künstlerische Leitung: Miguel Angel
Produktion: Catarina Mora,
Künstlerische Leitung: Miguel Angel
Antonio Españadero,
Carmen Fernandez,
David Vazquez,
Javier Baron,
Joaquin ruiz,
Jorge Rodriguez,
Miguel Angel,
Momi De Cadiz,
מיגל אנחל,
The close date for Quince (Compas Company)
יצירה חדשה. מספר 15 של הלהקה.
"קינסה", חמש עשרה בספרדית, הינו המופע הרפרטוארי החמישה עשר של להקת הפלמנקו הישראלית, להקת הפלמנקו הרפרטוארית המובילה בישראל.
המופע מביא לידי ביטוי את התפתחותה האמנותית של הלהקה לאורך 16 שנות קיומה ומקפל בתוכו שילוב של פלמנקו מסורתי משובח לצד פרשנות אישית נועזת.
המופע מוגש בארבע מערכות, שכל אחת מהן מביאה ניחוח אחר של עולם הפלמנקו והמחול הספרדי.
"קינסה", חמש עשרה בספרדית, הינו המופע הרפרטוארי החמישה עשר של להקת הפלמנקו הישראלית, להקת הפלמנקו הרפרטוארית המובילה בישראל.
המופע מביא לידי ביטוי את התפתחותה האמנותית של הלהקה לאורך 16 שנות קיומה ומקפל בתוכו שילוב של פלמנקו מסורתי משובח לצד פרשנות אישית נועזת.
המופע מוגש בארבע מערכות, שכל אחת מהן מביאה ניחוח אחר של עולם הפלמנקו והמחול הספרדי.
3.7.14 - המופעQUINCE במסגרת מחולוהט 2014 במרכז סוזן דלל
למידע נוסף ולהזמנת כרטיסים:
This summer at Amor de Dios (Madrid)
Alfonso Losa,
Amor De Dios,
El Grilo,
La Lupi,
María Juncal,
Olga Pericet,
Rafael Estévez,
The classes....
Before I'm telling about the party - this week classes:
I came to the studio of Mijal almost at the last moment. Girls from her company were dancing as a practice, but not a real class. Not many girls accept them. I asked Ayelet why does it so empty. She said that there wasn't their class this time. Ilan didn't come yet. So, as usual in cases like this I called him. He said that he's still on the bus and will come in few more minutes. I changed. Mijal came that time. We were only 5 girls this time at class. OK, she also started to ask if anyone knows about some girls. About some - no one could say a thing. Where is Ilan? I could say that he's about to come. Mijal said few times that he's on the way.. Oh, what about the others?
We started warming our castanets. In a little brake after the first drill Ilan came in. I signed him for hello. Mijal noticed it. I was amazed that a little thing like this could make a little drama. He stopped for a moment near the door. Mijal and all girls stopped and looked at him. We went on for another drill while Ilan went to change. He came in the middle after. Another brake. Mijal remind that we'll have a party at Friday noon. She thinks it's at 2 o'clock, but she doesn't remember. Ilan said "Orna probably remember. Orna - is it at 2 o'clock?" Six pairs of eyes on me. I whispered that yes, 2 o'clock. I signed at my head. Fine, let's go on.
The warming and drills finished fast. We made a lot of practice on the dance itself of escuela bolera. First water brake I asked Ilan why did he asked me about the hour. He answered that I'm good in remembering the technique things. Dancing a lot. Mijal asked if all of us come to the party. All of us said we will. She said that she isn't sure who will come accept us from this group. So she made a try to make a half standing for the escuela bolera with the people who came. Mijal asked if we mind to try to do it at the opposite sides. Three girls (including me) were afraid. Two trios. I was with Ayelet and another girl. Ilan with Hadas and another girl. Our trio made it as usual. The other trio made a try to do it at the opposite. Hadas made it. It still confused. Mijal gave up and said that only Hadas will go on at the opposite, all of us accept her go on as usual.
And we worked for a moment about the entrance. About the finale - we had few choices we could choose one. Each one of us could take whatever we wanted. I made a try. Mijal said the way I made it was pretty, but I need to move my body a bit in a way it will look more baroque, more authentic. Second try after that I made the as she said in my way. This time it was good. Pull down the castanets.
The nice one of this studio and the friend of the happy one joined us for the buleria as they did recently. We had some time for only 3-4 times to repeat the buleria. My friend came at the end.
From men's group the men came Ilan and another guy who joined recently. All rest were women. I was talking a bit with Ilan and some more with my friend. I went to change when their class has started.
Again - almost the last moment. This time at the studio of Neta. The entrance to the studio I hate was locked. No sign. I went to the old studio which I love at the school. I opened my phone and called Ilan. I asked him if he's there and if I do well that I'm coming. He was there, at the studio I love and he asked me too many times to come. Only after I came I noticed that Neta did sent a text message to phones that it will be there. I went to pull down my stuff and went to the loo. Got back. I changed. Andreu was there. I asked NOT to start without me.
The class has started with a party. We still didn't celebrate Andrue's birthday, and this time - also 5 years that he's in Israel. We celebrated it with wine that Andreu brought and with a cake that Neta was baking. She gave a bigger piece of cake, more than I asked for.
I went to wash my hands (too sticky from the cake). They were nice and this time they were waiting for me. We started the tango - the parts we do together at our places. It went on pretty well.
Solos. I was second. One of the new letras we started to learn. Seemed like again I've been asked to dance rough. I was too busy in a try to fit myself to it, I probably missed something. I noticed that Neta started to sing to me the salida. She pushed me out! I ran to do my salida before I finished what I meant to do. At the moment I got back my place - my friend asked Neta what happened. Neta said that I took too much time to myself, the letra has finished and we suppose to do only one letra. My friend was shocked from my respond. She said I was jumping. What was meant to be? Was I right or could I do something else? Neta said it's possible to do as I do, but it's also possible to push some legs' work if we really want to and go out. Let's see Ilan. He was good. The bata girl was last. She didn't know what to do with herself and went on and on much after we finished to sing her the letra. Instead of pushing her out - Neta started to sing her another letra. The bata girl made a mistake with the salida. Neta made her try again because she loves her (she said so). The bata girl made another try. This time it went out well. Neta asked her to do it again for being sure that the bata girl remember what did she do. She did.
Neta wanted to finish and send out all those who don't do the siguiryia. What?? Is it really the end? I said it's time for siguiryia. Some said that they want another round of the tango. We did. Another round for the part we all dance together. And solos. The snobbish woman first as she did before. Few told her how beautiful it looks like that she always do the salida so fast and energetic. Who was after her at the first round? Oh, it was me... I made it without a will. This time one of the ordinary letras. This time I made it as I wanted and it felt better. And the salida... I wanted to finish. And Neta probably hates me, at least the way I'm dancing. And whatever they say about the salida of the snobbish woman! I started my salida energetic and fast than my usual without to notice. At the middle I noticed it and made it faster and faster just because I thought it will be right. My friend was shocked again. She claimed it was jumping again. Neta said that it was me this time, I made it. Yeah, I did. She went on and said that this time she let me do what I wanted. Gee.... Thanks! Oh, who,s next? Ilan, but he didn't want to. He's been pushed to dance. It didn't went out well and he asked for a moment. The friend of the assistant made a try. Ilan made another try after that. He made it, but he could do better. The assistant was the only one who didn't make another try. At my turn she went to sit down and didn't try to say anything this time.
Well, what's the time? 5 more minutes and class is over. Who didn't dance yet? After a while Ilan said that I didn't dance yet. He was smiling. I was dancing. After the bata girl it was over. I went to take my water, whatever left of it. Ilan was on my way. By the way - recently he helped me with a technical thing for the blog and I promised him coffee for that. At Israel there is a thing called "Third time ice cream". I asked Ilan if he knows what does it mean if I was dancing again. He that no. I didn't blink when I said it means that he needed to invite me for ice cream. He said that I'm wrong. I needed invite him for ice cream cause he gave me a chance to dance again. I said that I already owe him a cup of coffee. He said that I would still ow him the ice cream - with the coffee. I was waiting for him. We went out together with the snobbish woman and my friend.
I didn't mean to, but third day in a row that I'm coming in a run to class and comes at the last moment. This time at the studio of Mijal and the only class at week that I'm taking and Ilan isn't there. Mijal said that we may repeat at the liviana at the end of class, it dependent if we'll have some time. Some girls said we won't.
We didn't have any warming this time. The solea from the start from the moment this class has started. And a lot braking it to parts for making in better. Once at the start Mijal stopped us and was angry. The guitar player did something else. He wasn't the problem this time. The problem was that all of us accept Ayelet didn't know what to do and stopped dancing. Mijal said it's impossible to do so in any kind of dance. We don't know what to do? Anything will be good accept stopping and staring.
Go on again and again and again. And we learned few more new steps for the solea. We didn't have time for the liviana. The class was over.
And till the party.... I'll go on telling about the party at another time
I came to the studio of Mijal almost at the last moment. Girls from her company were dancing as a practice, but not a real class. Not many girls accept them. I asked Ayelet why does it so empty. She said that there wasn't their class this time. Ilan didn't come yet. So, as usual in cases like this I called him. He said that he's still on the bus and will come in few more minutes. I changed. Mijal came that time. We were only 5 girls this time at class. OK, she also started to ask if anyone knows about some girls. About some - no one could say a thing. Where is Ilan? I could say that he's about to come. Mijal said few times that he's on the way.. Oh, what about the others?
We started warming our castanets. In a little brake after the first drill Ilan came in. I signed him for hello. Mijal noticed it. I was amazed that a little thing like this could make a little drama. He stopped for a moment near the door. Mijal and all girls stopped and looked at him. We went on for another drill while Ilan went to change. He came in the middle after. Another brake. Mijal remind that we'll have a party at Friday noon. She thinks it's at 2 o'clock, but she doesn't remember. Ilan said "Orna probably remember. Orna - is it at 2 o'clock?" Six pairs of eyes on me. I whispered that yes, 2 o'clock. I signed at my head. Fine, let's go on.
The warming and drills finished fast. We made a lot of practice on the dance itself of escuela bolera. First water brake I asked Ilan why did he asked me about the hour. He answered that I'm good in remembering the technique things. Dancing a lot. Mijal asked if all of us come to the party. All of us said we will. She said that she isn't sure who will come accept us from this group. So she made a try to make a half standing for the escuela bolera with the people who came. Mijal asked if we mind to try to do it at the opposite sides. Three girls (including me) were afraid. Two trios. I was with Ayelet and another girl. Ilan with Hadas and another girl. Our trio made it as usual. The other trio made a try to do it at the opposite. Hadas made it. It still confused. Mijal gave up and said that only Hadas will go on at the opposite, all of us accept her go on as usual.
And we worked for a moment about the entrance. About the finale - we had few choices we could choose one. Each one of us could take whatever we wanted. I made a try. Mijal said the way I made it was pretty, but I need to move my body a bit in a way it will look more baroque, more authentic. Second try after that I made the as she said in my way. This time it was good. Pull down the castanets.
The nice one of this studio and the friend of the happy one joined us for the buleria as they did recently. We had some time for only 3-4 times to repeat the buleria. My friend came at the end.
From men's group the men came Ilan and another guy who joined recently. All rest were women. I was talking a bit with Ilan and some more with my friend. I went to change when their class has started.
Again - almost the last moment. This time at the studio of Neta. The entrance to the studio I hate was locked. No sign. I went to the old studio which I love at the school. I opened my phone and called Ilan. I asked him if he's there and if I do well that I'm coming. He was there, at the studio I love and he asked me too many times to come. Only after I came I noticed that Neta did sent a text message to phones that it will be there. I went to pull down my stuff and went to the loo. Got back. I changed. Andreu was there. I asked NOT to start without me.
The class has started with a party. We still didn't celebrate Andrue's birthday, and this time - also 5 years that he's in Israel. We celebrated it with wine that Andreu brought and with a cake that Neta was baking. She gave a bigger piece of cake, more than I asked for.
I went to wash my hands (too sticky from the cake). They were nice and this time they were waiting for me. We started the tango - the parts we do together at our places. It went on pretty well.
Solos. I was second. One of the new letras we started to learn. Seemed like again I've been asked to dance rough. I was too busy in a try to fit myself to it, I probably missed something. I noticed that Neta started to sing to me the salida. She pushed me out! I ran to do my salida before I finished what I meant to do. At the moment I got back my place - my friend asked Neta what happened. Neta said that I took too much time to myself, the letra has finished and we suppose to do only one letra. My friend was shocked from my respond. She said I was jumping. What was meant to be? Was I right or could I do something else? Neta said it's possible to do as I do, but it's also possible to push some legs' work if we really want to and go out. Let's see Ilan. He was good. The bata girl was last. She didn't know what to do with herself and went on and on much after we finished to sing her the letra. Instead of pushing her out - Neta started to sing her another letra. The bata girl made a mistake with the salida. Neta made her try again because she loves her (she said so). The bata girl made another try. This time it went out well. Neta asked her to do it again for being sure that the bata girl remember what did she do. She did.
Neta wanted to finish and send out all those who don't do the siguiryia. What?? Is it really the end? I said it's time for siguiryia. Some said that they want another round of the tango. We did. Another round for the part we all dance together. And solos. The snobbish woman first as she did before. Few told her how beautiful it looks like that she always do the salida so fast and energetic. Who was after her at the first round? Oh, it was me... I made it without a will. This time one of the ordinary letras. This time I made it as I wanted and it felt better. And the salida... I wanted to finish. And Neta probably hates me, at least the way I'm dancing. And whatever they say about the salida of the snobbish woman! I started my salida energetic and fast than my usual without to notice. At the middle I noticed it and made it faster and faster just because I thought it will be right. My friend was shocked again. She claimed it was jumping again. Neta said that it was me this time, I made it. Yeah, I did. She went on and said that this time she let me do what I wanted. Gee.... Thanks! Oh, who,s next? Ilan, but he didn't want to. He's been pushed to dance. It didn't went out well and he asked for a moment. The friend of the assistant made a try. Ilan made another try after that. He made it, but he could do better. The assistant was the only one who didn't make another try. At my turn she went to sit down and didn't try to say anything this time.
Well, what's the time? 5 more minutes and class is over. Who didn't dance yet? After a while Ilan said that I didn't dance yet. He was smiling. I was dancing. After the bata girl it was over. I went to take my water, whatever left of it. Ilan was on my way. By the way - recently he helped me with a technical thing for the blog and I promised him coffee for that. At Israel there is a thing called "Third time ice cream". I asked Ilan if he knows what does it mean if I was dancing again. He that no. I didn't blink when I said it means that he needed to invite me for ice cream. He said that I'm wrong. I needed invite him for ice cream cause he gave me a chance to dance again. I said that I already owe him a cup of coffee. He said that I would still ow him the ice cream - with the coffee. I was waiting for him. We went out together with the snobbish woman and my friend.
I didn't mean to, but third day in a row that I'm coming in a run to class and comes at the last moment. This time at the studio of Mijal and the only class at week that I'm taking and Ilan isn't there. Mijal said that we may repeat at the liviana at the end of class, it dependent if we'll have some time. Some girls said we won't.
We didn't have any warming this time. The solea from the start from the moment this class has started. And a lot braking it to parts for making in better. Once at the start Mijal stopped us and was angry. The guitar player did something else. He wasn't the problem this time. The problem was that all of us accept Ayelet didn't know what to do and stopped dancing. Mijal said it's impossible to do so in any kind of dance. We don't know what to do? Anything will be good accept stopping and staring.
Go on again and again and again. And we learned few more new steps for the solea. We didn't have time for the liviana. The class was over.
And till the party.... I'll go on telling about the party at another time
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Muestra de Flamenco - los veranos del corral 2014
XVI Muestra de Flamenco
GRANADA | DEL 28/7 AL 15/8
28 de julio LA MONETA
30 de julio DORANTES
31 de julio MAYTE MARTIN
4 de agosto LA LUPI - "RETORno"
6 de agosto PATRICIA GUERRERO - "Touche"
12 de agosto PEPE TORRES
14 de agosto MANUEL LIÑÁN
Cartel: Joss Rodriguez
Recommended - Quince at Tel Aviv, this July
יצירה חדשה. מספר 15 של הלהקה.
"קינסה", חמש עשרה בספרדית, הינו המופע הרפרטוארי החמישה עשר של להקת הפלמנקו הישראלית, להקת הפלמנקו הרפרטוארית המובילה בישראל.
המופע מביא לידי ביטוי את התפתחותה האמנותית של הלהקה לאורך 16 שנות קיומה ומקפל בתוכו שילוב של פלמנקו מסורתי משובח לצד פרשנות אישית נועזת.
המופע מוגש בארבע מערכות, שכל אחת מהן מביאה ניחוח אחר של עולם הפלמנקו והמחול הספרדי.
"קינסה", חמש עשרה בספרדית, הינו המופע הרפרטוארי החמישה עשר של להקת הפלמנקו הישראלית, להקת הפלמנקו הרפרטוארית המובילה בישראל.
המופע מביא לידי ביטוי את התפתחותה האמנותית של הלהקה לאורך 16 שנות קיומה ומקפל בתוכו שילוב של פלמנקו מסורתי משובח לצד פרשנות אישית נועזת.
המופע מוגש בארבע מערכות, שכל אחת מהן מביאה ניחוח אחר של עולם הפלמנקו והמחול הספרדי.
3.7.14 - המופעQUINCE במסגרת מחולוהט 2014 במרכז סוזן דלל
למידע נוסף ולהזמנת כרטיסים:
Sorry, but it will wait a little longer
I was sure I will start to write tonight about this crazy week. Well, I hope that tomorrow. It's almost morning here, my eyes are burning from being tired more than normal, those stories takes me a long time to write.
I apology
I apology
Friday, June 27, 2014
Just telling (a bit)
So, three classes this week, I have some stories (I guess it will come tonight).
A party at the studio of Mijal. Not all was perfect. Lots of nerves but also lot of fun and one big complement I received from someone I never met before.
For now - one photo with Ilan. After coffee, after wine, after candies, after a lot of dancing... Was taken at his smartphone. Stories about this party will continue the stories and more reminders for shows
A party at the studio of Mijal. Not all was perfect. Lots of nerves but also lot of fun and one big complement I received from someone I never met before.
For now - one photo with Ilan. After coffee, after wine, after candies, after a lot of dancing... Was taken at his smartphone. Stories about this party will continue the stories and more reminders for shows
Upcoming party
I guess it will be this way for a while. I'll write about all classes of week at once/ Hopefully it will be as it used to be at end of July. Now it's mostly because I was trying to sleep a bit before today. This afternoon will be a party at the studio of Mijal. It's kinda for end of year, although the classes will go on at the summer. Not a real show, it will be like an open class when we mostly show what we were learning while dancing to the mirror. I'm about to meet Ilan before that in the middle of the way for coffee/lunch and go on together to the studio after that.
Stories will come, but not now
Stories will come, but not now
Third July - Quince by Compas Company at Tel Aviv
יצירה חדשה. מספר 15 של הלהקה.
"קינסה", חמש עשרה בספרדית, הינו המופע הרפרטוארי החמישה עשר של להקת הפלמנקו הישראלית, להקת הפלמנקו הרפרטוארית המובילה בישראל.
המופע מביא לידי ביטוי את התפתחותה האמנותית של הלהקה לאורך 16 שנות קיומה ומקפל בתוכו שילוב של פלמנקו מסורתי משובח לצד פרשנות אישית נועזת.
המופע מוגש בארבע מערכות, שכל אחת מהן מביאה ניחוח אחר של עולם הפלמנקו והמחול הספרדי.
"קינסה", חמש עשרה בספרדית, הינו המופע הרפרטוארי החמישה עשר של להקת הפלמנקו הישראלית, להקת הפלמנקו הרפרטוארית המובילה בישראל.
המופע מביא לידי ביטוי את התפתחותה האמנותית של הלהקה לאורך 16 שנות קיומה ומקפל בתוכו שילוב של פלמנקו מסורתי משובח לצד פרשנות אישית נועזת.
המופע מוגש בארבע מערכות, שכל אחת מהן מביאה ניחוח אחר של עולם הפלמנקו והמחול הספרדי.
3.7.14 - המופעQUINCE במסגרת מחולוהט 2014 במרכז סוזן דלל
למידע נוסף ולהזמנת כרטיסים:
Amigos - September 2014 at Stuttgart, Germany
5. Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival 2014
vom 06.-12.09.14
Kartentelefon: 0711 402 07 20
Liebes Publikum,
wieder ist es soweit, das 5. Stuttgarter Flamenco Festival beginnt am 6. September 2014 unter der erstmaligen Schirmherrschaft des Spanischen Generalkonsulats mit „Amigos” im Theaterhaus Stuttgart. Hochrangige Flamencokünstler wie Javier Baron, Joaquin Ruiz und Miguel Angel, David Vazquez, Carmen Fernandez u.a. eröffnen ein tanzgewaltiges Festival in Stuttgart. Dieses Zusammentreffen in „Amigos“ ist eine Weltpremiere von drei herausragenden Tänzern, die den Flamenco nachhaltig geprägt und verändert haben. Ein Flamencoabend mit Seltenheitswert. Ein weiteres großes Ereignis ist am 10. September 2014 der Abend der „Flamenquitos“ im Theaterhaus. Die Flamencoszene aus dem Bundesgebiet, Italien, Österreich…zeigt sich in vielen Beiträgen. In der darauffolgenden Woche werden im Produktionszentrum Tanz und Performance Tanzkurse für wirkliche alle Niveaustufen angeboten. Vom Anfänger bis hin zu Profis gibt es die Möglichkeit, Klassen zu belegen. Die diesjährigen Dozenten der Klassen sind international gefragte Tänzer, die sich auf ihr Stuttgarter Publikum freuen und mit viel Geduld und Können ihren Unterricht gestalten. Jeder, der schon immer einmal mit Flamenco in Berührung kommen wollte, findet in dieser Woche Gesprächspartner, Tanz- oder Gitarrenunterricht, Fiestas und viel gute Stimmung. Im „PZ” können Sie die wunderschöne Atmosphäre des Flamenco genießen, Tanzkleidung bis hin zu Kostümen erwerben und mit vielen „Aficionados” zusammen beim Schorle oder Rioja die Kurse ausklingen lassen.
So kann ich Sie nur herzlich einladen und freue mich auf das Festival 2014
Herzlich Ihre Catarina Mora
Mit Javier Baron, Joaquin Ruiz, Miguel Angel, Carmen Fernandez, Momi de Cadiz, David Vazquez, Antonio Espanadero, Jorge Rodriguez
Produktion: Catarina Mora,
Künstlerische Leitung: Miguel Angel
Produktion: Catarina Mora,
Künstlerische Leitung: Miguel Angel
Antonio Españadero,
Carmen Fernandez,
David Vazquez,
Javier Baron,
Joaquin ruiz,
Jorge Rodriguez,
Miguel Angel,
Momi De Cadiz,
מיגל אנחל,
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