Thursday, October 23, 2014

Change of plans about the shoes

OK, so you know that I'm about to have a new couple of flamenco shoes. 

A friend of mine from Israel made a try to help me. She sent me the link to the web site of Gallardo. I was amazed that I didn't think about it myself. By the way she sent me some things which suppose to help with choosing there and to know what to write them about sizes. It took me a long time to have some help with taking care for checking sizes of my legs (I couldn't ask from her, she isn't from Tel Aviv, my family took the time). When I finally made a try to invite - all was well. I found a beautiful model of shoes, they gave many beautiful colours to choose to have it with and kind of a heel. I made it as close as possible with colour to the photo (I just loved it very much). Heels - Cubano 4.5 cm. It gave all details. At payment - it rejected me over and over. 

I was talking with the friend. She made a try to help. At start she said it's weird, after that she made a a try to find a solution with me. By the way I had a writing with someone from the web site. It didn't help. By another try - I didn't get to the payment part. It got "stuck" that I want two couples, I couldn't change it. I won't mind to have two more couples, but I don't have the budget for it. And even if I had - I rather have a little difference between them for having a diversity A little difference like the colour (they gave some more tempting options), or taking a different model. But no, the same thing twice. I almost gave up. 

I asked my friend again. I got to the point the I felt that I freak her out just because I want those shoes THAT much and I can't get it. She was very patient with me. After a while she said that she got her Gallardo through her teacher, so she didn't try to invite herself. And no, not all can make it alone. She can't ask her teacher now because her teacher took a birth recently and still on vacation because of it. She may find another girl who made it and invited herself through this site. She will connect between us. By the way - she said that she feels bad about it cause she gave me the idea to order at this site, it doesn't work out and she can't really help more than she did. I told her that she doesn't have to feel bad about it cause she try to help me although she doesn't have to. 

I was waiting a bit to hear from her again or from the other girl. I wasn't hurry to ask anything because of holidays, but... Takes too long. It took too long till I checked sizes, takes too many problems to get it through the site, takes too long to get this help now. I was cheking with one of the girls here who brings flamenco stuff from Spain and design flamenco outfits as well. She doesn't bring flamenco shoes. 

Well, I think it's making a lot of mess for one couple of shoes. Till now I made a lot of mess with people from here. Sadly I still don't have the budget to travel Spain (I spend it over regular classes, workshops, flamenco shows and movies). None of my Israeli friends didn't travel recently to Spain with telling when is the coming back. Not sure it was wise to ask the few who did to buy me. Too much to take it to themselves for energy for performing here again, taking their time there and although they are friends of mine  - not sure that they see me close enough for dragging shoes for me over Spain. I made something else which looked to me a big mess. I knew that Miguel was at Madrid recently. Last night I wrote him. I asked him if he's still at Madrid. Just in case he's still there - I want to know if it won't be problem for him to go for me to Gallardo and invite me the couple that I want, or if he can invite me from the web site. I told him about the mess I had, and of course - if he do me this favour - I will pay him or give him the details of the credit card for he will pay with. This morning he wrote me an answer. 

Sweet Miguel. He already got back to Stuttgart, so he can't buy me at "the real place", he doesn't really know the fellows at Gallardo, so he doesn't know how to help me with it. By the way he told me about the shoes of Artefyl. He told me that they are friends of him, I can see their shoes at their site and invite without a problem. He thinks that they send shoes also to Israel. He also wrote me an e-mail address for having some more personal contact. I was after a crazy morning and at the start I wrote them an e-mail which could look a bit weird. After that I was searching for Artefyl at Google. Took a moment to find them. I was looking at the site. OK, so not all models are my piece of cake and some who looked beautiful to my eyes are out of my budget. Not really mine - I will receive it from my parents as birthday gift, but I can't kill them for that. I found one model which I fell for, the price is close to the price of the Gallardo that I wanted at the start (a difference of 2 Euro). It's possible to invite it at one colour, possible to invite in two. I think it's impossible to keep images from this sites, so you can look for the site of Artefyl I was choosing the model which called Farruca. Colours - I'm taking it in two. It's a bit more money, but... Not a big difference. Most of it blue/turquoise (C14 Charol Verde Azulado), the strip up and the part which close the shoe will be purple (C25 Charo Morado | Purple Patent). Heels - Cubano 4.5 cm. I wasn't sure that I'm not making a mistake with signing about size. Accept that - no problem at all. Any time I could fix if I noticed that I do wrong (rather check another colour, signed a heel which is too high or somehow signed that I want more shoes than I need - I could change it in a moment). As far as it's a gift - my dad said that he will pay with his credit card. The part that took that most time was to catch my dad for asking the details of his credit card. When I reached him on the phone I asked for the details. A moment after I gave them the details - I received a number of order. Hooray! I have my new flamenco shoes at work! 

And after the happiness - I wrote a lot again. I wrote some more to the e-mail address that Miguel gave me. I wrote that it could be weird before and didn't mean to. By the way I have my order at their site, but not sure that I wrote correct the size that I need for the shoes. I wrote them as is. A moment after I wrote Miguel. Thanked him for his help. I have my order of new flamenco shoes with his great help. Just not sure that I didn't make it too weird before the order, and not sure that I made all as it needed - I may made one mistake but I wrote them to the e-mail he gave me. He didn't wait. After few minutes he wrote me again that they are friends of him, so he can write them for me if I need to. So, I wrote him that I'm not sure about the size, I wrote him the size that I need at shoes as numbers and not as foot length. Thanks again. 

Shortly - I have my order. I will have my new flamenco shoes which will be just for me. It isn't the first plan I had of firm and model, but still professional shoes which are too good for me. Although it won't be black which I love so much, but it will be a refresh with some other beautiful colours. I should be grateful for the friends that I have. Although I couldn't dare to ask for shoes from some - I know that one day I may dare for it. One friend although didn't help me, but both of us know that she did try a lot for me. I know that she was too kind for me and others could tell me that give up of trying to help me with all the craziness I got into because of it. I have my luck to have Miguel as my friend. Although it took me a long time to think of him for this help and when I asked for it I was very afraid that I'm puling over him something which will cause him a problem - he gave me a lot of help. He wrote me that he doesn't know how to help me because I was looking for a certain thing and he isn't where I was hoping he is over the globe, but the same time he gave me another option. His option looks like working and I know that he's still there to go on with help in case I need it. All are friends which I know through flamenco - the reason that I see as social as well. Those friends are one of the reasons that I love flamenco so much and see as a part of my life

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