Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Second class in a row which doesn't happen because of a show. OK, Mijal and her company deserve it. I know that she's fair with with me on the price when it happen. And this time I received one thing in replace. I got a ticket to the theater. I saw a play which depand on the production if it's good or bad. This production is amazing. 

Got back home. I took my dog for his night walk. After getting into Facebook I noticed something which doesn't suppose to make me angry, but.... I don't need to see it and don't want to see it. Last week was an evening for invited only. Neta made it for bloggers. I have a wild guess to know who wasn't invited. I found out about it that day because of the Russian girl needed to tell about it to the worls, never mind that not all could come. Was it a try to hurt me or is she really stupid? And even I was invited - after all I had with Neta personally (although I told about it here) - I didn't want to come anyway and give her this attention. Of course it was for publicity and I had enough of giving her publicity. Se also took Ilan and Andrue to make a little show with her that evening. Now she was uploading some photos from there. A kid who took a part was the real star (as she said). The photos.... If she wants her publicity made well - she could have some better photos. I guess it was one of the "wonderful" bloogers who got invited? I didn't hear before on this blogger, and if she use photos at this level in her blog - I can understand why didn't I hear about her before. 

And of course - one of the bloggers wrote that she didn't dare to dance at the part which Neta asked for - it was wonderful. Yeah. And if Neta finally understand that I'm a blogger (after all chances that she had) - she probably knows that now I can't write about her any more that she's wonderful  

A photo by Eyal Hirsch
From my last time with Neta's studio

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