Tuesday, January 6, 2015

About next workshops

Workshops with Domingo Ortega and some flamenco artists from Israel will happen here this week. I'm about to go. I did publish about here a bit, mostly because of him, a bit because of most of others. I didn't publish much because one dancer who takes a part in the workshops and a show. I still think she has a talent, but I still have a lot of personal anger to her. Not sure that I will go to see the show, but I will go to the workshops, of Domingo, probably also to the workshop of Sharon Sagui and Shuky Shveiky (the same price to take it or leave it). 

As far as it will take a part in a new place at the port of Jaffa (a year or two), as far as I didn't come to this port for too long, as far as it isn't sure that I will have a ride to there, as far as Ilan can't promise me to come with me although he will be there - I took a little trip to there. Mostly to see that I know where is this certain part at the port and see that I can go there alone. By the way - many photos... The port had many changes since I've been there at the last time. Still I found the place without too much trouble. Two more days I will be there again. Today I came with strong winds there. The weather men say that the weather will be worse since tomorrow till weekend. Still - those who made the workshops happen said that all will be as plan, no matter the weather. 

One photo of the place which I took by my phone:

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