Wednesday, January 7, 2015

After watching A Simple Vista

I'm sorry if this time it's weird. Less and less sleeping hours. I came to see the show this way. And because of the way this time the sleeping went down to me (like the missing hours are not horrible enough) - I came nervous, no matter I was waiting for watching this show. I knew I should.

This time the tickets taking was near the main hall although the show happened at the other hall that made of flamenco and oriental styles, were I performed as a part of end of year shows. It was luck to meet people I know and start talking. It saved my running to pick my ticket at the wrong place. The door for the hall was closed to the last moment, but the door for the building was open. The audience was enough to fill almost all seats (only few were empty, probably less than 10). All wanted to get in, but too crowded. I found someone who I know at the stairs, Enough place next to her and I wanted to talk with her. I went to her. A scary bouncer got mad at me. I didn't notice that she's there and didn't give her my ticket before I got up on stairs. I made a little conversation with the girl I know. It could be useful for me and I know she's too kind with me. A moment after that - the soor to the hall got open. 

The show itself has started. Two chairs on stage. Adva Yermiyahu was sitting on one chair, wearing a white bata, a white bolero and something which could look like a black shirt. El Fyty was sitting next to her with his guitar. Adi Movdat (La Piconera) was standing behind him. A big red flower on her head. Dark clothes and a pico over her shoulders. And Shuky Shveiky was standing behind Adva. All were waiting. Four of them looked like wish to start for real, all looked from time to time how many and who really come. A contrabass was on edge of stage far from them. The door of the hall got closed. Still waiting. After a moment and a little more - El Fyty moved, looked back and had a jaleo to shout. Three others answered him with some more jaleo. Palmas. El Fyty started to play. Four of them were sinning a letra of Sevillanas. 

One more "little" and beautiful musical part - Adva got up to dance a liviana. Shuky sat instead her. One long amazing dance. I started to wonder how many years and talent needed to reach this crazy level of dancing. Even if I didn't learn dancing before I couldn't miss it's a difficult one. And it looked natural when she does it. The hairpin on her head flew down to stage. Near the end it was possible to see that she have there a little black skirt under the bata. When she finished - she came back to the  place with the chairs and other fellows.  She opened the bata and left it there on the stage. The black shirt she was wearing is a black dress. It has a part the getting "closed" over the hip. Shuky was still sinning to her. After leaving the bata - she came closer and the song have finished. 

Some more music. Adva came more behind Shuky. Later on I found out one thing that happened this way accept taking off the bolero. 

After a long part of "just music" - a time for an alegria. Shuky made the start funny. I wasn't the onl one who laughed a bit. Adva and Adi came to the fron for a duet. Adva let the fabric of her dress get free. It's a long dress. Some parts they made it as each one do something in the same idea, but different. Some parts they danced to each other. Some parts they made it very together, some even very close to each other. It had a lot of magic in the way they danced it. At the part it moved to buleria - each one made two solos while Shuky sang to the one who danced at this letra. After a while into the alegria I noticed that a guy that was sitting close to me started to move  in ecstasy. He didn't stop before the show was over.

Moving to a dramatic part. A solea part in music. Just guitar. Adi pulled out two hairpins from her hair. She and Adva got back standing behind the musicians. Adi went on. The pico got down. So did the flower. And some more hairpins. And she came back to the front. She had her long beautiful solo.A moment after her salida - she and Adva made a salida from stage.  

I hope that I write his name without mistakes in English... Ofri Yavzury came to stage and took the contrabass. He played at this part without the string. The musicians made a trio that mixed flamenco and jazz. I also love jazz but know less about it. I didn't know this player before, but it's clear for me now that he's also a great musician. I just loved this part. It had a wonderful sound. 

A new part. Ofri took off a string from the pocket and used to it for playing. At this part he was playing alone. Adva and Adi came back to stage with two new black dresses. At start they were dancing with the music of contrabass and palmas of Shuky and El Fyty. After a while - music stopeed and Ofri made palmas as well. Many jaleos. 

And back to the letra of Sevillanas. Adi and Adva started to dance for it. They had a very free and modern version for Sevillanas. 

Fin la fiesta. El Fyty was playing at his guitar. Shuky in the middle of a half circle. He, Ofri and the girls on palmas. And he started sinning. He made his part of dancing. After that the girls were dancing in a circle around him. And danced just like that. Salida. They got back for one more fin la fiesta which the girls made a salida very fast. And few bow downs.

After that - talking a bit more with the people I know at the audience, getting into the backstage, getting hugged with Adi who knows me mostly through Facebook and getting hugged with Adva. I was talking with Shuky a bit as well. 

Just amazing. In case you're at Jerusalem this Saturday or in case that will more dates for this masterpiece - you should give yourself this pleasure

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