Monday, August 11, 2014

The classes after end of year show

I'll try to write. A new week and I still didn't write about it. Still I went out without to plan it, drank a bit and... Really tired again. 


Came running. Enough to change, but... Going up to the balcony. The girl from men's class was there. I was wondering where is Ilan. After few more stairs I noticed that he took a whole couch to sleep there. OK, not really sleeping, but he made a try. I kinda disturbed him. Got into the loo for a moment and already went down to the studio. I changed fast enough to see the very end of the other class. When it was over I went for a moment to Mijal. She said that she needs to bring me my money back. Luis de Luis has been cancel his coming, so no workshop.Yeah, I did get all back, but damn - no workshop! 

A bit more time for talking till our class has started. Our warming was with the drills of castanets as usual to those classes. Taking it off and started working on the latest steps we learned of the Clasico Español. And some new steps. We danced all of it with music few times. We had the chance to dance it as couples. Most found a couple. Only the me and the girl from men's class were standing alone. I came to her, but she wanted to stay alone. I made a try to dance alone, but watching others do most of it as couples a bit confused me. I still made it to the opposite side from time to time because of it. We made few rounds like this before moving on.

Moving on to the buleria. Few more steps and dancing all again and again. Not all were ready for it when Mijal let the music on. Once it seemed like I was ready and started well - just because of the smile I received. 

My friend came only when our class has finished. She went to talk with the "ballerina". Ilan was looking for some sugar. He asked hakf the studio if we have some candies to give him. No one had. At my case - maybe some chocolates. No. Any candy? No. A frozen pizza? WHAT????? He wanted something to eat THAT much till he said that he won't mind even for a frozen pizza. Fine, remind me next week week and I'll bring you a frozen pizza......

My friend finished to talk with the "ballerina" only when their class meant to start. I told her that I don't remember if I thanked her for helping me with the hair before the show. She smiled and went to dance. I went to change and back home.


Running again and coming at the last moment. Few more came this way too. I came in to the path with them. What a happiness of them! The who used to be next to me came back.  Ofir was there too for playing the guitar and sing. 

When our class has started - Ofir was out, so we made some legs' warming of drills. We didn't do those drills for a long time, I forgot most of it. I looked a lot on Ayelet for it although she was at the other side of the studio. I thought in the start it's only at my head, but when we finished it few others said that they forgot it. 

Ofir got back in and we started dancing our solea. Starting with a reminder of last steps. At the middle Ofir noticed me for saying hello. And learning some new steps. We stepped at the moment Mijal noticed we missed part of getting into the beat of solea. Where does it come? One step few could say, the other steps - few said it's on 8. She said it isn't. No one had on mind another answer. She asked Ayelet to dance it. It was on 5. Mijal said that she doesn't mind if we will come to dance and sweat, but she wants us to know what are we dancing. It finished by saying that if we can't feel it - it's her failure as a teacher. OK, going on and learning some more. I noticed that at one moment Ofir noticed my foot. It was weird to me cause I'm not used to that guitar players notice my foot when I dance in a group. They usually rather look at others. 

At the end - learning some more and more new steps, but we didn't dance all the solea from start to the end. And there was a try to work on a new part of moving on to solea por buleria. Mijal made a try to work on it with Ofir. It took a little time because they weren't clear one to each other this time. Mijal sent Ayelet again for showing her meaning, it helped for the moment Ayelet was dancing. And another long try. Let's see how it will be next class..... 

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