Thursday, September 11, 2014

It ain't over till it's over

So, the saga with Neta wasn't over yet. 

I'm still at the Facebook group of her studio like others who finished their being at her studio. This morning I saw a video that the assistant uploaded to the group. Neta was showing a bit of buleria. Last year I wasn't ready yet to leave although I didn't really want to go on. A year before - I still didn't dare to think about it seriously (and better that I went two years ago - I learned some new things and my friendship with Ilan became very close). When I saw the video it made me feel nothing. Maybe a bit of happiness that I'm not there any longer. I don't need it and I don't want it. I already know another studio where I'm happy to go to. And Neta's dance didn't amaze me this time as it use to. Ilan made the palmas at the video. He's doing this class while I'm dancing solea at the studio of Mijal. Meeting on Mondays at the studio of Mijal. Well, not Monday next week because of a show of Mijal (sorry, don't have enough details). I told him this Monday that till we meet again I'll send him some photos that he won't forget me. He's so cute. He said that he can't forget me - no matter if he want it or not. No one can, 

Later on  today I noticed something that the Russian girl published in a Facebook group for Israeli flamenco lovers. Not mine cause it isn't for Israelis only and probably because I could delete it. Not even at the group of the "the great dancer" from the south. I don't know why. She wrote something about tonight in another city, a city I know cause it isn't too far from Tel Aviv and I had my years of brake from living at Tel Aviv at this city. Tonight will be a lecture of Neta, free class and a show that she will give to bloggers. Really? How didn't I know about it? I asked Ilan if he's about to perform. He asked me where. At this show... He will and asked me if I'm invited. No, I'm not invited. Neta won't see me as a blogger no matter what and although she had so many options to know about this blog. Anyway, after all I had with her personally - I don't want to come for the other city for seeing her and write about it. In case of Ilan it's different - when he finally will have his own show I want to sit in the first row. 

I'm not invited? Never mind. I don't want to spend another evening on Neta, mostly not in another city and mostly not when she would like me to write how amazing she is. Maybe one day I will see her again in a show at Tel Aviv, but it won't be now and not this way. She thinks I owe her. Well, I don't have a problem to write about her, but my writing these days will be more about that I had enough from her. 

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