Thursday, June 16, 2016

The workshop of Adrian Santana, June 2016

It's about time that I will write about it. I took another workshop with
Adrian Santana. I took again the mid level. It was a farruca this time. 

First day

When I came and after I got changed clothes - so many signed me for hello. It included Ilan who came for two levels - the solea for advanced and the class that I took, it included Idit, Mijal, even Adrian himself signed me for hello. Adva was there at the advanced. At a water brake she got through next to me at least twice and made a try NOT to look at me like I'm air. When did she become so snobbish? I was good for her when  I came to workshops that she gave with others and I was good enough for when I ran over the city to see her on stage - includes at some horrible places. She's angry with me since I came for a try at a class of her alone decided to finish by that without telling her how much it was horrible for me. And after that she was angry that I came to work for Concha JareƱo and made a try to make it as professional as possible instead of seeing her on stage... I guess she became snobbish since. 

Between classes I was talking almost with everybody. Although Ilan was happy to see me - he wasn't in a mood to talk. But almost with all. Adva still made a try to look like she doesn't know me. Although her talent - at my head has started a list of curses over her. Even Adrian who knows me less than her was talking with me a bit. 

The class itself has started with a kind of warming that I remembered that typical to Adrian. Lots of legs' work. Some simple steps, but make you feel your muscles grow bigger at the same time you freak out from doing it again and again. Adrian looked at me many times for checking out if I'm doing well. Still I wasn't the only one who received his attention. All was professional and he gave attention to all with a lot of patience. He started to remind me Miguel at this way. Miguel also gives attention to all with lots of patience and do it very professional, but the Miguel's way is funnier. I was giving a complement to both of them now - if it wasn't clear enough. The warming took a long difficult time. It was difficult because of working so hard on it, but as far as I knew it's about to come (it's the second time that I take a workshop that he gives), the fact that I was dancing a lot between both workshops I took from him and my body is stronger now and my technique gets better - I could enjoy the pain. Few times Ilan checked me out as well, just for checking. He does it from time to time.

We started a farruca. Practice a lot from a little but difficult part of it. 
Again - that joke... Ilan has a joke over me that even if will be two people at the studio including me someone will run over me. This time few girls almost ran over me and I almost danced on the wall. Ilan was there to see it. I looked to see if he notice it. He did. He was looking at me and I saw that he tries NOT to laugh and can't  hold himself. It probably looked too funny. 

Our class has started with a late, we've been given over time from the late. The beginners' class has been cancel. No one after us. No dramas at the end

Second day

Once again - between classes I was talking with all Includes Adrian, accept Adva who still behaved like she doesn't know me. Ilan stressed me at the start. I didn't see him although he was meant to be at both classes - the one I was taking and the one before. Well, he did come only the the class I took with a weird story why did he miss the class before. A guy that lean at the studio and didn't come at the day before took that time the advanced.

This time the class has started closer to the time it meant to be. The same kind of warming, but shorter with time. A lot of work on the farruca. We made a practice on the steps we learned the day before and learned many new ones. This time Ilan almost ran over me, but he noticed it and got away without I will say a thing. 

Lots of work. Lots of pleasure. Got back home tired

Third day

Yael Tuchfeld came for a while to Israel. She came also to the last day of the workshops. I think that she took the bata class, but she stayed after. She was sinning to the advanced. This time Ilan didn't come at all. He didn't know at time that the workshops has a third day and it didn't worked out for him to come. 

Between classes I was talking again, mostly with Adrian and Yael. Suddenly Adva remembered that she knows me. She still didn't say a thing, but she got stuck to me when she saw me talking with Adrian and Yael. It looked like she tried to listen. I don't remember when I wanted that much as this time that she will stay away from me. 

For the last farruca class we stayed four brave women. Two others from Mijal's studio. Well, one of them used to be till she moved to Germany because of her boyfriend. She got back for a visit and go on dancing. Both of them made a practice while the third woman who came has started to talk with me. Not sure that I met her before. It was a nice meeting talk. 

Warming. A difficult for body warming.

Some practice on the steps we already learned and learned many more. Yael was sinning to us as well. It was fun to dance and hear her sinning. At the end of class Adrian accepted that I will take a video. Because of rush - I made it, but in a bad quality. 

Before going on - I asked Adrian to have a photo with me. Mijal made us two at my camera. As you can see she made it well, but it took some time. She doesn't use pro cameras very often. Adrian accepted I will publish the photos.

After going out from the studio I was talking at the phone with Ilan. I was telling him about the class he was missing. By the way I told him that Adva pissed me off. About Adva - the only thing Ilan had to say was "What's new?"

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