Friday, December 19, 2014

One more waiting

As far as it made me really tired to go on with it - it took me some time to write about it. And I received a reminder from Miguel. 

I wrote once again to Artefyl - the same evening I offered Ayelet to buy my shoes. I'm still waiting for her answer. She asked me to bring it back next class for she will try it again more relaxed before she decides. That means at least to wait till Sunday. I hope that she will take it. Accept of less looking for a buyer - if someone else will dance in those shoes accept me - I rather it will be her than others. That's because of what I think of her (amazing dancer and a sweet person). Got back home and wrote Artefyl that I will buy another couple. I asked them to start over this invitation and make me this pair of shoes with a change of size for it will be perfect this time. I couldn't wait for morning to write about it here. 

So, at the next morning I received an answer from Artefyl. The woman I'm making all of it wrote it's good news. They will start over again, will make it at my size and send it as fast as possible. For making it faster - this time it will be under "urgent". Because of the full story they are making it again - this time they won't charge me for the sending. Don't try it at home, I received it this way because of a mistake that happened! By the way - maybe I want it a bit different by anything else too? No, I want that the size will good this time, accept that I want it the same. 

Miguel wrote me yesterday. He arrived Madrid for personal matters. He works with Artefyl and I received the recommendation about them from him. I didn't dare to write him at the same moment about the solution. I was too worried that he will feel responsible for the mistake. I didn't blame for a moment. And even at the same moment that I was in pains from the shoes - I understood that they didn't mean it will be this way. So, he wrote me that he's Madrid and arrived Artefyl. He's been told by them that they are about to make me a new couple, will send it as fast as possible and won't charge me for the sending. Still he wanted to protect the recommendation. A full show won't happened with the same pair of shoes. It made from a very hard material, so I don't need to worry about that. I don't, just worry now about telling people outside the studio who saw the photos - just in case they will see me now with the old shoes. And from feeling the floor again till the new shoes will arrive. 

And here again the shoes the made me so far.. Soon I will have the same only a bit bigger. At photos it's a bit brighter than it is at real life, probably because of the shinning 

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