Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What a day...

I wasn't sure if I will write now about the class. Well, too many things and I changed my mind. I have what to write and I got the muse (as it looks like). I'm apologize it isn't as it used to be. It includes a lot of before and after. I went to dance at the studio of Mijal and I will stay to dance there for a long time - unless something wrong will happen (hopefully not). Still - things at the studio of Neta didn't end yet, and things with Ilan confuse me again.

Don't get me wrong. Ilan is still one of my best friend and looks like he's about to stay this way. About Neta - I learned a lot from her at the years I spent at her studio. I respect her for that. Most of time I enjoyed, this is the reason I kept going to her, most of years...  In many things I can't get out the connection - Ilan started to get deep into flamenco at the studio of Neta, so did I. I met him and became a friend of him at the studio and at the time he still walked home with me after classes. He started a year before me to go both studios - to the studio of Neta while start dancing as well at the studio of Mijal. He took a part for years at the company of Neta and he still dance with her, although he danced before also with others and at least for one show he was one member of Mijal's company.

Last week Ilan and me had one evening with one more friend of his who become also a friend of mine (as I feel it). Three of us had a good time. By the way after meeting I told Ilan about an art exhibition I'm about to go. A photographer who I love her style and I know a bit personally about to have a new exhibition and I wanted to go to the opening. I offered him to come with me. At the start he said that he may come, I just need to remind him. In between we met at the studio, a thing which started well and finished weird. The opening  was at Thursday. I remind him that day. He said that he won't come because of a weekend vacation which he start that day. By the way I remind him some ideas we had before to spend some time together. He said that he doesn't want to see me after the hours of the studio because I'm from the flamenco and he doesn't want to see any flamencos at his free time. By the way - I have too many demands. We had a little fight. I went alone to the exhibition. I hate when those fights happen! Last night I made a try to contact him for asking about his vacation (I have a feeling it was only a story, I noticed too much activity on Facebook...). By the way I wrote him about the exhibition (by the way - I recommend to check out about Rinat Schnadower. She's an amazing artist and her new exhibition is unique as she can make it). And I told about other things. No respond. 

Last night the Russian girl from Neta's studio wrote all that she's about to help Neta and do for her the marketing. She wrote about Neta's site in case we wish to write why did we start at this studio and send a photo. I did it years ago before when Neta opened this site. I didn't get into the other link. This morning I got in to see the other link. That's a site I never heard before. I noticed photo from the last rehearsal of last year, a phot from the alegria with manton. OK, so I'm not in a position which people can see me well, but I'm there. I paid for having this photo! And I can't use it without to ask Neta before. No one asked me if I accept to pay for marketing Neta! I did promote her before and didn't ask for a thing in return. I wrote back to the Russian girl and asked why didn't Neta ask if we accept to have it there. The Russian girl said that Neta didn't ask her to upload this photo, she did it herself. I bagged her to remove the photo. She said that she will, but it's still there. 

This afternoon Neta wrote to all the studio if we accept to have our photos for marketing. I asked her if it isn't too late to ask, the Russian girl already started using our photos without to ask. I already asked her to remove a photo because of it. A long writing with both of them. Mostly with the Russian girl. I don't mind that the photo that I gave to Neta's site will stay there, but any other photo of mine is not allowed for promotion. The Russian girl had her stupid stories why did she upload it from the first place, Neta said that she didn't even know about it and the Russian girl told her things as well.  Still - if it disturb me so much (and it is) - she will ask the Russian girl to remove it. By the way the Russian girl continued with stupid stories while trying to make me look like the fool. At least before it I asked Neta about this year photos and video. She offered me to come to her for it, never mind she's living out side the city. I asked her to send my copy through Ilan or my friend. She accepted. I wrote both of them that it will be so and now also Neta knows that. By the way - the Russian girl is rude. Ilan made a try to tell me it isn't that bad... Right! But I make him tired. Let's finish it. Me - meeting at the studio?

At the studio - weird. Again, no class before. Mijal was talking with a guitar player. Looked like before a show.THe dog was there, walked after me when I got up. Ilan was up at the balcony. He was the only one who came to learn so far. We were talking like we had no fight. He finished to change and went down to the studio. The nice one from Neta's studio came and was talking with him. I made a try to be a part of the conversation from changing at the balcony. The nice one got up and said that now she knows who's voice it was. I finished and got down. I told Ilan that the evening I spent with him and his friend last week was a pleasure to me, the things which came later worry me. He asked me why. What was that fight and not willing to see me? He said it's only a time like this. It's a time with stress for him. 

One more girl came. She started to ask the nice one about her pregnancy. Only then I dared to ask as well. She's at the middle of 5th month. I asked if she knows if it's a boy or a girl. I know, isn't much, but because I never was pregnant it's the thing which makes me curious the most. 

The class has started with four students. Castanets' warming with the most basic thing. Then Mijal said that she wants to teach us something new. Go on with the castanets. Some new steps. At the start it was a bit confusing cause it's new and includes the castanets. After that - mostly to remember the order of it was the big problem. The "ballerina" came. When she finished to change - she came to stand next to me and didn't stop getting too close to me. The new steps became a part of a dance. Mijal said that we will try it also with music. After once we did. I asked her if it's the Clasico Español. She said it could be. No, I mean - is it a part of our dance of Clasico Español? She said it isn't. She started to work earlier that day with her company about a fandango. Not the flamenco version to fandango but the classic version which came before. She noticed it's easy and she thought we could enjoy it. I don't know about the others - but I enjoyed it. OK, maybe accept that the "ballerina" got stuck too close to me. Few more times with music. That's fast... The nice one of this studio also came, but she mostly looked when she was inside the studio. When we almost finished this part - also the friend of happy one came. 

Taking off the castanets. What kissing has started there... 

Moving on to the buleria. A short practice on latest moves and having one little thing more. Dancing all. My friend came. For a while she looked from the balcony, but later on she came to watch down, next to the dancing floor. Dancing again and again the buleria. After few times Mijal asked Ilan to dance one certain llamada alone. After that - each has been asked to do alone. The girl who asked for the pregnancy and the "ballerina" didn't accept, but the rest made a try and has been told how to make it better. I was the last. Mijal asked me if I want to try alone. I said that I will try. Mijal asked me again and again if I want to try alone. I accept the challenge. Then she said that Ilan will dance with me. He came closer to me. I said that Ilan doesn't want to dance with me. He said that he does, he came for it! Mijal said that she asked him to dance with me and it isn't a democracy. I noticed that all other girls smiled and made a try not to laugh. Fine, if they want to. We made it. Mijal looked mostly at Ilan anyway and didn't have anything to fix anyway. Once more all of us to dance all the buleria. We've been told it wasn't bad. 

After class a conversation. The friend of the happy one have a beautiful skirt. Now she's been asked from where did she get it. Well. she was buying the fabrics and someone made it to her as a mix of two different models of skirts. The "ballerina" have a skirt that she was buying from Neta. She and my friend said what's wrong with the clothes of Neta. It wasn't me this time... And about that Ilan had nothing to say. After a while it were four students again. I don't remember if the I was the only one who stayed and didn't mean to stay for the other class. Shoes and things like this.. A moment after - Ilan and me started talking about things with no connection to flamenco. It was over when Mijal forgot who else accept Ilan and my friend dance at the class after. She asked if it will be a class for two. 

Their class has started. I went to change. Before leaving I stopped next to the door just to see who's notice. The friend of the happy one did and signed for goodbye. All looked at me. At the end - accept my friend said goodbye.

Coming back home and go on with e-mails. The Russian girl use photos without to ask and without to think (she didn't have a problem to say many times that she didn't think), it didn't disturb her to say that I have too much poison, I'm rude and she did nothing wrong. Yeah, right. A real saint... By the way Neta said again that the Russian girl did without to ask and without she will know about it. I told also to Neta that I have no problem to save the photo I gave to her for her site,  but any other photo... And I told her the reason. And now also Neta is angry because she may use the video, and I could be there for few seconds with all the studio because I was there. She won't agree to hear a "no" after all those years and all she gave me. I must accept that she will use the video. Great. Couldn't be any better. 

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