Saturday, March 14, 2015

If all goes right

Dias de Flamenco festival is getting closer. Once again at the 21 time. It happens every year at Tel Aviv thanks to Adi Foundation (Keren Adi). This year the main show is the new show of Concha Jareño who will also give the workshop. I thought that like every year I will go Friday night to see the show, Friday morning I will take the workshop like it does happen sometimes (forth time in a row, once before as well at my third year). I was sure that my part of having it will finish by that, the rest is just publishing and writing about it. Well, things happen and I'm glad to tell it won't stop by that this year.

This week Eva Agmon - the manager of Adi Foundation wrote at Facebook that Concha Jareño will come with a show manager, but she will also come with many clothes for the show. How many? She will need to change many times at show time. The manager won't be enough. Concha needs someone to help with the clothes changing. Does anyone wants to help Concha change her clothes when she will perform at the festival? With a bit fear I wrote an e-mail to Eva. I asked her if it's still a question. In case it's still relevant - I could come at Thursday and Saturday. Friday would be a problem because I will come to see the show. She answered me fast. It's still relevant, she still didn't take anyone, others also had a similar problem (wanted one evening to see the show), she will be at contact with me but it isn't sure yet. The rest sounds like she rather take one of the dancers who dance professional, in case no one will take it - I will be the second option. 

I didn't think of asking her about money. The experience, the option to meet from close few more professional flamenco artists and have one more interesting thing to write about here (and maybe have some more information about shows and workshops at the future) was good enough for me. 

A day after. Eva wrote me that if I'm still interested - she wants me to come at Thursday and Saturday. She will look for someone else at Friday. And I'll get paid for my help. YEAH!!! Of course I'm interested! 

So, the festival is this close weekend. If nothing wrong happens at the last moment - I will help Concha Jareño to change her clothes for the show at Thursday and Saturday, get paid for it with money and an experience, at the middle I will take a workshop and see her show. I guess that not all will be written at the moment that I will be back home. I need to sleep a bit between things.

By the way - there are some tickets to the show of Concha at this festival. Will you come with me?

For tickets:

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