Friday, July 4, 2014

The weekly classes


A class at the studio of Mijal. When I came few minutes before class meant to start - Ilan was outside with his phone, watching videos and take a practice with it. Few hours before I warned him that we need to talk. Looks like that between the party and this class I stressed him a bit by mistake. I needed to make it clear to him that I didn't mean it. He's one of my best friends, I hate to fight with him. Few minutes were enough to make all clear. he told me that I ave one minute to be ready. I got in and changed as fast as I could. Still class didn't start on time as it usually happen, so... No stress. Two women came, one looked familiar but I couldn't remember from where. She came with her little baby and a woman who meant to take care for the baby when mummy dance.... The baby at the studio made everyone smile, but didn't let mummy dance much.

When class has started we made many drills with castanets, some were new and some we already started when we've been told that next thing at this class will be Clasico Español. After drills - Mijal asked us to take off our castanets. She said that not all Clasico Español must come with castanets. It's a stigma to think it must be with castanets like some people thinks that flamenco must come with castanets. She was choosin us some music. She said that it isn't the best music, but if we'll like it - she would like to take at least some of us for a project with it, but if we won't like it she will give up the project with us and change the music. I'm not sure which project it is, she didn't say. I have only guesses at my head. I still have a feeling that I would be happy to take a part at this project (I really should tell her, but...).

There was a thought if we'll do our new dance at couples or groups. So, two groups. Mijal still dance with us. Ilan and me at the same group with Ayelet and we start. I hardly remember who else was with us...Mijal mostly with us, but danced also with the others. At the other group - Moran, Hadas, the looking girl, one girl who I still not sure about her name (not her fault, did nothing wrong), and the familiar one as long as the baby let her. We still had a part of getting into couple. As far as both groups got closer to each other - I found myself in a trio with the looking girl and the girl I don't know her name. The familiar one went to feed her baby and relax him. Ilan became a trio with Hadas and the girl who I don't know her name. Mijal told them how to do it. I stayed with the looking girl. Every time we made the couples I made a try to ignore. Don't pa attention to her, behave like you don't know her.... Just dance. 

We made one more try on the escuela bolera. This time I didn't have a dramatic horrible finale, but Mijal took my right hand and said I took it too behind my body. Never do it again. 

Few more minutes for the buleria. Most of us forgot at the party to do a little thing there. We made a practice on it. Dancing all the buleria twice. A little more practice on some more little things for the end of class. 

Talking a bit with my friend who came and a bit with Ilan. One more guy came. Ilan went to talk with him. Just signing that I'm about to go. 


A class at the studio of Neta. The gate for the studio I dislike was closed. I opened my phone and started walking to the studio I do like. No message from Neta. I called Ilan. He still didn't come, was with the Russian girl who needed to tell me the if the gate it closed - I need to go to the studio we were last week. No.... Will you remind me where it is? I used to dance there only two or three years before we moved to the small horrible studio.... I gave the assistant money for tickets and photography at the end of year show. I went to the loo. Ilan and the non clean one (where is the Russian?) came. Where do I go? Dark there. A woman complained to me. I told her I don't know where to open it, I don't work there. Doesn't matter to her. She still complained. I came to the loo. I couldn't see where to open there the lights. A ring fell and my shoulder got stuck in something. The non clean one came. The biggest problem is her hygiene, but she's a good person. She offered her help. I found my ring, she still stayed to watch out the door for I could do it with door open. And, she doesn't need the same help from me. 

Andrue was there to play to us. We started with shooting the tangos together. Little mistakes which made us start it over and over again. At least once or twice it was Neta who got confused. There is a piano. Neta was leaving there a bottle with her water. The assitant pulled it to the floor and all water on the floor.  Solos. I was at the start. It was difficult but felt well. I heard too many things behind. I signed for salida. Neta started to shout on me that I won't step on the water. I stopped and I was shouting back that I'm not stepping on it. Neta signed the part with the water. Salida. It took me a little time to take my head back for thinking of the dancing. Still made it somehow. Neta didn't have anything to say for good or bad. Others needed a little fixing. 

First round ended. OK, Neta said that Shuky who will sing to us won't be able to come to the last rehearsal at the studio, a day before the show. The Russian girl got pissed off. Any other ideas? The name of Yael ran out. Neta said that Yael accepted only if she will sing to Neta and no one else at the show, it isn't the idea of our show, so.... My friend offered Eti to sing to us cause she sings like a gipsy. At my head she sounds more like the flamenco version of Janis Joplin, but in two options it complements for Eti. Neta said that Eti doesn't have enough  experience. I'm not sure about it, but I won't start this argue at class, one month before end of year show. What's next? I was worry cause we didn't do the siguiryia last week and it started to be the time for siguiryia. My friend said it's more important with the tangos cause it's about us, the siguiryia is a closed dance. Neta said that we didn't do last week the siguiryia and we still didn't finish it, but if we're worried about the tangos - one fast round of solos without to stop. The Russian girl was still angry about that Shuky won't come to that rehearsal, so she didn't want another round. She went away. Neta ran after her to the dressing room. The snobbish woman made a ropund while Neta was still at the dressing room. My friend sent me to be next. Neta got back. I still had on mind the conversation a moment before and the siguiryia we meant to start dancing.... I made my sole and it worked out somehow, but it felt like it came much harder than first round. The Russian girl still hanged around and looked for something till most of us made our second round. The non clean one was last. At her salida I heard my friend sing one thing very stron, from the other side I heard Neta sings something else. Each ear of mine hear something else at a high volume. I couldn't know what to do. I started to laugh. My friend understood what happened but it didn't make her stop.  

Moving on to the siguiryia. We danced all. A little mess. It took a little time till all remembered from where to start by our show standing. Ilan missed a lot of time, so even the videos didn't helped enough. he went to stand in the side. Neta made him dance whatever he can. At the end he joined us. The end of we all do in a circle made a little mess too. Where do all stand... And getting back there for another practice. 

Another practice on my friend's solo. And go on. I'm next. The Non clean one after me, the snobbish woman next. Ilan will have the last solo with something complicated. We will need to "pick him up" for the salida. Neta said it will be like bulls' fight when decided to keep the bull alive. I took a video of Neta dance my solo, I made videos of Neta do with the others their solos. It has been uploaded to our Facebook group. For my solo - Ilan signed "like", he received some comments accept likes from other girls. 

At end of class Ilan asked Neta to have at least one private lesson to repeat the parts which he still doesn't know well. Changing. Ilan checked if he can get into the dressing room. The snobbish woman asked me if I finished. I said that I don't but I don't mind that Ilan will get in cause I'm not shy with him. He got in, got out and left the door open while my pants down. Hey, I don't mind that Ilan will see me this way, I don't have anything against Andreu, but it doesn't mean that I want Anreu to see me this way...! I still had some time to ask Ilan what does he think about the time I was dancing solos with tangos. He said it looks good, mostly first time. 

I got out with Ilan and the girls. A bit more practice outside and the little street next to the studio. Somehow my friend started to complain that I don't sing. Ilan marked at me that what about the great singer. And all (maybe accept the snobbish woman) said that I don't do jaleo. Hey, does anyone do to me? They said that yes, they do me jaleo all the time. Ilan didn't let me respond. He said that it's better I won't sing, I must start do jaleo. I finally could say something. I said that I stopped sinning at the second salida of the non clean one, and even then it was because of what I heard. My friend at least said that I'm right about that. Great... 

Videos at our group, Ilan got his solo also at private to his e-mail


came again too much at the last moment. Lia brought her dog. I was busy for a while of playing with the dog till I went to change. The man from Mijal's company who started this class came. I din't hear the reason, but he was screaming it on Mijal why didn't he come to the party. He asked her if she really thought he won't come without a reason. The familiar came back without her baby. Ofir came to play and sing, but this time he didn't notice me all class. 

We made our regular warming. It was a bit difficult to all of us cause last week we didn't do it, and it looks like most of us had a lot since. So many fixings and doing it again and again.It took me a little time to notice that Ayelet wasn't there. I'm so used to see her at the studio till something at my mind was sure that she's there. Someone who's always behind has been asked to come to the front instead of Ayelet. 

We started to work on the solea. Dancing all over and over again. And many new steps. We will remember it to next week, don't we?

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