Saturday, December 22, 2018

A workshop with Javier Latorre

I didn't publish it's about to happen because the way to publish it wasn't fit the way I do it. So, two days, two levels. It was advanced (for professional dancers) and medium level. As far as I'm not a professional dancer and really wanted to do it - as usual I took the medium level. At the studio of Mijal Natan who brought him. 

Day one

I came early for having time to change without stress. I've seen the end of the advanced class. It was quite full. It included three dancers and former dancers from the Mijal's company. There was another flamenco teacher who didn't look too good - mostly next to the other dancers. There was someone that her face were familiar and I can't remember where did I see her before (it's possible that in some other workshops like this) and she was dancing well. Someone that I've never seen before and found out that she isn't Israeli looked unsure at herself. And there was someone who I knew for a short time. It took me some time to remember her name. I could remember from the first moment where did I see her before. She came for a short time for technique classes that I'm taking at the studio of Mijal. I don't remember if she was dancing normal then, I mostly remember that ?I never liked her because of her personality. I know that she isn't a professional dancer and she practice less than me, so I couldn't understand how dare she trying to take this level. I had enough time to see that Javier made some weird movements just to tell her to control her  body. Just because of my "love" to her and because she was there - I was amused from it.

The medium level has started with a little late. Not many came to this level. I took it, there was a grown woman from another studio that I remember we've been taking some workshops together, The good dancer with the familiar face stayed and the horrible girl stayed as well. The warming was with rock music that sounds like from the '70. All the rest was very traditional way to arm the body before dancing. He showed us a bit what to do, most of time he looked how do we make it. The fixings came out already in this part. At that part it still was gentle.

After the warming - Mijal joined us for dancing. The palo was Jaleo. Javier said that the music isn't Jaleo, but the beat is Jaleo. The music that we had from that part to the end of class was sad, beautiful and flamenco. We learned a bit more than two minutes of a dance. At this part - some more fixings. All of us got it. Gentle? Depend who. The grown woman and me got it gentle. Even Mijan got fixed a bit and got it gentle. The girl who I don't like.... Javier went on doing some weird movements, said that this is the way that she dances and she must stop dancing this way. Near the end of class he even looked that he have no more patience for her. Well, because of my deep feelings for her - at my head was "don't laugh, don't laugh!". Outside my head I did laugh a bit...

Twice he left us to practice without him.

When class time almost finished - Javier told us to take of cameras for a video. He danced for us anything we had that day for we could see it over the night and remember at the next day.

We danced it few more times. We had a little brake. Javier told the girl that she don't know how to stand. A dancer must know how to stand. A real dancer must stand like a dancer, look at the mirror and see a dancer, all the rest comes after that. He showed how does she stands. He said that this way - there is no dancer who stands this way. Maybe there is, but a bad dancer. Me: he's right, try not to laugh. I laughed a bit. We danced a bit more.

Day two

This time the girl who don't know to stand didn't come. The grown woman didn't come. The flamenco teacher who isn't amazing didn't come. This time - all the girls who came to the advanced accept one of the former dancers from Mijal's company and the girl who isn't sure of herself stayed for the Jaleo. Javier didn't notice the time and the advanced class finished after time. And then - 5 minutes. He felt like he must tell me that personally as well. I sent him a message that Miguel asked me to. They used to work together years ago, looks like for the first time that Miguel is pleased that I'm taking a workshop with another man. 

When the class has started - pop from the '70 and Ă‰dith Piaf for the warming. The same idea of warming like the day before, less fixings.

Once again - Mijal joined the class when the warming has finished. We returned over all the dance from the day before. Most of the girls haven't been at the day before, the few who have - we needed to refresh our memories. It was slowly because of it. Then a little part learning how to continue. He let us to practice alone the new part. Mijal was leading us at this moment. One of the dancers from her company was shocked that it was a small part that was new. As far as most weren't there at the day before - we were practicing all from the start. Few girls has started with wondering if it fits to continue some more. Well, near the end of class. Javier said it will be a bit more, but the meaning was for the class itself and we finished the choreography. He showed us the new part for we will have a video of it. When I made a try to take my phone for it - my phone fell on the floor. Javier saw it and was joking that the phone committed a suicide. OK, kinda funny. For the end we danced all few more times. Few girls came for a rehearsal. It's less than a week to the premiere of "Alba", a new show of Compas Company, the company of Mijal Natan. Silvia Duran also takes a part on stage. Jaier made the choreography for the show and he came to Israel for seeing how does it starts for real.

For the end - a traditional photo/s with the dancer who gave the workshop:

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