Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Looks like coming back

OK, one try to go back writing about the regular classes. I hope to return to write about it as I used to (after each class or at least once a week about all). As usual - I'm tired like crazy because of too less sleeping hours, and even with the little sleeping I had... But I had tonight my first class with influence of Ritalin. I have no problem to tell that I started to take in the last few days. It isn't a secret that it's hard to me to concentrate, even with things that I love. With time it looks it becomes harder accept when I watch movies, plays in the theatre, art and just watch without to dance flamenco. The dancing still a lot of focus which I don't have enough. And a bit before I took the test of checking out if I have a problem - I've been asked about my sleeping. Horrible. Always was and this is another thing which become worse with time. So, not enough sleeping, but with Ritalin. I will try to make it short cause accept telling about new steps and my thoughts about my focus.... And the fact I wanna sleep and won't do it soon - I still want to use the little influence that I still have from the Ritalin. 

As almost usual - I came at the last moment. Ilan made a practice outside with two others. From time to time I give him articles from the daily paper which I think that he will find as interesting. So, here I found an article about a singer that he loves. He asked me to put it next to his  castanets. I did and ran to change. When I was ready I went out to be with them. Not much time. The other class which was with very few girls this time has finished. We got in. I told Ilan about the shoes. I freaked him as well about it although he was out of the story. I felt like a need to tell him that it's about to happen. Just a little more talk. He had some new things as well. And each one of us made some practice. I mean - he had a practice on the castanets, I had a bit of practice on a circle that I learned from Adi and made many stops to look at Ilan. I still have a lot to learn from him about dancing....

At our class were many more than the class before us, but it wasn't full. And Ayelet was sitting down at the side all class. I saw her dancing a bit in the class before, but she sat in the studio at the last minutes of class before. Between classes I asked her if she's OK. She said that she did, but I still worry for her. It isn't a natural thing for her. 

So, a lot of practice on the castanets. Even we had a new drill. I was amazed. It was easy than the usual for me. I still don't remember well the full new drill, but I was focused and all was so clear without a problem. Almost no problem. There were still moments that I felt heavy and fuzzy. I'm not sure yet if it's because I wasn't sleeping enough or the fact the doctor didn't want to start with the full dosage of Ritalin for a start cause I asked for a kind which works for a longer time than the kind that has been given for the test. Maybe it's a mix of both, maybe only one thing. We'll see at the next class.  The "ballerina" came in the middle of work on the new drill. I still had few little mistakes at the drills from time to time, felt like blackouts. At one point that I made a mistake I noticed that one of the girls was looking at me like she needs my help to know what's next. Oh really? Me? Am I really the right person for it? Mostly when I'm mistaken?

And some new steps. There was a moment that Mijal called Orna. At the first moment I was sure that she called me. No, it was to a former dancer at her company who came back dancing recently. Two of us share the same name. I could see at as a complement. I still don't know her well personally, but she seems nice. About dancing - I saw her many times on stage before and she belongs there. She truly talented. Still some things didn't work out well for her. I guess that it's because she's still in the start after a too long brake. There is no other reason which have sense... At least nothing else have no sense to me. She still didn't take the hardest class since coming back, maybe accept once or twice. Ilan had few problems as well when Orna's problems seemed to vanish. About him - I think that got too much to his head that it's too hard for him since we started the Clasico EspaƱol. Well, we moved over since. We started a siguiryia with castanets few weeks ago. He still got into that there are things which are difficult for him. Oh dear... He needs someone to shake him up and remind him what he can do (which is a lot). 

We have in the new siguiryia a thing that we already work on the standing. We have a part that some of us make some steps, others does other things by this time. At this part - I'm like the other Orna. Ilan takes the other part. This time we stopped for a while and while more to see who makes which part and where do we stand. We made a practice on the last part that we make it different, and the few steps before. My first real embarrassing mistake. First time we worked on it I was too hurry to make the part of some of us make while others do something different. Mijal noticed and was pretty shouting that it still the part that all of us do together. I was looking at her. Yeah, her eyes were on me...... But still with a smile. A girl that two weeks ago almost ran over me at the entrada has been asked to move over pretty next to me and the other Orna, but the front, just for it will make sense with the choreography. Only once she noticed that she's in the front of me too much and moved over. It took for a moment. After two or three steps she was hiding me again. Generally she moved over too much and at few moments she got in the front of the other Orna and few times got too close to Ilan. 

Few more steps at the siguiryia. Some we learned earlier. My friend came and looked. We've been asked to start all over from the very beginning. Ilan moved over to the other line. When we danced once or twice all from the start - my friend was shouting that it's a beautiful dance and it's great for stage. In case someone didn't hear it - she was shouting it again. And we made a practice that the last steps so far we'll do in couples. The girl who hides us left alone so far. Ilan with the other Orna, I'm with a kid that has started at this studio recently. She seemed a bit shy from it. I have no problem with her. 

Taking off the castanets. We had only few more minutes for end of class. And our buleria is more a practice now than learning some new steps. Mijal asked us what do we want to do next, if we want a new buleria, a new palo or should we do all class siguiryia with castanets. The "ballerina" had something to say after all of us were thinking. I didn't notice what was her "wise" thing to say, I noticed mostly her laugh a moment after and her apology for being the only one who wants it. So, next week we'll have this buleria once again, but soon we may start a new tangos. Orna asked if it will be something completely new that she doesn't know yet. Mijal said that it will be. Orna was very pleased. 

We danced once or twice the buleria. After that we've been asked to stand in a circle for each time one will dance a part. It took me a little time cause the dog came to me. Mijal rushed me. The friend of the happy one who joined class at the buleria offered that the dog will be the first to dance. Well, the dog was in the middle anyway... My friend joined the circle. Ilan was the first brave to dance. He was at a thing of his own, so... Mijal stopped the music. She said that she doesn't want us to make improvisation. She wants us to make parts of the buleria we have, others will replace him and needs to know where did he stop. He started again. Mijal made a try to convince me to replace him. No.... By the way Moran wanted to dance. She made a part. Mijal joined her from time to time. Once again Mijal made a try to convince me to dance. No.... After that she made a try to convince some others to dance. All braves for this evening were dancing alone. She stopped the music and finished class for this time.

I stayed a little longer. A little talk, after that I was looking at Ilan, my friend and nice one practice parts of the dance they have at the class afterwards. I went a moment after their class has started. Once again - not many this time  

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