Friday, September 12, 2014

And stories.....

Another crazy day. I went to the juerga. It was nice, but weird to me. And I couldn't stay for long. My niece had her birthday, my sister made a full production for celebrating, the biggest part was today and I needed to be there. 

I have some stories, but too tired to tell it now. I need to take a little rest. It will wait for tonight or to the morning. Have some photos, but the battery of my camera is dead and I make it alive again. I will download the photos to my PC tonight. After that - photos and stories will come. 

The juerga was for celebrating the new year at the studio Pasito and celebrating their new web site. I was looking at their new site when I was waiting to the juerga itself will start. I have the link. The site has been made wonderful. I know that  Michal Bratt who opened this studio is a talented dancer and some more people that she took for teaching there are talented as well. Feel free to look:

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