Tuesday, March 18, 2014

That was...

I had a weird day yesterday till I wasn't sure I will be able to dance. I already found myself ask Ilan to check me if I'm alive before class. He wasn't sure he accept (or maybe he didn't want to didn't feel like telling me). I made a try to sleep a little siesta before class, a thing which didn't really work out. I came almost at the last moment sleepy. Ilan was already there at the balcony and looked at the class before us. I apologized to him for my ruse request earlier and siad it only tells how convenient I feel with him. He sent me to get dressed (for class) and went. I was ready for a little brake between classes. Conversations became crazy.

The class has started with warming of castanets, some drills of escuela bolera and one of just castanets. Mijal said that since next week she will change the order of drills cause she gives us the "just castanets" in the middle of escuela bolera. There was a new girl, I think I saw her before in another class or so. It seemed like it's her first class with castanets cause Mijal told her few basic things about it. At the middle she also said that Ilan has "blue fingers" since the class has started, so he's the only one who holds right the castanets. 

Later on - practice parts of the escuela bolera, some of time only playing the castanets and some of time dancing without playing. After a while Mijal said something which she knew can make some stress. The nice one get stress from the castanets. She said that now the nice one do it alone. It didn't make stress, it made all laugh and jokes didn't finish before the class was over. 

We've been asked to do it in groups - all play at the start, after that - one group dance while the others play the castanets and after that we switch. Ilan and me were in the first group who played and after that dance while others play. The friend of the happy one decided to go on with the "alone" joke. She said that Ilan wants to do it alone now. He said that she means to herself. Mijal made it that she means that she and Ilan alone and not by that. For the rest of life. Once of this drill worked out well.

Dancing all again and again - these times dancing with playing the castanets. And few little steps. Dancing with it as well. Mijal asked us to dance the escuela bolera one last time from the start to the end. We did it. One of the guys of her company who takes the men's class came. Mijal was talking with him. We finished dancing. Mijal said that she didn't look so she wants us to dance once again. Last time... She said it looks much better. Do we start to enjoy it? 

Pulling down the castanets and start to practice parts of the buleria. Again and again. And dancing all from start to end few times. Few new steps. Dancing twice again the buleria from the start. 

Few more things after class. It's possible that after class was weird and not only to my eyes... 

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