Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Please help

I hare to ask for it. As far as I try to promote flamenco in this blog more than myself - I need to promote the blog itself.  The sharing that people did for me without my request was amazing. Sharing through Google + helped me a lot so far. Tonight I used it a lot, probably a bit too much for Google. Now it makes me some problems - in case it does the share at Google + - it's after a war and not as large as I used to. Please help me. Share the blog (or at least posts of it). Facebook, Twitter or Google +. In case you're taking a part of this certain part - please send a comment the management. I did it more than once and still didn't help.

Thank for your time. In case you're about to help me - I already thank you for your help

A photo by Eyal Hirsch


  1. Lo tengo en favoritos, una sección que se llama "Blogs que sigo", cada vez que pones algo nuevo aparece en primer lugar en mi blog, pero yo no tengo cuentas en redes sociales como twitter o facebook, así que lamento no poder compartirlo. Un saludo.

  2. Muchas gracias. Hago mucho en Facebook, yo tengo Twitter para este, pero Google + ayuda mucho tambien. Llego muchos mas personas con este.......
