Sunday, November 2, 2014

Last class

Well, I did made a try this week to come back writing about the regular classes. I wrote only about Monday. This time it won't be normal yet. Although I did start with Ritalin - I did think that maybe this time it will be a waste. Still couldn't sleep at night. At the morning I was at north Tel Aviv for breakfast at a coffee shop. My friend Maya has started a workshop for her work. The workshop is there near the coffee shop we sat in. The main reason we met was for my upcoming birthday much more than the fact we didn't see each other for too long. At noon I didn't have too much time to have a siesta. Checking out if the Ritalin helps will be the same it was at the class before. Many things happened, I had a problem to be focused and I still try to find out some sleeping hours, so shortly with very few things:

One of the girls wondered if the girl who always stand next to me will come. Not she and not the looking girl came. One of the very new ones came and looks like that she start to recognize and remember me. She and the little girl said "hello" very  happy. The man from Mijal's company came. After all this time it was the first time that we made a try to say "hello" to each other. Ofir came to play. 

When class has started Ayelet was near. The problem was that one of the students has been asked to stand next to her. This girl can't stand in one place for a moment. All class she didn't stop moving, even at times we made a brake for water or looking at the new steps. When she finally stopped hiding me - she almost ran over Ayelet. So, after a short warming we started to learn some new steps. A part of buleria to finish the solea. 

Few mistakes at class... Ofir wasn't as I did. Twice he made mistakes. At the second time Mijal told us that it wasn't our mistake, we were fine.  At working on the new steps the man from Mijal's company... Once Mijal asked him to stop looking at Ayelet. Still got a laugh - from Ayelet as well. Another time - Mijal showed and told what to do with hands next to the legs. All stood the same. She still said few more times about the hands. After that she sigined over and over again. We were still standing the same position. After a while he asked if she meant to him. Yeah, she did. When he moved we went on. After this shame we were working some more on the new steps - Mijal asked him and another girl to dance the new part - just them. They made it well. After some more steps - Mijal asked the nice one and the little girl to dance the new part. The little girl was very shy and didn't want to, but Mijal convinced her. The nice one made few mistakes, but went on. The little girl made it perfect. We all clapped our hands for it for a while. Mijal said that she should trust herself and stop being shy cause she can dance. Well, before she will ask each one of us to dance alone.... Let's dance all. Fine, a cruel joke. No much time. 

We danced all we had from the solea. A bit of practice of difficult parts. And then Mijal got angry. Too many girls look at Ayelet as well. Mijal said that she understand that we got connected to Ayelet and she's very ours, but now Ayelet is a student as much as we do. She allow to try some new things and we are not suppose to do all that she try. We must leave her alone at classes. At this part - no laughs. Ayelet looked like Mijal was angry with her although it wasn't her fault.

No class after us. Mijal offered that we'll stay for longer for a practice on the difficult parts. We could do it at the same evening, we could choose to wait for next week. The man said that  he rather wait to next week, No one said anything different. The dog of Mijal heard the claps of end of class and came to me. A short moment - on her back for I will pet her belly. Mijal said something  and went on that it's enough that her dog sees me for getting on her back and open her legs. I'm not sure if it was that funny or was I that tired, but I started to laugh like crazy

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