Sunday, May 18, 2014

A class with a surprise

Finally I have a time to write about it. I'll try to make it short (I guess that the surprise was the most important thing, I guess it will fast to write about it). And my awaking... 

Once again I had a class on Thursday instead of Tuesday. Once again my time going out was weird (a story by itself) and I was running to get on time. The studio of Neta. The friend of the assistant was there outside with two more. I asked why they weren't last week. I wasn't asking only her about herself and the assistant, but she was answering. Doesn't matter, boring answer. I was ready just on time, hardly made to drink from my water before it started. 

We were only few this time. We started with a long practice on the order of steps and letras of tangos. My friend needed to ask the snobbish woman about it. Neta still trust on my memory with order of letras. For my friend it wasn't enough and she was asking again and again over my head about which letra is first. 

We started a round of solos. The bata girl was first and needed to start again. She almost gave up. At the end the only problem was that she was looking at the floor. About me - almost last and only my friend after me. I didn't feel it goes too good for me. Few things happened not as I wanted, but I went on and danced. Neta didn't look too thrilled, but she didn't have anything to say. Second round felt better for me. It was the same I wanted and I think that Neta was holding a smile. Still I didn't hear jaleo. This time it wasn't because I was disconnected. I usually try NOT to hear anything which I don't have to for I won't get confused, but I was looking for it now. Nothing. After the second round of all of us Neta told us that we mustn't look like we're afraid even if we do. She said that all are afraid those moments no matter of dancing years and ability of dance.  She said that she doesn't think that legs' work is interesting, at least not at fin la fiesta. The being there and doing it is better. Always the musicians are the best in fin la fiesta just because they do it simple and from the heart. By the way - we need to dance like the friend of the assistant. She doesn't know well and don't remember the steps, but she's dancing. The friend of the assistant thought it's insulting, mostly for her. 

Neta has been asked to let us do another round. Fine, we have some time. Third round seemed like the best for all of us. Maybe accept the friend of the assistant. For me it was still difficult cause at the moment I started dancing I heard the bata girl and the snobbish woman talking. It took them time to finish. I cna;t think... I almost lost my ability to dance. After I finished I told them that I'm sorry that I bored them. They said that they were sinning. Yeah, right... My friend and Neta said it wasn't boring. My friend didn't know what do I try to say. I told them that I heard their conversation and it almost ruined me. Neta said that I;m right. Everything that happen at the cuadro has influence. We need to support each other. Neta thought to finish the class by that. Hey, we have a siguiryia now! The friend of the assistant was tired and sat down. She came with Neta this time, so she was waiting for her. The bata girl went away cause she never stay for this part. We lest only three to take our castanets - my friend, the snobbish woman and me. 

I showed Neta the video of last steps of siguiryia. Twice. We started to work on it, all of us. A moment of after we started that came the surprise. Ilan who couldn't come because of rehearsal came in. He hugged with Neta. The rehearsal finished earlier than it meant to, it wasn't too far and he thought to come and see last 10 minutes of class. He had more than 10 minutes. By the way he told he has some spies at the studio. My friend. Hey, what about me? Wasn't a good spy? Ilan said I was the best spy. He called me "00 Orna". My friend said that I was the main spy, she was the assistant. 

We went on. Ilan was sitting there on a bench. From time to time I signed him to join us. He didn't want. After a while he changed for flamenco shoes and took his old castanets. I asked him what happened to the new ones. He said that he use both, from time to time at the old ones and from time to time at the new ones. He made a try to come back dancing. It was a bit difficult for him. I can understand - a lot of new things (never mind I sent him the videos and uploaded our group at Facebook), other things he didn't dance for too long. He will return officially at the close class although he meant to come back a class later. It could be a big deal if it was a class after cause it will be his birthday. 

After class all weren't hurry. When Ilan isn't around - my friend and the snobbish woman runs out fast. He always wait for me, even when we're not walking together. My friend waits for him. After class my friend said that she's thirsty, she wants to drink something. She asked after a while to go sitting at a coffee shop around. The coffee shop she wanted to go to was closed, so another one around. I'm not asking - if going to a coffee shop around now - I'm coming with them. We were sitting in a coffee shop/restaurant which is more on the street and still on my way back home. While sitting, drinking and at Ilan's case and mine - eating as well - we were talking. And watching videos. They couldn't understand how did I miss the feria this year (didn't fit me this year), by the way I've been tagged "mostly by Ilan) as the one who knows everybody. My friend was surprised by the shows near the beach. Ilan said that I;m well known blogger (I think that istill do my best for it) and now I;m recording the conversation and soon it will be on my blog. I told Ilan things that I usually tells him when we see each other face to face outside the studios. I hope he missed it... A moment before they got back to the area of the studio for the car of my friend - I asked Ilan to think about a gift for his birthday. The goodbye included a kiss from him and a hug. Gee, that didn't happen for too long...

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