Sunday, January 11, 2015

Workshops/flamenco fair with Domingo Ortega, day one

In a "kittke" kate, still tired. Sorry for that. Hope I'll write on the best way. 

So. after a crazy week - workshops of Domingo Ortega. Few more things there, same price. And freezing cold outside. Lots of rains at Tel Aviv and round. At least there was a little brake from rains when I went out. Horrible ride at the bus. I was sure I'm about to die is happen too many times. It was a in a place that I heard about at the port of Jaffa, but it's pretty new there and really new for me. First time for me of seeing this place from inside although I heard about it before. 

Came in. Freezing inside as well, but with some heaters which are bigger than you take to your house, but not big enough for a place like this. First person that I see there and know - Andrey. After a long time we didn't meet. Well, since I left the studio of Neta. He was there in a place which looked to me like a room. I came to say hello. He looked like he doesn't know how does he suppose to behave with me. Weird... Isn't typical for him. I found out that Neta was there too. She wasn't too much free at mind to give attention, but I didn't think that anything will happen. Not good anyway. But she said a fast hello and got in somewhere for giving a workshop. Andrey made a try to help me and tell me where can I change and where are the workshops. Few girls there. Domingo came to sitt with some. The young ones got in for the workshop. The little boy who had a problem with my trying to sell my small shoes was there. Said hello like his a close friend. He and Andrey - each in in his turn asked me if I'm getting into the workshop of Neta. No. Andrey was shocked. The boy... I told him that I already have been at her studio for years. For my surprise - he seemed like he understand, Ilan came after me. I made a try to tell him where to change and where are the workshops. I went to the place of workshops for a moment. This place made for shows, so the workshops were on stage.... Ilan came after me to look. After a moment he said that he saw enough. I brought some Mentos. I gave him a bit. Others didn't want. By the way few things happened to me with him that showed me how much our relationship is intimate although we're "just" friends, and although lately he isn't always in the mood of seeing me outside the studio. Sharon Sagui came. She already recognize me better than I gave her credit for. One more person for Mentos... I asked her if her workshop with Shuky in the day after will happen as plan. She said that it will. Cool, I will probably stay for it. Until Domingo's workshop at the level I wanted has started - Ilan and me went to sit with him and the girls. Idit was one of them. Igaely came as well Just for Domingo. 

Workshop time. The Russian girl from Neta's studio was there. She was at Neta's workshop and stayed for this one as well. Non us of made a try to talk with the other one. I hope it hurts her that I didn't mind. No one was hurry. Domingo, me and few more got stuck next to the heaters on stage. After a while Domingo started to sign that he wants to start. Others took the time. By the way I asked him for the palo. He said that he thinks it will be tangos. Cool. When all finally were ready he said that he wants to make it as tangos, but if someone have another idea or wants something else - that's the time to say. No one said a word. OK, let's do some warming. 

He made us some legs' warming with some steps which repeat itself a lot. And some more steps for making it as circles later on. When it came out for circles it was very confusing. All of this time Andrey was sitting there with his guitar. Seemed like he's wondering when to join with music. At circles time there was no wondering - he was playing. 

After that - a bit by bit working on a tangos. from time to time Domingo stopped to think what will be next steps. By the way he was talking with Andrey how does he want the music to sound like. By learning the steps and while dancing - Domingo was sinning, no matter he was dancing as well. New steps = he had a patience to answer some questions and move between all for all of us understand all for sure. As far as it's a hall for shows and we were on stage - no mirrors. I can remember that few years ago a thing like this could stress me. Now it felt good. It made me demand more from myself. I was ready for this challenge. I was thinking about it all class since a bit after we started the real dance. 

Few steps of the tangos felt like I learned something similar but not quite the same at the studio of Neta. Other steps felt like a challenge. 

At a water brake near the end I asked Domingo if I could take a video at end of workshop. He said that now it's the time. My question made that he told all that if anyone wants to take the video - that's the time. Others can dance with him, I took out my camera, all others took out their phones. He asked if anyone wants to dance with him or would he dance alone and all of us will take a video. Well, all of us wanted him to dance while are taking videos. He accepted, but asked Neta who was there to tell us NOT to publish it in any website - not Facebook, YouTube or any other place. He danced and sing for us a moment after. And all of us dance a bit more, twice or three times more. class over for today. 

I took off my shoes. I noticed that other girls asked for a photo with him. I got back to him and asked if I could too. OK, now. I I gave Ilan my camera and asked him to take a photo. I asked Domingo if I could upload the photo to Facebook, just the photo. He said that I can. Cute Domingo, an hour or so after I uploaded - he made a share. A moment after my photo with him - Ilan asked me to take a photo of him with Domingo and Igaely. Maybe with me too? No, we burned Facebook with our photos. He gave me his phone and asked me to take a photo like a professional. 

Back home. Idit came with a car. Igaely, me and one more dancer received a ride till places which were easier for us and were on her way. And of course - a full conversation. By the way - how do we feel about the face we didn't have a mirror? Igaely didn't say much. The other dancer and me loved it from the same reason, although I was the only one to admit it could stress me if it wasn't now. Idit loved it too, but... Not sure that she would want me to publish her reason. 

So, once again - my photo with Domingo from day one

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