Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tablao flamenco - September 2014

This time the dancers were Mijal Natan, Moran Ron and Hadas Nestel.
The musicians were Ofir Atar (guitar) and Shuky Shveiky (sinning),

I came not much after doors opening. Until I got in - two gays came after me and made everyone know that they're a couple. One of them didn't like the place. Eyal came with a camera and got in. I missed my chance to say hello to all, At least got to see some of the girls from the company who didn't come to dance at the show. And Ofir. At this kind of shows there are not many of my fellows. Too many weirdos this time. The gays took the place I usually sit at. I took a place next to them. A guy with a video camera and one more camera next to me. One more girl who's probably his assistant. They got too much on me for too many times, mostly her. I noticed Ilan. He wasn't suppose to come, but somehow he decided to come at the last moment and got in. I called him. He came to the balcony and talked with me for a bit. He almost stayed to sit with me. A friend of the gays already wanted the place he meant to sit at. He got down at the end. I went after him, talked a bit more and made it to wish luck to Mijal. When I got back to my place - the friend pushed my place more to the cameras. Great...... Who wants to die?

The show itself has started with a martinete. Both were wearing pants. I didn't know this dance before. Most of it they were dancing to the audience, but in few parts they danced to each other together. I really loved what they did. Ayelet made palmas all the martinete.

Later on - Mijal was dancing a taranto. If I remember correct - this dance was a part of an old show of her company. Still looked so beautiful. Shuky made the palmas. Near the end it looked a bit like a try to communicate better with Ofir and Shuky. Has been made elegant. I guess that those who don't do it all the time didn't notice. 

Next part. Ayelet got back for the palmas. Hadas was dancing an alegria that she made herself = from the choreography to dancing. This girl has lots of talent. The audience was pleased (enough to hear the hands claps). Only one problem: what the hell was the red shining thing that she was wearing?

Intermission. Eyal had enough and went away. I hope that soon I will have some photos he took till this part. 

Second part. Moran was dancing a solea. Not only a solea - the solea that I learn now once a week. Few things looked a bit different, but it is the same dance. And some more that I still didn't learn. So much elegance. And now I could see it from the side. I could be proud to learn this thing. Such an amazing dance! And I wasn't the only one who loved it. And talking about weirdos.... I could see most of audience at the studio. Ayelet made some jaleo from her place. I saw two getting old women who started to look to the side of Ayelet like she was doing something bad. It took them too long to relax, mostly to one of them. 

One short musical part. 

Go on. Vlada came to make the palmas. Moran and Hadas came together and dance tangos. A bit of together - to audience and to each other, some as solos. Moran was the first to dance a full letra alone. I know the letra! One of the letras I learned last year at the studio of Neta, the one which the easiest for me to remember the words! And as far as it's Moran, as far as it's a show of Mijal's company - the dancing looked so different from the way I can dance it. Hadas had a different letra which I didn't know before. And shorter. The whole tango was too short for me. Fun things finish too fast. And as far it's this palo - Moran finally had also a chance to smile at this show. 

Mijal made the next part. She was dancing cantiñas. Well, she even started to dance a moment before she got up to stage. Just stood there in the front of stage and made hands' part. The stage has steps in the sides. Mijal didn't go there. She stepped up through the part in the middle of stage were she was standing. I didn't see this dance before for sure. One more fun part which seem to finish too fast. 

End of show. Bow downs. Fin la fiesta. Whoever wants to come can, even just for palmas. Didn't fit me to come. I couldn't understand why didn't Ilan do it. Accept performers of the night = most were girls from Mijal's company - girls who made palmas or just came.  One who wasn't a part was Aya. She isn't at this company or studio. The first to dance was Ofir. A bit he made a try to get Shuky into it. Ofir replaced Shuky in sinning. OK, who's next? Till Mijal almost pulled someone - Aya got in. Bare foot again. She always do it without any shoes. And dancing? Well, I guess that yesterday the arak took a part for loving her. This time I stopped to like her again. Vlada was next to dance. Elegant. Shuky got back sinning. Hadas mada a part. I could see a lot of the buleria that I learn at the last months. Ayelet made something different. The steps and style were new to me, she still made it amazing. After her - Ofir was sinning again. Shuky danced something funny. Mijal signed all to maka a salida. 

I made a try to say goodbye to the fellows who were on stage. I made it with some. Ilan could walk home with me, I still wanted at least that we'll go out together. He was hurry. Just a short conversation out. 

Well, hope that it wasn't too weird. I had two full long days and I should go to sleep 

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