Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Second try

About the new shoes...

One more class with the new shoes. This time Mijal herself gave the class as she always gives at Mondays. She asked me to see my shoes. So far she saw in the photos. She said that it's a beauty, but when I told her about the size thing - she said that although it's sad I mustn't dance in it. It will ruin my bones. I told her that I didn't bring any other couple this time. OK, but this time only. I should publish at Facebook that I sell those shoes. She accepted that I will try shoes of hers. She also has shoes of Artefyl, but hers are old. It still can give me a perspective for inviting a new couple. We have the same size. She brought me one for a start, but... Old. And this model includes shoe laces and the shoe lace is gone. By the way she said that the other Orna has the same size of shoes that I received. I told few people that I had a writing with someone from the firm who offered me to send it back to Spain for they will stretch it. All said it isn't a good idea. If it's only stretching - I can do it in Israel too. 

Class has started. Castanets' drills. After that a practice on the newest part of the siguiryia. And to dance from the start. Mijal stopped us after a moment. She didn't like our entrada. She wanted us to practice a walking. She showed us how does it suppose to look and how did we do it. Other teachers could do it horrible. The way she fixed us - it was funny. Through the laugh we learned a new thing about a very basic this. After that it was dancing all again with stops. We still needed to refresh our memory. By the way I started to wonder about my shoes again. Maybe she's right. I can dance in it, but I hardly felt the blood runs in my veins at my feet. If the other Orna has this size at her shoes - maybe she will want it. If not - Ayelet loved it and she's little in her body size. Maybe it will be good for her. Anyway - if one of them would like to have my new shoes although I took two classes in it - it will be good. I respect both of them, so at least I will know it will have an owner that worth having unique shoes. And I could make a new order - the same thing but demand on my real size this time. The only problem will be another month to dance at my old shoes. We learned few new steps for the siguiryia. Taking off the castanets. 

My "dear" friend came. I have no time for her. I'm getting tired from her nonsense and I had some more important things to do than giving her attention. Ilan was right. Without to ask him I was busy checking out if he drinks enough water. One message at the morning. He sent me back a photo that he brought two bottles of water to his other job. I write before in another post that here not all dancers earn enough money for living just from dancing. So, one more case although he has a lot of talent. A moment before class has started I asked him if he drank already. He showed me that he brought the water, but said that he was drinking from it earlier. One brake - I said that I didn't see him drink yet. He said that he rather drink between classes. Taking off the castanets - I came again. This time he drank a bit. Mazal Tov... Got back to my place. 

We've been asked to dance all we have at the tango of this class. Let's see what do we remember. I didn't really notice how good did others danced, mostly a try to remember. Seems like all of us forgot a bit, each one something else. Only few remembered the very last steps that we learned two weeks ago - at the last class of Mondays. They also had it in a puzzle, each one remembered a part. Mijal started to do this part. Slowly all of us had a reminder. We danced it few times. One of the guys of the company came and made a try to join, And few more steps. End of class. 

I didn't really say "hello" to my friend. I was looking for the other Orna. I told her that Mijal told me that her size at shoes is the same as I have at my new shoes. She said it's really her size, but she isn't looking for new shoes now. Is it really hurts my feet? I really shouldn't dance in it. She had a time that she danced in a couple of shoes which were too small for her. It made a damage to her feet. I should ask Ayelet. She and Ayelet have the same size and my new shoes looks like the style of Ayelet. I was amazed that she had this idea and said it this way. Ayelet saw it at the evening before and told me she loves it. I took off my shoes and I was looking for Ayelet. I didn't see her. Mijal took a cigarette brake. I asked her if Ayelet still around. She told me that Ayelet suppose to be there and stay for another class. Why do I look for her. I told her about the answer of the other Orna and what did Ayelet told me her opinion on my shoes at the evening before. Mijal said that it will be a good idea. I should look for Ayelet. I didn't rush to go. The class after has started. I was at the balcony. I noticed that Ayelet got back and dancing. I came to her. I told her that I'm sorry to disturb her at class, but... Ilan was joking that I'm about to sell it to Ayelet in a double price. She stopped for a moment and came with me to the balcony. She asked me if she can wear my shoes. Yes, she can. She was wearing and made few steps. Mijal stopped the class for asking if it fits. By the way she said that in case Ayelet takes it - it will be great if she will wear it in a certain dance of hers at a show they have now. Ayelet was hurry to go back to class. She asked me for it's price. She said that she will think about it. She asked me when do we see each other at the studio again. OK, so this week won't be another class. Next week she want me to bring those shoes again for she will try it again. If it's good - and so far it does - she will buy it from me. I promised her that now the shoes are waiting for her. If she want it - she's the next owner. In case that she decide not to - I will publish that I'm looking for someone who will buy it. She got back to her shoes and went down again to the studio. I heard Mijal say something that I'm nice for doing it. I changed and went. 

As far as those shoes are a gift - I let my dad know about it. I told him that Ayelet may take it. I will take a new order. NOW. So, one more e-mail to Artefyl. A bit less than a week to know if Ayelet and me will have similar shoes, one more month to the new couple. Still need to wait for the morning for someone will read it there

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