Monday, August 18, 2014

Last classes

OK, looks like I have no muse lately to write about the ordinary classes. I had so much to tell this week and I had no energy. Now I don't remember all. I'll write this time shortly about last two classes, let's see if those stories will go on at the close weeks or take a brake. I'm sure I'll miss it one day, but it's been too long that I hardly do this part at the blog. Photos, updates about shows and workshops will go on as usual. In case I won't miss any myself - at least for those stories I just need the time... 


When I came in - at the path Mijal went out with her dog. I said I noticed that someone was missing at class before. Inside there was no class. Very few of my class came already. Ilan and the girl from men's class couldn't tell me why didn't happen the class before, but there was no class that Monday before us. Bit by bit came to our class. Mijal came back with her dog. The dog came to me and again - I was busy petting the dog more than changing. This time - accept the teacher the only professional dancer was Ilan. Didn't happen before... 

Class has started with castanets warming. Later on - taking it off and practice latest moves of the Clasico Español. It includes a repeating circle which fit more ballet than flamenco. And the "ballerina" wasn't there (or too small to notice)... As far as we all didn't make it perfect - we made a long practice only about this circle. All of us as a group made it again and again to each side of the studio. I don't remember how did it start, but once we stopped at the edge and Mijal said that we must lift all up. FINE! So not all is possible to lift up like women breasts... We all laughed. Looked like Ilan checked my respond. One who has little ones said that she doesn't need any lift up of her own. Another said that each one has what god gave. Yeah, right... Went on few more circles smiling. When we finished I told Ilan it was difficult. He said it is. Mijal told us that she wants us to do it well because of the base in ballet cause it helps any other kind of dance, no matter if it's ballet, modern, jazz or flamenco. 

We went on with the dance of Clasico Español. A bit of dancing all we have so far, a bit of new steps as well. Mijal said she did this dance before with her company (did I miss anything or did I forget?). She said it was with some changes. With her company she did it more complicated, with us she changed some steps for we'll enjoy the process and learn from it. 

Moving on to the buleria. Again - a bit of practice, a bit of new. While one brake to clear things - the dog came to me again and was sitting next to my legs. Mijal asked the dog if she loves me. Dancing again. I was afraid I'll hurt the dig. She went away. 

After class Ilan didn't want to talk with me. He's between classes and I disturb. He went to practice, I went to change. Fine, at least the drinking at the evening before was after he invited me and another friend of his asked me to continue with them. 


This time - there was a class before. At the path Moran made a practice on the solea. She stopped for a moment to say hello. Hey, where have been? She wasn't there for a while. She told me that she was abroad. I like her, still I wasn't sure if it will be too nosey to ask where abroad. I just said that it's fun for her. She smiled. I got it. This time there was a class before and Ofir was there again to play and sing. The dog of Mijal came to say hello. She didn't want much to my hands, but at the end she came to my hands. I took her up to the balcony and was putting her on the floor there. Mijal smiled this time without jealousy when she noticed it. Again - dogs.... Busy petting more than changing. I came on time, I almost missed the start just because I was busy petting the dog. 

Warming and dancing. A long practice on some parts, once dancing all. Few more steps. Do we have more time for all? Danced all again. And once again just second letrs

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