Monday, December 22, 2014

Looking for a buyer

I went to another technique class. This time I won't get into all details, not all that happened at class. Just go on with my new saga - the shoes... 

So I got back to dance at my old shoes. Damn, what a reminder for me that I need a new couple! That's a lot of rocking the floor at this class. My old shoes were amazing, not eyes' burning but good. It served me well for few years at many regular classes and many workshops. The problem - few years, lots of dancing in it. I killed it from using. Now I can feel the floor while wearing it. Guess it still not as terrible as dancing in shoes which are too small. I brought also my new shoes for Ayelet will try it once again. 

After class I gave it to her. Ilan came this time as well and said it belongs to Ayelet now, I should say "goodbye". Not yet. While she was changing = one of the girls came to her. I heard Ayelet tells that it's my shoes. I didn't really listen. I thought it will be better to let her do it peaceful, I was busy talking with Ilan anyway. After a while she came to me, still wearing my shoes. She said that sh'es sorry to disappoint me. She's sorry just to give it this way, but... Those shoes are beautiful, it exactly what she like - includes the combination of colours. She really want it but it's a bit too small for her too. I should publish the shoes for selling at Facebook. OK, I hoped it will be good for her. If giving it to someone else - I rather give it to her than some others. I told her it was a thought to publish this way, but I was waiting for her answer. I told her what I think of her as the reason for it. At least I didn't need to lie about it. 

Because it't the studio of Mijal but she wasn't there this time (Ayelet gives this class) - after coming back home I sent a message to Mijal. I told her that it didn't work out and I still need to look for someone who would like to buy the shoes. I asked her if I could publish also at her studio in case that I won't find a buyer till next class. There is a billboard at her studio that I see there things like this from time to time. She answered that it's clear that I can. 

So, publishing at Facebook. Both of my profiles (too many people that I should know), at the group that I opened and another group. The other group... I published there because of style of this group. I'm too proud to publish at the group of "the great dancer from the south". my group is made for flamenco - but it's an international and it was taken to another way of shoes for sell after once or twice of using. It's possible to publish there those things if the shoes are made for flamenco, but probably it will be difficult to find a buyer. The other group that I published at made for flamenco in Israel. It closed to the community here. All that people publish there are things that happen here. There is someone who opened it and so far I didn't think he's important enough to write about him. He's only a kid, 11 or 12 years old. I know him a bit. He started to dance when he was only 7 years old, maybe even before. He's from the north. I saw him for real once - at the last Dias de Flamenco festival. He came with his father to the workshop, both of them came to dance and learn. At the workshops of this festival I hardly look at others when I decide to take the workshop as well. At his case - I looked at him many times. It's rare to see kids who take those workshops. I mean - workshops of this festival. It looked to me that he danced before, but he have a lot more to learn. I was sure that his father push him to this. A bit after that workshop - he opened his own profile at Facebook. He offered a virtual friendship to all the flamenco community in Israel of at at least most of us. Includes me. I guess that many had their reasons to accept him. Of course - all are much older than him. I know it's horrible, but I accepted him from mercy. His first profile picture was with my dear Miguel at his last time in Israel. This kid took a workshop that Miguel gave at Haifa. So - one more thing to catch my eye. After that he opened this group. He invited all. Miguel accepted him as well and now Miguel is also in this group. 

This kid, the friendship and this group... I guess that I'm not suppose to make an "outing", but now I don't think that his father need to push him to flamenco. I see his profile and he sees mine. He's very inside the flamenco. From time to time he seem to me more girly than I am at the way he takes it. I hope that when he will grow up he will see it himself without my help and without any guilty feelings. He saw the photos that I uploaded to Facebook with my new shoes. He responded and got curious. Not for buying those, but from where did I get it. 

Now a try to find a buyer after it didn't fit to Ayelet. A new couple for me is on a work, that's for sure. At least I have some prepare photos of the shoes, never mind that the blue part came out a bit lighter at photos (probably because of the shine). So I uploaded this photo at my profiles, my group and at the group of this kid:

I wrote that I sell it. I gave the details of firm and size.
I wrote where do I prepare that will get in contact with 
me in case it fits in size of someone who likes it.

- First comment: this kid wrote "ha ha. You just bought it".

- My comment: "yes, I just bought it. It made too small for me.
Because of it I'm looking for someone who's interested
and it's her size. They makes me a new couple now".

- His comment: "Too small for me too".

- My comment: "I don't want to insult, but this offer fits to girls only".

= His comment:  "Yes. Of course. Just for knowledge" 

- I didn't write another comment. 

- He made a smiley.

- He wrote as another comment: "You didn't think that I will buy it"

- I wondered how cruel should I be. I don't want to make him a trauma that 
will cause him a fear to find out what he is, no fear after that to tell it.
Anyway in case that If I will say that I won't sell it to him no matter what
I may lose a buyer. Just in case that a girl won't buy it.

- Difficult, but it was enough to write "No"

- His comment: "Ahh... Great" 

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