Saturday, December 6, 2014

For a week

Once again I think that I will take a brake from writing all about the ordinary classes. Still some new things. Last Wednesday we started a new dance. This week we started Abandolao. Mijal told a lot about it This time it was very difficult. I didn't dance much Abandolao at my life, only few hours through a workshop. And this week - not only the ordinary girls of those classes. One new and some who didn't come for a long time and came back. It was very crowded. The hyperactive came late and wanted to be in the front of me. She's been asked to move to another place for she could dance. But instead of her - the nice one was hyperactive this time and I hardly could see anything. I stood by her many times for I could see the new steps. A lot of it was a warming, but probably will take a part in the new dance. At the last moments we made something with it. 

After us meant to be another class of girls who dance, but less than us. It didn't happen for a while. Two of them came this time to try without too much success to dance with us. One more came when we finished. Meant to start a new class for beginners and she wanted to take it. Talented girl... She's been told by Mijal and Ayelet that won't be any this time. 

And tonight will be AguaDulce of their company at the first time on stage. At Tel Aviv it will come at Monday instead of a class. Good luck... Only four of this company will be there accept Mijal (Ayelet, Moran, Vlada and Hadas). Saying good luck to the girls who came - to Ayelet before class, to Moran after class. They both asked me if I will come on Monday. Of course I will! It sounds like a show that I can't miss

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