Thursday, August 25, 2016

After watching Flamenco Women

Well, I didn't make a proper publicity for this show and just uploaded some wonderful photos by Natasha Shakhnes from couple of rehearsals for it. I didn't do the proper publicity from few reasons, one of them that I didn't receive the information in a way which makes it easy for me. I hate to admit that until almost the last moment I wasn't sure if I will go to see it because I'm short out of money. I missed few more shows lately because of it. I hate to admit that the only good place that I found was far from the stage more than I used to, or to get at the first row. As far as it was at the large hall of Suzanne Dellal - I knew it won't be a good idea to be at the first ow as I love to be in over places at shows. I hate to admit that although I didn't make the proper publicity - the show was sold out. I still see it as a good sign. Sold out for a flamenco show in a decent hall.... And it included some talented people on stage. I'm not sure yet if it was a premier for upcoming tour, or just for one evening on stage. At the publicity of Suzanne Dellal they called it a premier, but Natasha told me that she was there because it was for one evening only. No one of the people on stage told me which side is correct, although most of them knows me.  It was mostly a good show, but not perfect.  

The musicians were Shuky Shveiky and Yael Horwitz as singer. Hagai Leshem on cajon and some other percussions. El Fyty and Ilai Burla on guitars. About Ilai Burla I heard only recently and it was the first time that I heard him play. 
But the important part that made the subject and title of the show was the dancers. The dancers were Silvia Duran, Mijal Nata, Sharon Saguy and Keren Pesach. Each one of them was choosing another flamenco dancer from Spain, all women. The special about each Spanish dancer is the fact she gives inspiration on the movement and the way that the Israeli dancers on stage dances. 
Silvia Duran was choosing Pilar Lopez.
Mijal Natan was choosing Milagros Mengíbar.
Sharon Saguy was choosing Manuela Carrasco.
Keren Pesach was choosing La Farruca. 

About Keren Pesach - it was so clear that it will be her choice. I think that La Farruca is amazing dancer, but I don't have much sympathy to Keren Pesach. There is a line between have influence and inspiration from another person and being a copycat. I think that Keren Pesach has crossed this line and became a copycat. It isn't the only reason that I dislike her, but it's the main reason. So, although I do adore the talent of La Farruca - I think that the thing that made this show less than perfect was taking Keren Pesach to be there on stage. I guess it's pretty cruel to write those words, but if I write about this show - all truth must be told. Well, at least when it have a connection to the show.

I didn't meet many people that I know outside. It was a little surprise for me. I was sure that it will be easier to meet some people from Mijal's studio. Inside the hall Natasha called me. She was inside, but not as a former watcher. Sharon Saguy was demanding to take her as a photographer at this show. Natasha told me it was difficult because of the rules of the place. I can understand why did she came as the photographer. She has a lot of  experience with flamenco photography, more than I have. And she has a lot of talent for it. The only problem was it made me jealous. I'm a photographer myself. I took a part at so many art exhibitions with photos that I took with a simple camera. A bit over than a year I have professional camera. By this year and a bit I took three dance photography workshops that only the last one included only one dance company, I took photos at a rehearsal of a show of Compas Company with Miguel Angel, I took photos at few flamenco shows, I got into a team of an Israeli music magazine that goes only at the internet, I took photos at a bit over than 20 music shows (most for the magazine, but few without a connection), and I still need to have a fight to be the photographer. There are not many who would fight fir me, and even then it would me mostly for free entrance for shows and receive the credits. 

So, the show itself:
It has started with thee musicians sitting at the center. Lights on them only while they have started. For a moment behind them were photos over a screen of the dancers that for them is the tribute. When the photos has gone - the lights were all over the stage. Mijal Natan, Sharon Saguy and Keren Pesach were sitting next to them and made palmas. After a while joined the sinning as well. A moment after - they got up and danced. It looked THAT good that I even could bare Keren Pesach that I usually don't like. Most of time they made the same movements, but for few moments they made it each in her way for the same idea. I mean - Mijal Natan and Sharon Saguy made it in their ways. Keren Pesach made it as a try to look like Los Farrucos..... For the end - they took their chairs and were putting at the side of the stage and went out from the stage. The musicians took their chairs to the same spot. It didn't take too long till El Fyty stayed alone on his chair for a solo. The start of it was a little weak for what he can, but after a short time he showed that his real talent of playing on the guitar.

The other musicians got back. Ilai Burla sat next to El Fyty, the others stood behind. Hagai Leshem became a palmero at this part. Sharon Saguy and Keren Pesach got back too. Keren Pesach sat at the other side of El Fyty and Sharon stood behind her as a palmera. Music on. After a while - a photo of La Farruca on the screen. The fans of Keren Pesach applauded. Again - I think that La Farruca is a wonderful dancer. Still - it was difficult for me to cheer. I was too afraid from the moment after. Well, I had a good reason. Keren Pesach stood up and made her part. For a while it looked to me more like a cheap copycat for La Farruca. And it became worse. At a legs' part she was pulling her hands to her hair, but not as a dance part. Something disturbed her and it looked like she's trying to order her hair. She pulled out something from there, hell knows what and pulled it aggressively to backstage. After a moment her tongue pulled out many times and something disturbed her there. It finished while she wiped her mouth aggressively with her hand. I prefer to think that I didn't see it. No elegance and no behavior of a dancer on stage in a show. I wished her part will over and move to the real dancers. It looked like forever, but it did finish a bit after. She and Sharon Saguy went out of stage. The musicians got back with their chairs to the center of the stage.

Next part was of Silvia Duran. That was a big difference. I'm use to that usually the most talented flamencos are the nicest people. There are few that destroy this theory. I'm a bit afraid of Silvia when it comes to meet her as a person, but when it comes to stage - this change was a good thing. Silvia is already old, she's fat and as far as I know - she's crazy. One of the things that I love in flamenco that you don't have to be young and thin. You can be fat and still be a great dancer and get old into the flamenco. Silvia Duran is a good example to it. Even that she's old and fat, even that her style is old fashion style - her short part looked so elegant. She hardly moved from her place, her legs work is like women used to do before Carmen Amaya changed it. Even though it's flamenco. Silvia is very famous at her hands' work and castanets' work. At this part she was dancing without castanets. And all you would hear about the beauty of her hands moves - it's true. Gentle and elegant. I needed to see it after the part before her. 

The next dancing part was of was belong to the younger dancer. Three of them dressed in white and flowers at their hairs. This time  Keren Pesach didn't need to touch a thing. Her flower flew down to almost backstage after few steps. A short dancing part. Mijal Natan and Sharon Saguy had their flowers till end of this dance.

The next part was a musical part. It was mostly for letting Sharon Saguy to change her clothes. When she got back to stage she was with a manton over her shoulders. She danced with it most of this dance. Only for a short moment she was putting aside the manton. One more elegant part at this show. It was very impressive part, mostly because of her control at the manton. Few moments it was possible to see her tribute to Manuela Carrasco. I didn't notice it before that Sharon has this influence, now I could see it and loved it.

Next part was a solo of Mijal Natan. The only musicians that stayed on stage at this moment were El Fyty and Shuky Shveiky. Mijal was dancing a caña with bata de cola. I think that I saw this dress at one of the shows, but the dance was new to me. And Mijal's dance? Maybe I'm bribed, but Mijal was amazing. No less. That was one of the moments that reminded me why do I love her as a dancer. Elegance at each movement. And the bata de cola dress and the way she used it made her look glamorous. She also a dancer who isn't young. Another proof that flamenco has no age. As someone told me recently - age can be even a good thing in flamenco and make dancers better and more mature. The next problem has started at the end of her dance, but not because of what happened on stage. Somehow all the crazy people find their way to me. So the people behind me at the audience are so "smart" and think that flamenco is nothing more than castanets. They started to talk loud about where are the castanets. Why doesn't she have castanets or anyone else had? I started to look back to them with murder with my eyes. Still didn't make them shut up.

So next. Silvia Duran came back to stage. She stage alone on stage and danced with recorded music. It was a short Clasico Español. With castanets. I thought it will relax the stupid people behind me. No, it didn't. Then it became to say loud "Castanets! Look! She's holding castanets! She's holding castanets". And few more details that I didn't need to hear about what is going on stage. I looked them again with some more murder at my eyes. That made them finally shut up. I could enjoy looking at Silvia dance Clasico Español. With castanets. And recorded music. 

And fin la fiesta. After this part Mijal, Sharon and Keren came back to stage dressed in red with all the musicians. They made a buleria for the end. At the start Mijal, Sharon and Keren danced together one letra. After that each one of dancer came out for a solo. From the musicians El Fyty, Yael and Shuky came out as well. And then Silvia joined them. She was dancing while all around her. They received flowers after the bow down. Women received red roses, men got white lilies. They were putting it on stage for making their salida.

After the show I got into the backstage, but not alone. I was saying hellos to some, but after I was saying hello to Mijal I ran out. I didn't want to meet Silvia. Although she was good - she is still the only person at the Israeli flamenco community that I'm afraid of. Oitside I met Keren who work for Mijal and Hadas from the flamenco company of Mijal (Compas Company). By the way I found out some details that maybe I should write here.....

A photo from the fin la fiesta at the show
A photo by Natasha Shakhnes

Mijal Natan at Flamenco Women

Photos by Natasha Shakhnes