Friday, October 24, 2014

It isn't over yet (shoes' saga)

Well.... With the firm that Miguel was recommending me (Artefyl) is much more easier for buying, but looks like it will take some time. They did accept my order, but they won't hurry to start making me. I had an e-mail contact with someone from the firm (I think that the manager). It was outside the site. For a start - although the order itself has been accepted - the credit card was denying. I don't know how. But unlike the site of the other firm I was trying to get their shoes - they noticed it and still thinks that my order is important enough to figure out how to fix the payment. It's a part we know at both sides that payment should happen - they work for me, they should receive money for it, they need the order for go on as a firm and having some more work and money.  

And one more thing - the part of looking at legs' size for making the size of shoes is a bit different. She (the person I made the e-mails with) noticed that I wrote on the shoes' size something which fit more for kids. She sent me a link that I didn't notice for it. At the link there was an explaining about how to check the size of the legs. She said that I should use some help from others for it will be correct. 

Two little problems which cause my order takes a little more time, but it will be fixed. And at least I have someone from the other side that I can talk with.... Now I'm mostly nervous with how long it will take to fix all up. I have a feeling that I will receive my new beautiful flamenco shoes after my birthday. For my getting close birthday I want a new couple. It's about time to have a new couple. And as far as all those years I had two couples - one couple for few years, Menkes all those years, the same model all the time, black all the time... It's about to renew my shoes. There are so many colours and there are some more good firms (although I have NO complains for the amazing black Menckes I had and still have). And just to get something new - so much energy and so many problems. Now it's a heart attack for me, but I'm sure that in the moment I will receive the shoes I will forget how much I hated the ordering part. And the fact that I start to think that maybe I could do the order at the first firm with the first shoes I wanted, and about those I will have at the end - I start to wonder if maybe I should order in colours which will look less weird. In another thought - I was choosing colours which I love accept black and probably no one could think of this combination of colours accept me...

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